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List of potential Scala talks about current developments in the ecosystem

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Scala talk ideas

This repository contains all the ideas for talks I'd wish to see during Kraków Scala User Group meetup.

Speaker training programme

The list below should be treated as inspiration. There are lots of current topics for all levels of Scala developers.

I want to help all the potential speakers prepare the talks. This includes preparing the agenda, slides, meeting for rehearsals and generally making sure that the speaker and the audience have great experience.

Please let me know here or send an e-mail to Kraków Scala User Group organizers if you'd like to participate.

List of talk titles

Beginner level

Title Additional keywords
Integration testing with testcontainers-scala
The landscape of testing libraries in Scala scalatest, specs2, testz, minitest, utest
I just want to compile it! aka “SBT made simple”
Formatting Scala code using scalafmt
Building reactive UIs with Scala.js and AkkaUI
How do the Scala collections work?
Getting metrics out of your Scala service kamon, prometheus, grafana
Being Scala DevOps orkestra
Scala 3 as your first Scala
Building React components in Scala.js scalajs-react
Stop using exceptions now Try
To mock or not to mock in your scala tests
Using gRPC in Scala ScalaPB
The magic behind pattern matching
Polymorphism vs composition in Scala
Builder pattern in Scala - implementation techniques
Introduction to Scala ecosystem
Stateful computations with Flink
Integrating with RxJava APis in Scala
Power up your code with Option
The biggest pains of beginner Scala developer
Handling dates & times in Scala web applications scala-js-java-time
Handling geo data using GeoTrellis
Integrating with Kafka using Akka alpakka-kafka

Intermediate level

Title Additional keywords
IO vs Future - why should I care? cats-effect, zio, Future
7 sins of implicits implicit parameters, implicit conversions, design patterns
Getting started with TensorFlow in Scala
Practical introduction to lenses monocle, quicklens
Benchmarking scala code sbt-jmh
Introduction to Linkerd service mesh
Handling state with Monix Atomic and Scheduler
Why do we need Nothing type?
When should you write your own macro? scala macros, scalameta, scala 3
Handling distributed transactions in microservice world
Why do I need refinment types? refined
Real-world cases for property-based tests scalacheck
Serializing JSON using Circe auto, semi-auto and manual modes circe codec
Aux pattern explained
Phantom types explained
Refactoring and linting with Scalafix
Configuring your app with pureconfig
Getting closer to bare metal with Scala Native
Developing APIs with a sip of Sangria and GraphQL
Why do you need Alpakka?
What’s new in Scala 2.13 collections?
Using Finagle and fintrospect to create documented Web APIs
Kafka 2.0 in Scala

Advanced level

Title Additional keywords
The HTTP wars - how to choose HTTP lib for your Scala service akka-http, finagle, cask, http4s, typedapi, colossus, finatra
Building type-level web APIs using typedapi
Deep dive into Scala collections
Abstracting your needs with cats-effect, cats-mtl and meow-mtl
Should we fear Scala 3?
Trampolines and stack safety
GraalVM and Scala
Introduction to concurrency using Scala & Cats cats-effect
Introduction to doobie for data access


List of potential Scala talks about current developments in the ecosystem







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