Devices (Device): | PIC16LF18456(MCU) | RN4870(BLE) | MCP9844 | BMA253 |
Devices (Unused, On-Board): | ECC608(Crypto) | SST25PF040CT | CLICK Header |
- Bridged Communication between CDC <--> RN Module when in DISCONNECTED state
- Allow for direct execution of commands of RN487X Module
- Refer to RN487X User Guide for details of use.
- There are No Application behaviors when NOT CONNECTED outside the Bridge communication feature.
- Use the LightBlue(tm) by Punch Through for BLE demonstration.
- Application is supported by iOS & Android Cell Phone devices.
- Available in the Application Store
- Demonstration uses character profile configured to allow for format specification with the phone application
- Microchip Logo & Name will appear for BLE devices containing the names:
- RN487X
- Microchip Logo & Name will appear for BLE devices containing the names:
- When CONNECTED(ING) to the application the BLUE LED (BLE) will turn on.
- The LED will BLINK during the interrogation process.
- Interrogation process is very fast, BLINKING may not be observable
- From the Phone Application the following actions can be performed.
- LEDs State toggled based upon toggle switches. (Top Left)
- Push Button status is shown. (Top Right)
- Accelerometer X, Y, Z data is visible via horizonal scroll bars. (Middle)
- Strings Typed into the CDC Terminal while CONNECT are displayed on the screen. (Middle Bottom
- Shown in ASCII
- Shown in Hex
- Data can be written into the Terminal and sent to the End-Device.
- Sent in ASCII (String) form
- Sent in Hex (base 16) form
- The application will display Data sent from the LightBlue Explorer Demo every ~1 Second.
- Data is sent as 'Characters', & displayed in varied form.
- Temperature value: Sent as (int16_t) hex Celsius value - Displayed Celsius or Fahrenheit
- Accelerometer value: Sent as (int16_t) hex 12-bit values - Displayed + / - (X, Y, Z)
- Push Button State: Sent as (uint8_t) hex boolean value represented per button - 0 / 1 (NOT PUSHED / PUSHED)
- LEDs Status: Sent as (uint8_t) hex boolean value represented per button - 0 / 1 (OFF / ON)
- Protocol Version: Sent as (uint8) hex value representing demo firmware version - 01 (Version 1)
- Data is sent as 'Characters', & displayed in varied form.
- Power On Behavior
- Power Supply (PS) Green LED will turn on when connect to PC.
- Board on PC Behavior
- Connected Board will appear as 'CURIOSITY' on the PC.
- Dragging over .hex file will result in reprogramming of the board.
- Green (PS) LED will flash during programming.
- Connected Board will appear as 'CURIOSITY' on the PC.
- BLE Not Connected Behavior
- ALL LEDS will be off (Initially).
- PC <-> RN487X UART Bridge Will be functional.
- Terminal Baud Rate : 9600
- Provides the Ability to communicate directly to the RN487X device.
- In LightBlue(tm) Application Device Name will appear under device list.
- Microchip profile graphic will appear next to device name.
- BLE Connected Behavior (Connected to RN487X through LightBlue(tm) Application)
- Blue LED (BLE) will be static on when connected
- Accelerometer Values will appear and be updated periodically.
- Button State will be reflected and updated periodically
- LED states (DATA and ERROR) will be reflected and updated periodically.
- LEDs (DATA and ERROR) will be able to be toggled.
- Temperature Data will be displayed and updated periodically.
- Serial Data from LightBlue Explorer will be sent to a serial terminal on the PC
- Serial Data sent from a serial terminal on the PC will be displayed inside of LightBlue Explorer.
All Packet Example fields are in ASCII Chars unless otherwise noted. All packets assumed to be little-endian. The Payload Length excludes header size and refers only to the payload size.
Protocol Packet Types: (Device --> Light Blue)
Packet ID | Description |
'V' | Protocol Version |
'L' | LED State |
'P' | Button State |
'T' | Temperature Data |
'X' | Accelerometer Data |
'S' | Serial Data |
'R' | Error Code |
'U' | UI Configuration Data |
Protocol Packet Types: (Light Blue --> Device)
Packet ID | Description |
'L' | LED State |
'S' | Serial Data |
'R' | Error Code |
Packet Example:
Start Byte (1) | Sequence Number (1) | Packet ID (1) | Payload Size (2) | Payload (n) | Termination Byte (1) |
'[' | '0' - 'F' | Packet ID | '0' - 'F' | See Examples | ']' |
LED Packet Payload:
LED ID | LED State |
LED1 '1' | OFF '0' |
LED1 '1' | ON '1' |
LED0 '0' | OFF '0' |
LED0 '0' | ON '1' |
Button State Packet Payload:
Button ID | Button State |
BTN1 '1' | Not Pressed '0' |
BTN1 '1' | Pressed '1' |
Temperature Data:
Temperature Data | Math |
16-bit Temperature Reading in ̊ Celsius. | LSB First (=Tamb<<4 + sign<<12) |
Accelerometer Data Payload:
X Data | Y Data | Z Data |
X Acceleration 12 bit, LSB first Integer | Y Acceleration 12 bit, LSB first Integer | Z Acceleration 12 bit, LSB first Integer |
Serial Data Payload:
Serial Data | (0-128) |
Hex or ASCII, Data Strings | Displayed as ‘0’ - ‘F’ ASCII) |
Error Code Packet Payload:
Error Code | (1 char) |
‘0’ = SUCCESS | |
‘1’ - ‘F’ = FAIL |
UI Configuration Data Payload :
No. of LEDs | No. of Buttons | Temperature Supported | Accelerometer Supported | HW ID |
'2' | '1' | No ('0'), Yes ('1') | No ('0'), Yes ('1') | Board ID |
Example strings:
[ 0 L 02 1 0 ]” : Sequence 0, packet “LED”, select LED1, state: OFF
[ 1 V 02 00 ]”: Sequence 1, packet “Version”, select “00”
[ 2 P 02 0 0 ]” : Sequence 2, packet “Push Button”, select BTN1, state: Not Pressed
[ 4 X 0C 00 00 FF FF 00 00 ]” : Sequence 4, packet “Accelerometer”, x=0, y= -1, z=0
[ 5 S 0A 68 65 6C 6C 6F ]” : Sequence 5, packet “Serial”, string: “hello”
[ 6 R 01 F ]” : Sequence 6, packet “Error”, code 15
[ 3 T 04 9C 01 ]” : Sequence 3, packet Temperature 0x019C = 25.75C
-50, -968, 179, [ D X 0C CE 0F 38 0C B3 00 ]
- Send a Serial Message through BLE for data display.
- Data sent will be seen display to the LightBlue(tm) Serial Data Text Field
- String Messages can be sent via the LIGHTBLUE_SendSerialData(char*) Public Function
- Message must be TERMINATED using the '\0' NULL ASCII character
- Example of using this function in code: LIGHTBLUE_SendSerialData("Hello World\0");
- This will send the message "Hello World" packaged according to the Light Blue expected protocol format
- [ 5 S 16 48 65 6c 6c 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64]
- Sequence: 5, Packet "Serial", String: "Hello World"
- [SeqNum 'S' PayloadSize *Payload]
- New Periodic Test, Sensor Measurement, or Actuator Behavior Addition
- To add a new 'Feature' to the Light Blue explorer demonstration, it is recommended to schedule the event based on system requirements.
- The easiest method to achieve this; is to configure the use of another peripheral timer responsible for the new application behavior.
- Keep in mind that 'Looping' speed through the Cooperative (while) loop throughput should be kept minimal.
- Capture, Processing, and Execution of Task based on data should be managed accordingly based on system resources.
- Special Behavior Actions can be taken based upon received over BLE from the RN4870 Module
- Processing of PROTOCOL_PACKET_TYPES_t is a handled at the Application level.
- Byte default only processing of 'L' & 'S' Commands are handled by the End-Device.
- Additional Character Commands can be added to the PROTOCOL_PACKET_TYPES_t enum type.
- Received BLE packets are processed within LIGHTBLUE_ParseIncomingPacket(char)
- Actual Processing of Valid/Invalid Packets based on 'Type ID' is handled in LIGHTBLUE_PerformAction(char, uint8_t).
- Processing of the Data is done upon completion of a 'Framed' Packet within the '{' or '}' Characters.
- When CONNECTED, Unique Commands can be issued through the CDC Serial if USB is connected.
- Can be used to request Pre-Emptive task through terminal
- 'Finished' Command String stored in 'lightBlueSerial' buffer.
- Perform a memcpy(destination, source) prior to the call to LIGHTBLUE_SendSerialData.
- Use lightBlueSerial as the source to capture un-manipulated data
- Useful for Testing
- Can be used to request Pre-Emptive task through terminal
- Peripheral and System Requirements configured via MCC.
- Feature Library: RN2487X Driver Code
- Library Usage: Foundation Services (I2C, SPI, EUSART, DELAY), Timer0
- GPIO(s): (1) Push Button - SW0, (3) LEDs - DATA (Green, MCU controlled), ERR(Red, RN487X p2_2 controlled), BLE (Blue, RN487X)