Just a free and open source vector drawing tool for mobile. Try it today at michaelsboost.com/TouchDrawer
- (Ctrl+Shift+Z) Redo (Cmd+Shift+Z)
- (Ctrl+Z) Undo (Cmd+Z)
- (Ctrl+A) Select All (Cmd+A)
- (Ctrl+G) Group (Cmd+G)
- (Ctrl+Shift+G) Ungroup (Cmd+Shift+G)
- (Ctrl+X) Cut (Cmd+X)
- (Ctrl+C) Copy (Cmd+C)
- (Ctrl+V) Paste (Cmd+V)
- (Ctrl+S) Save (Cmd+S)
- (Ctrl+E) Export Image Sequence
- (Ctrl+N) New Project (Cmd+N) and even (Alt+N)
- (DEL) - Delete selected object
- (Alt++) - Add frame
- (Alt+-) - Delete last frame
- (Alt+X) - Clear canvas
- (Spacebar) - Start/Stop Animation
- (1) - Toggle Zoom/Pan
- (2) - Toggle Color Picker
- (3) - Toggle Eyedropper
- (4) - Toggle Select
- (5) - Toggle Pencil
- (6) - Toggle Brush
- (7) - Toggle Eraser
- (8) - Toggle Lasso
- (9) - Toggle LassoErase
- (Shift+1) - Toggle Rect
- (Shift+2) - Toggle Ellipse
- (Shift+3) - Toggle Line
- (Shift+4) - Toggle Triangle
- (Shift+5) - Toggle Splatter
- (Shift+6) - Toggle Spray
- (Shift+7) - Toggle Fill
- (Shift+8) - Toggle Filters
- (0) - Apply Fill As Canvas Background Color
- (I) - Open Application Info
- Allow user to change layers (roughLayer being in the back, paintLayer above that then, highlightsLayer and lastly inkLayer)
- Filters for selected objects
- Within select tool add a subtool to edit Paths (Bezier Curves), Polygons, Lines and Polylines
TouchDrawer uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Normalize - CSS reset library
- jQuery - duh
- Pickr - The color picker
- AlertifyJS - For the awesome and stylish notification logs
- SweetAlert - For the awesome and stylish alert dialogs
- panzoom - Used to pan and zoom the canvas
- SVGAnimFrames - Used to render your animation
- JSZip - package zip files in javascript
- Gifshot - Used to make the gif animation
- FabricJS - The technology that makes the drawing possible
Want to contribute? Great!
You can submit a pull request or simply share the project :)
As of March 11th, 2022 TouchDrawer is no longer an active project. All updates as of that date and on are solely contributor based implementations.
Of course TouchDrawer is free and open source, so you can always fork the project and have fun :)
If TouchDrawer was at all helpful for you. You can show your appreciation a few ways...
- Check out my Graphic Design Course: https://michaelsboost.com/graphicdesign
- Registering on my store as a customer: https://michaelsboost.com/store
- Buying me a coffee! http://ko-fi.com/michaelsboost
- Purchasing one of my t-shirts: https://michaelsboost.com/gear
- Purchasing any of my art: https://deviantart.com/michaelsboost/prints
- Donating via PayPal: https://michaelsboost.com/donate
- Donating via SquareCash: https://cash.me/$michaelsboost