Configuration files required
- avida.cfg (the Avida default file was used and some configuration options were modified when Avida was executed in standard and analyze modes).
- events.cfg (renamed when running the directional selection process).
- environment.cfg (renamed when running the three different process indicated below).
- instset-heads.cfg
- avida (executable: compiled for amd64).
The database was generated following these three steps:
- random_genotypes.c (source file).
- random_genotypes (compiled for amd64 from the source file).
./ # it generates 10000 random genotypes that are stored in the output file "rand_seq.txt".
./ # it takes those random genotypes and check viability and phenotype in analyze mode.
- merely_viable_sequences.txt (1000 genotypes corresponding to merely viable organisms resulting from the exploration of genotype space)
- (translates a genotype into an organism's file)
- instructions.txt (it maps the letters from a genotype to the instructions specified in the instruction set file "instset-heads.cfg")
- merely_viable_organisms (folder containing 1000 merely viable organisms resulting from the random exploration of genotype space).
./ # it takes the genotypes, creates one organism'file per genotype, and store them (merely viable organisms folder)
./ # it finds and selects randomly one genotype having a distinct phenotype using "" (from the "merely_viable_organisms" folder) as the seed of the evolutionary process.
./ # it performs a double-mutant random walk (i.e., it replaces two instructions at a time) while keeping viability and phenotype, starting from a specific sequence (as an example).