My answers to the Interview Questions of the rendezvous with cassidoo newsletter.
Each directory is related to a issue and has its own tests.
I started this in the issue #176!
Click to expand!
- 001 - convertToRomans
- 002 - postfix
- 003 - anagramCheck
- 005 - queueWithStacks
- 006 - sortStacks
- 007 - firstDuplicate
- 008 - rotateArray
- 252 - longText
- 254 - longestWord
- 256 - deepCopy
- 257 - hideEmail
- 258 - findIntersection
- 259 - numberOfOnes
- 260 - swapPairs
- 261 - parensSubstring
- 262 - formatTable
- 263 - addg
- 264 - fromTo
- 265 - cornerHit
- 266 - calculateGPA
- 267 - ordinal
- 268 - fibLike
- 269 - truncate
- 270 - passDoors
- 274 - combineStrings
- 275 - verticalSlashes
- 279 - capitalAfterVowel
- 280 - replaceZeros
- 281 - maxSubarray
- 282 - sumEveryOther
- 283 - spinTheWheel
- 284 - missingBits
- 285 - generateArrays
- 287 - printDigits
- 288 - numBalanced
- 289 - repeatedGroups
- 290 - scramble
- 291 - fractionMath
- 293 - rollDice
- 294 - charCount
- 295 - starAngles
- 296 - maxPointsOnLine
- 297 - divisibleIntegers
- 298 - removeZeroes
- 300 - binaryPal
- 301 - scrabbleScore
- 302 - oneRow
- 303 - mmmPie
- 304 - trimArray
- 306 - missingLetters
- 307 - reversedSquares
- 308 - justifyText
- 309 - explodeString
- 310 - maximumProfit
- 311 - isAnagram
- 312 - luhnCheck
- 313 - faultyKeeb
- 314 - guessingGame
- 315 - countAndSay
- 316 - minSubs
- 317 - separateAndSort
- 318 - buildStaircase
- 319 - typeMatchup
- 320 - addOperators
- 321 - parseNumber
- 322 - isIsomorphic
- 323 - kPal
- 324 - lexoNext
- 325 - scoreWordGame
- 326 - doTasks
- 327 - betweenNums
- 329 - rotatedNum
- 330 - majority
- 331 - isBitonic
- 332 - returnGift
- 333 - happyNewYear
- 334 - letters
- 335 - flip
- 337 - daysBetween
- 339 - fromTo
- 340 - wordLengthProduct
- 341 - removeDigit
- 343 - maxGap
- 352 - maxProduct
- 355 - onlyEvens
- 357 - sortNames
- 359 - FruitStand
- 360 - canPlantFlowers
- 361 - increasingSubsequence
- 368 - maxPairs
- 377 - groupAnagrams
- 378 - seeBuildingsLeft
- 381 - rollCall
- 385 - newYearsDay
Just pnpm i
to install all dependencies and then pnpm t
to run the tests!