Releases: michael-milette/moodle-filter_filtercodes
Releases · michael-milette/moodle-filter_filtercodes
FilterCodes Release 2.6.1 - 2024-10-11
What's New
- Fix compatibility bug with PHP 8.3
FilterCodes release 2.6.0 - 2024-10-07
What's New
- New {menulanguages} tag.
- New {keyboard}...{/keyboard} tag.
- New {menuwishlist} tag.
- New {sitelogourl} tag.
- New {ifprofile shortname is "value"}...{/ifprofile} tag.
- New {ifprofile shortname is ""}...{/ifprofile} tag.
- New {ifprofile shortname not "value"}...{/ifprofile} tag.
- New {ifprofile shortname not ""}...{/ifprofile} tag. Similar to {ifprofile_field_shortname} tag but can't be nested.
- New {ifprofile shortname contains "value"}...{/ifprofile} tag.
- New {ifprofile shortname in "value"}...{/ifprofile} tag.
- New {rawurlencode}...{/rawurlencode} tag.
- New {ifgrouping groupingid}...{/ifgrouping} tag.
- New {ifnotgrouping groupingid}...{/ifnotgrouping} tag.
- New {mygroupings} tag.
- New {ifnotincohort} tag.
- Fixed bug with ifactivitycompleted and ifnotactivitycompleted if activity does not exist.
- Fixed issue with %7Bcoursemoduleid%7D leaving % symbol behind.
- Fixed issue when {coursesummary} is used in a block.
- Link to External LTI now only available in Moodle 4.3+.
- Addressed compatibility issue with mod_hvp that prevents link to current theme settings from working.
- Refactoring in preparations for Moodle 4.5.
- Added more documentation to
- Fixed links and updated table of contents in
- The {thisurl_enc} tag is now compliant with RFC 3986.
- {categories0} tag now shows hidden categories if role has moodle/category:viewhiddencategories.
- {categories0menu} tag now shows hidden categories if role has moodle/category:viewhiddencategories.
- Fixed a couple of PHP 5.6 compatibility issues. Note that unit tests are still only compatible with PHP 7.1 and later.
- Fix-302: {qrcode} and {urlencode} not processed after replacement tags.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Moodle LMS 4.5.
FilterCodes release 2.5.1 - 2024-05-01
What's New
- New {menucoursemore} tag.
- New {iftheme}{/iftheme} tag.
- New {ifnottheme}{/ifnottheme} tag.
- New {alert border}{/alert} tag.
- New links to edit Advanced theme settings and current theme settings to {menuthemes} tag.
- {ALPHA} New {dashboard_siteinfo} tag. Work in progress - doesn't display correctly in all themes.
- GitHub actions workflow.
- {iftheme} tag now works even when at the beginning of a string.
- Refactored for compliance with Moodle coding guidelines.
- Small performance optimization.
- Corrected "Course: Badges" link in {menuadmin}.
- Updated PHP and Moodle compatibility in
- Fix-291: Escape tags now work reliably.
- Improved filtering of parameters for some tags.
- Improved detection of https protocol.
- Improved {ifmobile} tag detection.
- Improved error handling of the ifactivitycompleted tag.
- Improved error handling of the ifnotactivitycompleted tag.
- {getstring} tag now checks if string is deprecated before trying to load a string from the language pack.
- Reference to style guides in
- References to PHP and Moodle versions in bug reports.
- Removed support for Travis integration.
- Copyright notice to include 2024.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Moodle LMS 4.4.
- Tested for compatibility with PHP 8.3.
FilterCodes release 2.5.0 - 2024-04-24
What's New
- New {menucoursemore} tag.
- New {iftheme}{/iftheme} tag.
- New {ifnottheme}{/ifnottheme} tag.
- New {alert border}{/alert} tag.
- New links to edit Advanced theme settings and current theme settings to {menuthemes} tag.
- {ALPHA} New {dashboard_siteinfo} tag. Work in progress - doesn't display correctly in all themes.
- GitHub actions workflow.
- Small performance optimization.
- Corrected "Course: Badges" link in {menuadmin}.
- Updated PHP and Moodle compatibility in
- Fix-291: Escape tags now work reliably.
- Improved filtering of parameters for some tags.
- Improved detection of https protocol.
- Improved {ifmobile} tag detection.
- Improved error handling of the ifactivitycompleted tag.
- Improved error handling of the ifnotactivitycompleted tag.
- {getstring} tag now checks if string is deprecated before trying to load a string from the language pack.
- Reference to style guides in
- References to PHP and Moodle versions in bug reports.
- Removed support for Travis integration.
- Copyright notice to include 2024.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Moodle LMS 4.4.
- Tested for compatibility with PHP 8.3.
FilterCodes release 2.4.5 - 2024-04-23
What's New
- New {menuthemes} tag.
- New {sitename} tag.
- New {sitesummary} tag.
- New {ifminstudent} tag.
- {courseenddate} tag can now take an optional courseid parameter.
- {courseenddate} tag will now display strftime date formats.
- If the support page is blank, the {supportpage} tag will be blank instead of displaying the tag.
- If the support email is blank, the {supportemail} tag will display "Not available" instead of the tag.
- If the support name is blank, the {supportname} tag will display "Not available" instead of the tag.
- Fixed {preferredlanguage} tag if the system default language is a child language pack.
- Refactored for performance improvement performance. Enable more tags for embedding.
- Instructions for enabling filters in custom menu.
- {courseshortname} tag can now be used inside other tags.
- {teamcards} now lists users with selected roles in Site Administration > Appearance > Course > Course Contacts.
- Fixed issue where a tel: link was unexpectedly created in {teamcards}.
FilterCodes release 2.4.3 - 2023-11-20
What's New
- New {menuthemes} tag.
- New {sitename} tag.
- New {sitesummary} tag.
- New {ifminstudent} tag.
- {courseenddate} tag can now take an optional courseid parameter.
- {courseenddate} tag will now display strftime date formats.
- If the support page is blank, the {supportpage} tag will be blank instead of displaying the tag.
- If the support email is blank, the {supportemail} tag will display "Not available" instead of the tag.
- If the support name is blank, the {supportname} tag will display "Not available" instead of the tag.
- Fixed {preferredlanguage} tag if the system default language is a child language pack.
- Refactored for performance improvement performance. Enable more tags for embedding.
- Instructions for enabling filters in custom menu.
- {courseshortname} tag can now be used inside other tags.
- {teamcards} now lists users with selected roles in Site Administration > Appearance > Course > Course Contacts.
- Fixed issue where a tel: link was unexpectedly created in {teamcards}.
FilterCodes release 2.4.2 - 2023-10-25
What's New
- Fixed bug with rendering of coursecards in Moodle 3.10 and earlier.
FilterCodes release 2.4.1 - 2023-10-23
What's new
- New %7Bwwwroot%7D - alias for the {wwwroot} tag.
- Fixed: {coursecard}, {coursecards}, {mycoursescards} and {coursecardsbyenrol} now include visible courses without an end date.
- Fixed a failed PHPUnit test for {coursemoduleid}.
- Fix spacing for some failed CSS code checks.
- Tested compatible with PHP 8.2.
FilterCodes release 2.4.0 - 2023-10-22
What's new
- New %7Bwwwroot%7D - alias for the {wwwroot} tag.
- Support for FontAwesome v6 syntax including fa-solid and fa-brands. E.g. {fa-solid fa-user}.
- Fix-266: New {multilang}{/multilang} tag. Note: Depends on Moodle's
Multi-language content
filter. - Fix-198: Module level assigned roles detection to {ifcustomrole} and {ifnotcustomrole} tags.
- New {myccourses} tag.
- New {ifnotincourse}{/ifnotincourse} tags.
- New {coursecount students:active} tag.
- Fix-258: New {ifvisible} tag.
- New {supportservicespage} tag (for Moodle 4.2 and later).
- New {coursemoduleid} tag.
- Fix-261: New {courseimage-url} tag.
- New {chart progresspie} tag.
- Fix-187: New {coursecard} tag (not the same as {coursecards}).
- New {courseenrolmentdate} tag.
- (ALPHA) New horizontal layout setting for {coursecards}, {coursecardsbyenrol} and {mycoursescards} (affects all 3).
- (ALPHA) New table list layout setting for {coursecards}, {coursecardsbyenrol} and {mycoursescards} (affects all 3).
- Fix-251: New optional course ID parameter for {coursestartdate} tag.
- Alternative (alt) text to {qrcode} tag.
- Documented tags in the source code.
- Compatibility with Moodle 4.3.
- The {button} tag will now attempt to automatically strip HTML tags created by some other filters.
- Fixed profile pictures including user picture, gravatar and faceless avatar.
- {scrape} tag now automatically removes any HTML in case Moodle turned the URL into a link.
- Reordered tags to fix issues where some tags were not working or not being interpreted in the right order.
- Fix-271: Fixed issue with multiple static declarations.
- Fix-272: Fixed issue with {categorydescription} tag if it includes an embedded URL for image.
- Fix-274: Fixed issue creating {button} with {urlencoded}{shortcoursename}{/urlencoded}.
- Fix-273: Fixed several tags that were not being replaced.
- Fix-269: Fixed deprecation notice relating to trim() function in PHP 8.1.
- Fix-241: You may now optionally specify a space-delimited list of category ID(s) in the {mycoursescards} tag.
- Git now ignores .patch files.
- Fix-256: The {courseid} and %7Bcourseid%7D tags can now be embedded in other tags.
- Fix-256: The {coursemoduleid} and %7Bcoursecontextid%7D tags can now be embedded in other tags.
- Fix-256: The {coursecontextid} and %7Bcoursecontextid%7D tags can now be embedded in other tags.
- Fix-256: The {coursemoduleid} and %7Bcoursemoduleid%7D tags can now be embedded in other tags.
- Fixed display of Course Cards Layout list of settings.
- Addressed some PHP 8.1 compatibility warnings.
- Some tags are now disabled if they do not meet Moodle and PHP version requirements.
- Fix-253: Cohort names can now contain a dash in {ifincohort} tag.
- Instruction to patch Moodle 4.2 to enable FilterCodes in the custom menu.
- {timezone} now works correctly if the user's timezone is set to system timezone.
- Refactored {mycourses...} tags and added missing unordered tag for {mycourses} tag.
- {mycoursescards} tag will now display a message if the user is not enrolled in any courses.
- Courses that are either hidden or expired will now appear in course cards if the user has the capability to see hidden courses.
- Documentation (
- Fixed a failed PHPUnit test for {coursemoduleid}.
- Fix spacing for some failed CSS code checks.
- Tested compatible with PHP 8.2.
FilterCodes release 2.3.6 - 2023-05-07
What's new
- Partial fix for sizing issue of radial and pie charts in Moodle 4.1 and 4.2.
- Copyright notice to include 2023.
- Compatibility with Moodle 4.2.
- Compatibility with PHP 8.1.