Original Nido Ruby project from @soveran
Structured keys helper.
If you are familiar with databases like Redis and libraries like Ohm you already know how important it is to craft the keys that will hold the data.
>> redis = Redis.new
>> redis.sadd("event:3:attendees", "Albert")
>> redis.smembers("event:3:attendees")
=> ["Albert"]
It is a design pattern in key-value databases to use the key to simulate structure, and you can read more about this in the case study for a Twitter clone.
Nido helps you generate those keys by providing chainable namespaces:
>> r = Redis.new
>> event = Nido.new("event")
>> r.sadd(event[3][:attendees], "Albert")
>> r.smembers(event[3][:attendees])
=> ["Albert"]
To create a new namespace:
>> require "nido"
>> ns = Nido.new("foo")
=> "foo"
>> ns["bar"]
=> "foo:bar"
>> ns["bar"]["baz"]["qux"]
=> "foo:bar:baz:qux"
And you can use any object as a key, not only strings:
>> ns[:bar][42]
=> "foo:bar:42"
In a more realistic tone, lets assume you are working with Redis and dealing with events:
>> events = Nido.new("events")
=> "events"
>> id = r.incr(events[:id])
=> 1
>> r.sadd(events[id][:attendees], "Albert")
=> "OK"
>> meetup = events[id]
=> "events:1"
>> r.smembers(meetup[:attendees])
=> ["Albert"]
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: microspino/nido-crystal
version: ~> 0.1.2
to soveran for inventing it and inspiring me to write minimal code in Ruby and now Crystal.
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- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
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- [microspino] Microspino - creator, maintainer