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Data Streaming ETL Pipeline Project

Project Overview

This project is an simple example of data streaming ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipeline that collects real-time data from an external API, processes it using Apache Kafka and Apache Spark, and finally stores it in MongoDB. Apache Airflow was used to orchestrate the entire pipeline.


  1. Airflow: Orchestrates the ETL pipeline, triggering each task in sequence.
  2. Kafka: Acts as the message broker for streaming data between components.
  3. Spark: Processes and transforms data streamed from Kafka.
  4. MongoDB: Stores the processed data for future querying and analysis.
  5. PostgreSQL: Stores metadata for Airflow.
  6. Docker Compose: Manages all microservices and containers.


Before running the project, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Python 3.11 (if you need to install additional dependencies)

Project Structure

├── airflow                       # Main directory for Airflow, used for orchestrating pipelines
│   ├── dags                      # Directory containing the DAGs (workflow definitions)
│   │   └──  # Python script defining the DAG to send messages to Kafka
│   ├── Dockerfile_python          # Dockerfile to create the Airflow image with Python setup
│   ├── plugins                    # Directory for custom Airflow plugins
│   └── requirements.txt           # File containing Python dependencies for Airflow
├── docker-compose.yml             # Docker Compose file to orchestrate the application containers
├── kafka                          # Directory for Apache Kafka-related files
│   ├── consumers                  # Directory containing Kafka message consumers
│   │   ├──  # Consumer to process messages from a specific topic
│   │   ├──    # Consumer to print articles received from Kafka
│   │   └── spark                  # Subdirectory related to Kafka integration with Apache Spark
│   │       └──  # Script to connect Kafka to the Spark master
│   ├── Dockerfile_python          # Dockerfile to configure the Kafka environment with Python
│   └── requirements.txt           # Python dependencies required for Kafka integration
└──                      # Documentation file explaining the project

Setup Instructions

1. Clone the Repository

git clone
cd data-streaming-project

2. Start Docker Containers - Step by Step

  1. Starting AIRFLOW:
  • Execute the command below to start the follows microservices:
sudo docker-compose up postgres airflow-init airflow-scheduler airflow-webserver
  • Check the Airflow Interface: localhost:8080

P.S. Don't try to execute any DAGs yet, because the pipeline is integrated with Kafka and Spark, so firtly let's go to the next step and put to run Kafka and Spark.

  1. Starting KAFKA and SPARK:

P.S. Before start the Kafka CONSUMER, always start the BROKER/ZOOKEEPER first and create the TOPICS related to the CONSUMER* (use the exactly same name in the python script). Only after that then you can start the CONSUMER. If you don't do it, you will get error of conection and your container won't work properly.

sudo docker-compose up zookeeper kafka-broker-1 kafka-broker-2 kafka-ui spark-master spark-worker-1 spark-worker-2

# P.S if you want to restart from scratch, use --build
sudo docker-compose up --build zookeeper kafka-broker-1 kafka-broker-2 kafka-ui spark-master spark-worker-1 spark-worker-2
  • Run MONGO and MONGO-EXPRESS containers:
sudo docker-compose up mongo mongo-express
  • Testing KAFKA-UI: Go to localhost:8001 and create the TOPICS (Make sure the topic's name are correct and UPPERCASE): - ARTICLES - ARTICLES_PROCESSED

P.S. If you want you also can track the Spark processes using the Spark-UI: localhost:8085

  • Now run the Kafka CONSUMERS:
 sudo docker-compose up --build kafka-consumer-print-articles kafka-consumer-message-to-topic
  • Explanation of two CONSUMERS used as example:

The kafka-print-consumer-articles is represented by the file kafka/consumers/, which aims to: Consume messages from a Kafka topic named "ARTICLES". It uses a Kafka consumer configured to connect to two brokers and belongs to a specific consumer group. The script reads messages in JSON format, PRINTS the received content and adds a 'processed' key indicating that the message was processed.

The kafka-consumer-message-to-topic is represented by the file kafka/consumers/, which aims to: Consume messages from the Kafka topic "ARTICLES", process them and forward them to another topic called "ARTICLES_PROCESSED". It uses a CONSUMER to receive messages in JSON format and a PRODUCER to send a processed version of the messages, adding the key "processed": True. Each message sent to the new topic uses the id field as a key. The consumer and producer are configured to connect to the same Kafka brokers, ensuring that the messages are processed and forwarded correctly.

  • Sending message to the TOPIC ARTICLES (from Kafka-UI) - Go to Topics - click in ARTICLES (after created the Topic) - click in Produce Message - right a JSON object: {"id":"article-1","title":"Kafka Basics","content":"Introduction to Kafka"} - send message

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FORMAT - The requirement to send messages is that you create the "id", "title" and "content" fields because python script (Kafka & Spark) needs this field to process the key.

  • Sending message to the TOPIC ARTICLES (from Airflow pipeline ) - Go to airflow interface (localhost:8080) - Click in DAGS - Toogle on the pipeline you cant to run, example kafka_producer_dag - Click in Trigger DAG (Now your pipeline will run it)

So, once we have Kafka and Airflow running you can send messages to the Kafka BROKER using AIRFLOW's pipeline, which the script connect to the Kafka PRODUCER and you send the message as many as you want.

  1. Verify the documents processed on MONGODB-UI (mongo-express):

Acessing the mongo-ui:

  • Go to localhost:8087
  • username: admin password: pass
  • Check the Database/Collection

Enjoy :-)

3. Useful Docker Commands

To start all containers in one go as defined in the docker-compose.yml file:

sudo docker-compose up

To start the containers and force a rebuild of the images, even if they already exist:

sudo docker-compose up --build

To stop all containers and keeping all resources (networks, volumes, etc.)

sudo docker-compose stop

If you want to removes the created containers and networks, completely shutting down the environment.

sudo docker-compose down --volumes


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