Tags: microchip-pic-avr-solutions/avr-iot-aws-sensor-node-mplab
Meta data included in pipeline;PAI-565 additional data key value pair… … updated in metadata;PAI-596 verify metadata;PAI-596 registeration in portal when a public tag is created;PAI-596 metadata version in additionaData reverted to 1.0.0;PAI-596 verify metada stage moved out of deploy stage;PAI-534 Updated the awsCloudService and mqtt submodules to bring in the Server Name Indication (SNI) update.;PAI-627 update in deploy tool reference;PAI-596 portal reg successful email;PAI-596 project name in metadata updated;PAI-631 update application reference to get the firmware version change;PAI-633 Updated the version number in ivy file and main.json file to 4.1.0;PAI-633 Updated the tag name to RC1;PAI-627 fix in tag stage of deploy pipeline;PAI-627 ivy and metadata updated to 4.0.0-rc2 for internal tag;PAI-631 Updated the version number for the final GitHub release.;PAI-596 portal deploy notififcation;PAI-596 edits in sending notification API call;
PAI-414 PAI-415 CryptoAuth_init.c/.h and cryptoauthlib_config.h.ftl m… …oved to "mcc_generated_files" directory;PAI-397 tokens configured to enable/disable macro "USE_AWS_ENDPOINT_FROM_WINC";PAI-397 the tag to use custom endpoint url updated and hence fmpp config is modified;PAI-397 useCustomEndpointURL set to false;PAI-397 mqtt_example files are removed from generation;PAI-397 iotapplication submodule reference updated;PAI-397 cloud submoduel reference updated;PAI-397 updated mqtt submodule reference;PAI-397 cloudsubmodule reference updated;PAI-397 cloud and application submodule updated;PAI-404 readme updated with AWS multi account registration feature;PAI-404 eidts in AWS multiaccount registration - readme;PAI-389 updatig mqttSubmodule reference;PAI-404 Fixed a spelling mistake in readme.md file.;Updated the .gitignore file to stop tracking files generated by CAL since they will be generated on-the-fly using FMPP process.;PAI-435 Updated the tokens of the CAL library to generate exactly those files which are generated by MCC CAL v2.0.0 library. The MCC AVR IoT WA/WG example also generates essentially the same files.;PAI-435 Updated the commit number of the cryptoAuthLibSubmodule to pull the latest files.;PAI-443 tag for testing new artifactory folder strucuture deployment;PAI-443 mentioning path in ivy for the new strucuture;PAI-433 iotdriver submodule reference updated with a change in fmpp;PAI-433 ivysettings and build.xml updated for the new folder structuring;PAI-435 Updating the submodule commit number to bring in the latest CAL files.;PAI-443 build.xml and ivysettings.xml updated to reflect the new folder structure;PAI-443 correcting ivy pattern;PAI-436 Updating the submodule commit of WINC library in the AVR IoT project to pull the latest WINC v1.1.0 library files;PAI-444 cloud ad application submodule reference updated;PAI-434 Documented the pull-up enabled for UART2 Rx pin. This is an important piece of information, since disabling the pull-up opens up the possibility of garbage data reception in the application through UART2.;PAI-434 Modified the wording of the note.;PAI-318 deploy to M8A;PAI-318 fix deployment to M8A stage in pipleline;PAI-318 deploy to test account;PAI-318 fix deploy to M8A;PAI-318 creds updated and deploy pointed to M8A;PAI-318 tag deployment to M8A;PAI-478 tag creation and deploy to BB repo;PAI-478 github url and creds changed to test deploy;PAI-478 fix bb deploy tag stage;PAI-478 tag for testing deploy to bb;PAI-478 pipeline and ivy modified for github and M8A deployment;Fixed the incorrect indentation in main.c.;PAI-363 images for timeout scheduler in wiki;PAI-352 Updated the sub-module commit numbers of the iot-cloud and iot-application repositories to bring in the latest LED driver and NTP server specific updates;PAI-467 awsCloudServiceSubmodule added;PAI-467 awsCloudService and cloudSubmodule references updated, awsCloudService.fmpp added to generate aws cloud service file;PAI-363 replace timeout driver images;PAI-363 timeout_callnextCallback image replaced with edits;PAI-327 cloud and application submodule reference updated;PAI-498 Updated the firmware version for AWS;PAI-498 Bringing in the latest submodule commit;PAI-498 Updated the version number in ivy file.;PAI-507 deploy tool update with removal of bb tag stage removal in pipeline;PAI-507 4.0.0-develop-rc2-mcc;PAI-507 checking out feature branch for deploy tool removed;PAI-507 fix bb deploy stage - deploy tool url changed;PAI-531 updated cloud sub module - aws endpoint url length update;meta data added;formatting metadata;keywords and subcategories added in Metadata;changing toolchain version in metadata;changes in metadata file;mcc core version fix in metadata;chhanges in metadata;PAI-565 updated revision number in ivy;
PAI-310: Updated the url in the documentation to refer to the avr-iot… ….com/aws/{ThingName};PAI-310: Updated description of .cfg file production.;Updated the submodule reference for iotDriversSubmodule repository. In this update, pull up is enabled for the UART2 Rx (PF1) pin on ATmega4808.;PAI-310: Updated some images; improved Getting Started Section to be more simple;PAI-310: Minor images fixes;PAI-310: not done; but ready to review.;PAI-310: Point to release tab; specified the yellow shadow toggle behavior.;PAI-310: Fix picture text.;PAI-368 iot-app module reference updated to get cli version change 2.0.2;Updated the firmware version number in ivy.xml file to 2.0.2.;PAI-310 fix missing image link in readme;PAI-310 fixed space in readme;PAI-310 replace image;PAI-310 replace delta toggle subscribe image;Updated the readme.md file for the DeltaToggle image to be displayed.;Removed the duplicate deltaToggleSub image.;Renamed the image to deltaToggleSubscribe to convey its purpose.;