The latest release of Omeka is available on the omekax server as a zipped archive. The archive is located alongside the site directories in /var/www/html/ Creating a new Omeka instance involves extracting the archive into a new site directory, creating a database and database user for the new site, and completing the Omeka install script. Instructions for each of these steps follow. To complete these steps the administrator will need to have an account created on and that account will need to be added to the SSH, sudoers, and omekaadmins groups.
SSH to the server and change to the /var/www/html directory.
cd /var/www/html
extract omeka archive to new folder
sudo unzip
rename folder to new site slug
sudo mv omeka-2.4.1 {NewSiteDir}
run mysql as root (request password from Mike C.)
mysql -u root -p
create new mysql user to be associated with the new site
CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
create new mysql database for new site
grant the new user all privileges on the new database
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `newdb` . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost'; exit;
edit db.ini of new site folder
cd /var/www/html/{NewSiteDir}
sudo vi db.ini
db.ini should contain:
host = "localhost"
username = "newuser"
password = "password"
dbname = "newdb"
prefix = ""
charset = "utf8"
Change owner:group of new site directory and enclosed files/directories
cd /var/www/html/{NewSiteDir}
sudo chown -R vagrant:www-data .
Change permissions for files folder so that new files can be uploaded:
sudo chmod -R 774 files
Change permissions for plugins folder so that administrators can upload plugins via sftp:
cd /var/www/html/{NewSiteDir}/plugins
sudo setfacl -m g:admins:rwx .
In a browser visit{NewSiteDir}/install/install.php to complete setup