Scripts for manipulating and maintaining a Gmail mailbox
These are GmailApp.scripts that I actually use to automagically manage my mailbox. These scripts help perform functions that somewhat align to 'Inbox Zero' concepts. These scripts work in tandem with heavy label usage to easily work with classifications of emails instead of specific email addresses. These scripts work with Gmail's built-in category system and filters.
In my email workflow, all known/expected emails are applied labels and categories via filters - leaving only unknown/unexpected email to appear in the primary Inbox. Other "important" messages are applied stars based on various indentifiers such as sender or matches to content. Starred emails also are forced to appear in the Inbox regardless of category. Once a starred email has been dealt with, I remove the star which removes it from appearing in my inbox.
Most of this workflow is for prioritizing what I see and do while using Gmail on a mobile device, while minimizing notifications and clutter because of the high-volume of email that my account receives.