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Releases: michael5r/mmm-nest-status

Add option to show decimals Thermostat values

05 May 17:59
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  • Ensures that decimal values are shown (eg. 24.5) when using Celsius as the temperature unit.
  • Adds a config option called showDecimals (which is true by default) to turn off this functionality if you prefer to have full numbers shown instead.

Add reloading on data timeout & better error messaging

25 Mar 18:23
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  • when there's a timeout error connecting to the Google API, the module will automatically try to load data again after 5 minutes
  • added better error messaging

Replace request with Axios

15 Mar 21:18
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As the title says - MagicMirror removed request as a dependency, so this module would fail in newer MM installs.

Use Google Device Access instead of Nest developer API

02 Dec 20:39
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This version updates the module to use Google Device Access instead of the deprecated Nest developer API.

Please note that Device Access does not support getting data from Nest Protects, so this module will only display the Nest thermostats in this version. Hopefully, this is something that they'll update at some point.

Update about Nest API

30 Nov 15:07
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  • remove getToken script that doesn't work anymore
  • add note about Google killing the Works With Nest-program

Suspend & resume

28 Dec 17:22
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  • changes motionSleep to tie into the regular suspend and resume functions exposed by MM
  • add ToC to Read Me
  • add hook for MMM_ENERGY_SAVER

PIR sensor support

28 Dec 03:26
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  • Adds motionSleep and motionSleepSeconds options which allow you to suspend this module when no movement has been detected for X number of seconds.
  • Fixes a couple of mistakes in Read Me
  • Fixes typo in script

Socket updates, small tweaks

11 Dec 22:50
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  • add initialLoadDelay to read me (the option has always been there, just wasn't documented)
  • small css fix so alignment only applies to containers, not the text inside containers
  • switch default updateInterval to be 2 minutes (instead of 1)
  • add a smarter socket listener, so multiple instances of mmm-nest-status all get their data from just one source
  • add error message for when the Nest api rate limit has been exceeded and no data is returned

Get data through a socket notification

10 Dec 05:08
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Refactors the data-getting to use the socket system built into the magic mirror project - this will allow my upcoming mmm-nest-cameras module to use the same Nest data without having to do multiple calls to the Nest API.