released this
02 Oct 03:06
Latest Packages
Smoke Test Notes
Automated CI/CD on release/20.08
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What's new?
Designer data binding error when sample data contains empty array #4734
Adaptive Card Designer - toolbar buttons missing html type attribute #4721
[Designer] Trap keyboard for modal dialogs #4850
[Designer] Add help button and dialog #4849
[Site] regex property being reported as v1.0 #4728
[Sample Cards] Text in sample cards truncated #4712
Website: added label accessibility note to samples and schema explorer #4807
[Website] Update hostconfig container colors in script.js file #4806
[Sample][Accessibility] Update templated sample #4804
Website: added label accessibility note to samples and schema explorer #4807
[Javascript][Actions] [Execute ShowCardActions programmatically] #4818
[Javascript] TypeError: Cannot read property 'isValid' of undefined #4767
[nodejs][Keyboard shortcut] Ctrl+Enter not working when inlineAction associated with a text.input #4575
[JS][Renderer] Use TextRun.selectAction.title as aria-label #4857
[JavaScript][Accessibility] Inline action img explicit role=presentation #4803
[JS] Fix arrow keys and actionset aria #4859
[WPF] Change TextBlock to render only when text is not empty #4799
[Android][TextBlock] Font Weights are not consumed. #4015
[Android][Inconsistency between desktop and android] [Cards containing facts with empty title do not render] #3949
[Android] Placeholder values of input components are not applied #4484
[Android][inconsistency android vs web] [Columns in a column set get pushed out of the card when width set to auto] #3855
[iOS][Rendering] Crash when "bleed" property used on outermost container #4745
[iOS][Accessibility] ACRTextView placeholder text color too light #4672
[iOS][Input validation] [Card UX issue : when error message is displayed on the card on button click] #4835
[iOS][RichTextBlock Rendering] [Parity issue in RichTextBlock TextRun with action] #4531
Input.ChoiceSet docs and placeholder updates #4810
[MSTeams][Android/Ios] [Adaptive card input.choice set placeholder not getting displayed] #3885
Text Blocks default to false for wrap #4483
[iOS-Android-UWP][Parity Issue - Fact Set] [Card with empty factSet does not render on iOS but renders on other platforms] #4136
[Desktop vs Mobile][Platform Inconsistency] TextBlock with no text property #4478
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