An extension to the Raphael Vector Library.
Currently it provides the following shapes:
- polygon (throw in raw SVG polygon string)
- n-gon
- star
Basic usage:
// Creates canvas 800 × 500 at 10, 10
var paper = Raphael(10, 10, 800, 500);
Add a polygon
// Creates an polygon
var raw_poly = "47.013,30.086 0.087,45.24 49.609,26.648 50.346,17.421 63.277,21.084 110.657,0.228";
var polygon = paper.polygon(50, 60, raw_poly);
Update an polygon
// Updates the polygon
var new_poly = "47.013,30.086 0.087,45.24 49.609,26.648 50.346,17.421 63.277,21.084 110.657,0.228 69.127,21.084 97.674,17.421 59.075,26.648 29.338,45.24";
ngon.sett("points", new_poly);
Add a hexagon
// Creates an n-gon at x 50 and y 60 with radius 100 and 6 sides
var ngon = paper.ngon(50, 60, 100, 6);
Update an n-gon
// Updates the n-gon to have 5 edges
ngon.sett({ points: 5 });
// or
ngon.sett("points", 5);
Add a star
// Creates a star at x 200 and y 60 with inner radius 50, outer radius 100 and 9 points
var star =, 60, 50, 100, 9);
Update a star
// Updates the star to have 11 points, inner radius 40 and outer radius 120
star.sett({ points: 11, r1: 40, r2: 120 });
Retrieve the settings of a shape
var type = star.setts.type;
var points = star.setts.points;
var radius = star.setts.r;
- This plugin is still under development
- It requires the Prototype JS library
- writing tests
- testing with sets
- adding cross
- adding arrow
- animating with sett (morphing shapes)