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This is a proof of concept of a origin http-server for chunked MPEG-Dash in NodeJS, for ffmpeg dash muxer


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This is a proof of concept of a

Origin LIVE-Server for chunked MPEG-Dash, in NodeJS


When I assembled MPEG-Dash CMAF Broadcaster I always had the challenge to deliver the chunked MP4 parts as they are written to a HTTP-server directly.


  1. ffmpeg (or a Enterprise Encoder such as Bitmovin-Encoder) - sends chunked mp4 -> HTTP- PUT or POST -> LIVE-Origin

  2. LIVE-Origin saves the chunked CMAF-mp4 as a stream of "mdat + moof"- chunks and saves them into a final fragmented-mp4

    during the delivery of those "mdat + moof"-chunkes, before they can be saved as a fully fragmented mp4 -> 3

  3. those already delivered chunkes should already be available for the HTTP- GET-request of a Video-Player (such as the Bitmovin-Video-Player)

Ad 3) This is exactly the stage, where this POC does it's part. ;-)

My sources for building a simple webserver that delivers chunked encodings


  • clone this repo
  • (Install Docker)
  • build the Container

docker build -t=<LABEL NAME eg. riha/node_origin_cmafserver .

  • run the Container

docker run -it -p 5000:5000 -p 5001:5001 -v $PWD/out:/out riha/node_origin_cmafserver

- port 5000 & 5001 can be used for either sending the CMAF-chunks and or deliver the chunks. 

I choose two ports for two processes to deliver and receive the chunks via HTTP separately, to not block both.

5000 for <- HTTP-PUT/POST writes `request_input.log`

5001 for ->HTTP-GET writes `response_output.log`

! You could even run both on the same process but you need to adjust the EOF-timeout because delivery will be much slower sometimes !

- volume `-v $PWD/out:/out` is the shared folder where the fragmented mp4 as well as the dash-manifest is received as well as deliverd from/to.
  • run the container (by entering bash)

docker run -it -p 5000:5000 -p 5001:5001 -v $PWD/out:/out --entrypoint bash riha/node_origin_cmafserver

  • enter bash if server is running

docker exec -i -t <container id> /bin/bash

inside the server you can `tail -f /out/request_input.log` to see the HTTP-PUT OR -POST incoming chunks.

or you can use `tail -f /out/response_output.log` to see the HTTP-GET outgoing chunks.
  • feed the server with a single rendition ffmpeg-encoding

(in my case avfoundation on MacOS)

ffmpeg   -copyts  -probesize 10M -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -i  '0:1' -flags +global_header   -af aresample=async=1  -c:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt:0 yuv420p -preset:0 fast -a53cc:0 1 -nal-hrd:0 cbr -x264opts:0 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:0 5000k -bufsize:0 500k -force_key_frames:0 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:0 8 -c:a:0 aac  -ar 24000 -b:a:1 64k  -f tee -map 0:v -map 0:a "[f=dash:media_seg_name='chunk-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$-\$Number%05d\$.mp4':init_seg_name='init-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$.mp4':seg_duration=4:utc_timing_url=https\\\://\\?iso:window_size=3:extra_window_size=3:remove_at_exit=1:use_timeline=0:http_user_agent=ffmpeg_encoder_v4something.0:streaming=1:index_correction=1:timeout=0.5:dash_segment_type=mp4:method=PUT:http_persistent=1:adaptation_sets='id=0,streams=v\:0 id=1,streams=a' ]http://localhost:5000/out.mpd "

For commercial and Enterprise low latency CMAF-LIVE-Streaming

please look at BITMOVIN !

Bitmovin API SDK Examples Header

Repository provides examples demonstrating usage of the
Bitmovin API SDKs in different programming languages.


Additional Knowhow that came the way during the process

Which OS is used for NodeJs base container?

cat /etc/*-releaseg
inside the container

Watch at all ports on host?

lsof -nP -i | grep LISTEN

listen to port on container

look at a specific tcp-port

tcpdump -i any port 5000

Let us receive some chunked encoding?

try to send a file with CURL

curl -i -X PUT -H "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" --data-binary @"$(pwd)/out/anotoher.mp4" http://localhost:5000/someName.mp4

send it via ffmpeg

ffmpeg   -copyts  -probesize 10M -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -i  '0:0' -flags +global_header   -af aresample=async=1  -c:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt:0 yuv420p -preset:0 fast -a53cc:0 1 -nal-hrd:0 cbr -x264opts:0 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:0 5000k -bufsize:0 500k -force_key_frames:0 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:0 8  -c:v:1 libx264 -pix_fmt:1 yuv420p -preset:1 fast -a53cc:1 1 -nal-hrd:1 cbr -x264opts:1 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:1 2000k -bufsize:1 200k -s:1 1280x720  -force_key_frames:1 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:1 8  -c:v:2 libx264 -pix_fmt:2 yuv420p -preset:2 fast -a53cc:2 1 -nal-hrd:2 cbr -x264opts:2 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:2 1000k -bufsize:2 100k -s:2 720x480  -force_key_frames:2 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:2 8  -c:a:0 aac  -b:a:0 192k  -c:a:1 aac  -ar 24000 -b:a:1 64k  -f tee -map 0:v -map 0:v -map 0:v -map 0:a? -map 0:a? "[f=dash:media_seg_name='chunk-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$-\$Number%05d\$.mp4':init_seg_name='init-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$.mp4':min_seg_duration=2000000:window_size=3:use_timeline=0:http_user_agent=Akamai_Broadcaster_v1.0:streaming=1:index_correction=1:timeout=0.5:dash_segment_type=mp4:method=PUT:ignore_io_errors=1:http_persistent=1:hls_playlist=1:adaptation_sets='id=0,streams=v\:0v\:1v\:2 id=1,streams=a' ]http://localhost:5000/out.mpd "
ffmpeg   -copyts  -probesize 10M -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -i  '0:0' -flags +global_header   -af aresample=async=1  -c:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt:0 yuv420p -preset:0 fast -a53cc:0 1 -nal-hrd:0 cbr -x264opts:0 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:0 5000k -bufsize:0 500k -force_key_frames:0 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:0 8  -c:v:1 libx264 -pix_fmt:1 yuv420p -preset:1 fast -a53cc:1 1 -nal-hrd:1 cbr -x264opts:1 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:1 2000k -bufsize:1 200k -s:1 1280x720  -force_key_frames:1 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:1 8  -c:v:2 libx264 -pix_fmt:2 yuv420p -preset:2 fast -a53cc:2 1 -nal-hrd:2 cbr -x264opts:2 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:2 1000k -bufsize:2 100k -s:2 720x480  -force_key_frames:2 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:2 8  -c:a:0 aac  -b:a:0 192k  -c:a:1 aac  -ar 24000 -b:a:1 64k  -f tee -map 0:v -map 0:v -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:a "[f=dash:media_seg_name='chunk-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$-\$Number%05d\$.mp4':init_seg_name='init-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$.mp4':min_seg_duration=2000000:window_size=3:use_timeline=0:http_user_agent=Akamai_Broadcaster_v1.0:streaming=1:index_correction=1:timeout=0.5:dash_segment_type=mp4:method=PUT:http_persistent=1:hls_playlist=1:adaptation_sets='id=0,streams=v\:0v\:1v\:2 id=1,streams=a' ]http://localhost:5000/out.mpd "
ffmpeg   -copyts  -probesize 10M -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -i  '0:0' -flags +global_header   -af aresample=async=1  -c:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt:0 yuv420p -preset:0 fast -a53cc:0 1 -nal-hrd:0 cbr -x264opts:0 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:0 5000k -bufsize:0 500k -force_key_frames:0 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:0 8  -c:v:1 libx264 -pix_fmt:1 yuv420p -preset:1 fast -a53cc:1 1 -nal-hrd:1 cbr -x264opts:1 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:1 2000k -bufsize:1 200k -s:1 1280x720  -force_key_frames:1 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:1 8  -c:v:2 libx264 -pix_fmt:2 yuv420p -preset:2 fast -a53cc:2 1 -nal-hrd:2 cbr -x264opts:2 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:2 1000k -bufsize:2 100k -s:2 720x480  -force_key_frames:2 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:2 8  -c:a:0 aac  -b:a:0 192k  -c:a:1 aac  -ar 24000 -b:a:1 64k  -f tee -map 0:v -map 0:v -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:a "[f=dash:media_seg_name='chunk-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$-\$Number%05d\$.mp4':init_seg_name='init-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$.mp4':min_seg_duration=2000000:window_size=3:extra_window_size=3:remove_at_exit=1:use_timeline=0:http_user_agent=Akamai_Broadcaster_v1.0:streaming=1:index_correction=1:timeout=0.5:dash_segment_type=mp4:method=PUT:http_persistent=1:hls_playlist=1:adaptation_sets='id=0,streams=v\:0v\:1v\:2 id=1,streams=a' ]http://localhost:5000/out.mpd "

without HLs and changed min_seg_duration (deprecated) to seg_duration & ldash


ffmpeg   -copyts  -probesize 10M -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -i  '0:0' -flags +global_header   -af aresample=async=1  -c:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt:0 yuv420p -preset:0 fast -a53cc:0 1 -nal-hrd:0 cbr -x264opts:0 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:0 5000k -bufsize:0 500k -force_key_frames:0 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:0 8  -c:v:1 libx264 -pix_fmt:1 yuv420p -preset:1 fast -a53cc:1 1 -nal-hrd:1 cbr -x264opts:1 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:1 2000k -bufsize:1 200k -s:1 1280x720  -force_key_frames:1 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:1 8  -c:v:2 libx264 -pix_fmt:2 yuv420p -preset:2 fast -a53cc:2 1 -nal-hrd:2 cbr -x264opts:2 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:2 1000k -bufsize:2 100k -s:2 720x480  -force_key_frames:2 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:2 8  -c:a:0 aac  -b:a:0 192k  -c:a:1 aac  -ar 24000 -b:a:1 64k  -f tee -map 0:v -map 0:v -map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:a "[f=dash:media_seg_name='chunk-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$-\$Number%05d\$.mp4':init_seg_name='init-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$.mp4':seg_duration=4:window_size=3:extra_window_size=3:remove_at_exit=1:use_timeline=0:http_user_agent=Akamai_Broadcaster_v1.0:streaming=1:index_correction=1:timeout=0.5:dash_segment_type=mp4:method=PUT:http_persistent=1:adaptation_sets='id=0,streams=v\:0v\:1v\:2 id=1,streams=a' ]http://localhost:5000/out.mpd "

just one rendition!

ffmpeg   -copyts  -probesize 10M -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -i  '0:0' -flags +global_header   -af aresample=async=1  -c:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt:0 yuv420p -preset:0 fast -a53cc:0 1 -nal-hrd:0 cbr -x264opts:0 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:0 5000k -bufsize:0 500k -force_key_frames:0 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:0 8 -c:a:0 aac  -ar 24000 -b:a:1 64k  -f tee -map 0:v -map 0:a "[f=dash:media_seg_name='chunk-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$-\$Number%05d\$.mp4':init_seg_name='init-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$.mp4':seg_duration=4:utc_timing_url='id=0,streams=v\:0 id=1,streams=a' ]http://localhost:5000/out.mpd "

On MacOS with microphone added as well!

ffmpeg   -copyts  -probesize 10M -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -i  '0:1' -flags +global_header   -af aresample=async=1  -c:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt:0 yuv420p -preset:0 fast -a53cc:0 1 -nal-hrd:0 cbr -x264opts:0 scenecut=-1:rc_lookahead=0 -b:v:0 5000k -bufsize:0 500k -force_key_frames:0 "expr:gte(t,n_forced*2)" -bf:0 8 -c:a:0 aac  -ar 24000 -b:a:1 64k  -f tee -map 0:v -map 0:a "[f=dash:media_seg_name='chunk-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$-\$Number%05d\$.mp4':init_seg_name='init-stream_93333_\$RepresentationID\$.mp4':seg_duration=4:utc_timing_url=https\\\://\\?iso:window_size=3:extra_window_size=3:remove_at_exit=1:use_timeline=0:http_user_agent=Akamai_Broadcaster_v1.0:streaming=1:index_correction=1:timeout=0.5:dash_segment_type=mp4:method=PUT:http_persistent=1:adaptation_sets='id=0,streams=v\:0 id=1,streams=a' ]http://localhost:5000/out.mpd "


This is a proof of concept of a origin http-server for chunked MPEG-Dash in NodeJS, for ffmpeg dash muxer








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