How to build and run sprint 2 of SJU-Rock-Wall
Clone the repository onto a Mac with Xcode installed or download the source code above.
$ git clone
Open /SJU-Rock-Wall/SJU-Rock-Wall/SJU-Rock-Wall.xcodeproj
Xcode will likely throw errors regarding signing, to fix this follow these steps:
- Click on the SJU-Rock-Wall file in the Project Navigator side bar on the left.
- Expand the "Singing" section and change the "Team" to your Apple ID. If you aren't already logged into Xcode, click "Add an Account..."
- Expand the "Identity" section and change the "Bundle Identifier" from "SJU-Rock-Wall" to "SJU-Rock-Wall-Sprint1", or anything unique.
At this point, you should be able to run the application by clicking the play button. The app will launch in an iPhone simulator.