2D graphical implementation of Conway's game of life in C/C++ using OpenGL. Follows this playlist on YouTube.
These instructions are configured for Visual Studio but should be similar to other IDEs.
- Make sure everything you configure is set for x64 in your IDE.
- $(SolutionDir) is the directory containing the .sln file for the Visual Studio Solution
- $(ProjectDir) is the directory containing the .vcxproj file for the Visual Studio Project
- Create project in IDE (These directions are for Visual Studio 2019)
- Create directory named 'Linking' in $(SolutionDir)
- Set Project Properties
- Linker -> Input
- Additional Dependencies + opengl32.lib
- VC++ Directories
- Library Directories + $(SolutionDir)\Linking\lib;
- Include Directories + $(SolutionDir)\Linking\include;
- Linker -> Input
- Create directories src, lib, and assets in $(ProjectDir)
- Download pre-compiled binaries from GLFW
- Unzip download and add files to linking directory
- GLFW\include -> $(SolutionDir)\Linking\include
- all .lib files from corresponding VS folder -> Linking\lib\GLFW
- Add files to project directory
- glfw3.dll from corresponding VS folder -> $(ProjectDir)
- Set Project Properties
- Linker -> Input
- Additional Dependencies + GLFW\glfw3.lib
- Linker -> Input
- Download package (.zip file) from their site
- Only change these default settings:
- API -> gl: Version 3.3
- Options -> Generate a Loader: checked (required)
- Only change these default settings:
- Unzip download and add files to project
- glad\include -> $(SolutionDir)\Linking\include
- this should add two folders (glad, KHR) to your include directory
- glad\src\glad.c -> $(ProjectDir)\lib
- glad\include -> $(SolutionDir)\Linking\include