- This application's purpose it so manage a company's employee database. This app uses node.js, SQL and npm inquirer to prompt users to select an intended action and based on user selection, users will be provided a table formatted with database information to view or the database will be updated with user input. The application was built using the CRUD model.
Clone the repository to your local computer and navigate to the repo in your terminal. Ensure you have MySql installed and to run 'npm init -y ' in your terminal to install all necessary dependencies. Simply run 'node app' from the root of the directory to run the application and begin the prompts.
This application is intended to manage a SQL database holding information for a company, with the database containing information about employees, managers, roles, departments, and salaries. This is a command line application where users are prompted to select options of what they intend to do such as: view all departments, view all employees, view all roles, add a department, add a role, add an employee, update an employee, update employee manager, view employees by filtering by department or manager, as well as delete roles, departments, or employees.
- Node.js
- Inquirer
- Repository
- As a reminder, clone the repository to your local computer, navigate to the repository in your terminal and run 'node index.js' to initialize the application. Don't forget to run "npm init -y" to install all necessary dependencies.
Anyone is welcome to contribute to this project. To do so, clone the local repository to your local workspace, create a git feature branch and request a pull request. Upon review, the pull request will then be accepted or denied.
- This project was inspired by UCONN's School of Engineering Coding Bootcamp.
Michelle Wehr