A high-performance UI log component with virtual scrolling, search functionality, and collapsible log sections, capable of handling large-scale datasets efficiently.

npm install --save @savorui/logview
import Logview from '@savorui/logview';
const logs = ['hello world'];
<Logview logs={logs} theme='dark' />
tnpm i
npm run dev
Name | Type | Description | Required |
logs | string[] | An array of log strings to be displayed. | Yes |
theme | Theme | The theme to be applied to the log view. | No |
width | number | string | The width of the log view component. Can be a number or a string (e.g., "100%", "500px"). | No |
height | number | string | The height of the log view component. Can be a number or a string (e.g., "100%", "500px"). | No |
currentLogIndex | number | The index of the currently selected log entry. | No |
grouping | GroupingParams | Parameters for grouping logs. | No |
toolbarRenderContainer | Element | undefined | null | A custom container element for rendering the toolbar. | No |
oversize | boolean | Indicates whether the log view should handle oversize content. | No |
downloadUrl | string | The URL for downloading logs. | No |
externalUrl | string | An external URL related to the logs. | No |
style | CSSProperties | Custom CSS styles to be applied to the log view component. | No |
lang | 'zh' | 'en' | 'fr' | 'de' | 'es' | 'ja' | 'ko' | The language for the log view component. Supported languages include Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, and Korean. | No |
advices | LogAdvice[] | An array of log advice objects. | No |
loading | boolean | Indicates whether the log view is in a loading state. | No |
lineLogParser | (log: string) => string | A function to parse each log line. | No |
onTextSelectionChange | (text: string | undefined) => void | A callback function that is triggered when the text selection changes. | No |
renderTextSelectionBubble | (text: string | undefined) => ReactNode | A function to render a custom bubble for text selection. | No |
renderRightPanelContent | () => ReactNode | A function to render custom content in the right panel. | No |
renderGroupName | (log: string) => string | A function to render a custom group name for each log entry. | No |
onDownload | () => void | A callback function that is triggered when the download button is clicked. | No |