This is an implementation of a pick and place solution for the OpenManipulatorX.
The Open MANIPULATOR-X robot based on ROS is one of the most commonly used robotic arms for training in the industry. In this project, a Pick and Place operation that will be performed using this robot arm. The goal is to create a program that instructs the robotic arm to pick up a series of objects and place them at a specific point in the workspace. Prior to this, a thorough analysis of the arm will be conducted to obtain its direct and inverse kinematics, and will be done using Matlab software in collaboration with the Robotics Toolbox plug-in developed by Peter Corke. For the Open MANIPULATOR-X will be used the teleoperation funtions to create a new project that execute the Pick and Place.
- Pick and Place
- Project Overview
- Requirements
- Robot kinematics
- Initial Setup
- Add New Things
- Important Links
- Contact
To run this project you need the following components:
- Ubuntu 20.04.
- ROS Noetic.
- Matlab.
- OpenManipulatorX.
- Open CR.
- Gazebo (Optional)
The Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) parameters are a systematic procedure that is used to describe the kinematic structure of an articulated chain made up of joints with a single degree of freedom. Through this procedure, the DH matrix is obtained, the which includes data such as the distance to move in the z axis (d1), the distance to move in the x axis (a1), the rotation to perform in the z axis (theta1) and the rotation in the x axis (alpha1).
It is important to mention that for the construction and simulation of this robot, the first two articulations are generated first, then it must be observed that q2 has an offset, because it must be taken into account that the distance from the hypotenuse is measured. From the links of articulations 2 and 3, created the offset, it is possible to continue with the third articulation, likewise, from this third articulation the offset of articulation 2 must be subtracted, this because ee is the only offset, with this it is possible to create the fourth update.
Made the DH parameters, it is possible to obtain the direct and inverse kinematics of the robot, this will be done using the Matlab software, in conjunction with Peter Corke's "Robotics Toolbox" plugin, by obtaining and validating both kinematics we can obtain the kinematic analysis of the robot.
In general, the procedure consists of generating the robot in Matlab, giving the specifications of the measurements and types of the joints, as well as the rotation that they have, that is, substituting the values in the DH matrix, which remains in the following way:
Using the ".teach" command, the graphical interface of the robot is printed, which is as follows:
The direct kinematics is obtained by calculating through the analysis of each of the joints, to later obtain the analysis of the entire robot by multiplying the results of all the joints, the procedure for each joint is as follows:
Therefore, it is enough to substitute the values in each of the operations, said values are the same as those of the DH table, this applies to all the joints of our robot, with which it only remains to multiply the analyzes of the different joints. To know that the calculation is correct, the values of the matrix obtained are compared with the values of the simulation, as observed below:
Since the values are the same, the calculation is correct.
To obtain the inverse kinematics, a complex analysis must be carried out for each joint, in which the procedure differs depending on the characteristics of each one, so using the Robotics Toolbox plugin, the ".ikine" command can be used, which performs the calculation in the position that we assign, the result is shown below:
With both kinematics validated, we proceed to use Ros and Gazebo.
Is important to say that is recomended to install Ubuntu 20.04 in the computer not in a Virtual Box. The OpenManipulator is configurated to work in ROS Noetic in the mentioned Ubuntu version, once the Ubuntu is installed is recomended to install ROS from the Wiki:
However the installation also can be donde with this comand that is the fast installation:
$ sudo apt update
$ wget
$ chmod 755 ./
$ bash ./
Install dependent pacakges
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-ros-controllers ros-noetic-gazebo* ros-noetic-moveit* ros-noetic-industrial-core
$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-dynamixel-sdk ros-noetic-dynamixel-workbench*
$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-robotis-manipulator
Download and build OpenMANIPULATOR-X packages
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone -b noetic-devel
$ git clone -b noetic-devel
$ git clone -b noetic-devel
$ git clone
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
This project is an addition for the OpenManipulator_teleop. A CPP program was created in the 'src' directory, and all the dependencies such as the launch files and headers were created. Additionally, the CMake file was modified to add the pick and place function. To use this project, ensure that all the OpenMANIPULATOR-X packages are installed. Then, create a new code file with the desired name and location, either through VS Code or directly in a text editor. Remember to save the file with the corresponding name. You can check deeper this part in Changes in the original project
Once all the OpenMANIPULATOR-X packages are installed and ROS (Robot Operating System), the hardware provided by the lab for the manipulation of the robot is the OpenCR
In order to connect the computer to the Open Manipulator X, it is important to download Arduino. As of the date of this project, the downloaded version is Arduino IDE 1.8.19, specifically for Linux.
Once Arduino is downloaded, is time to configured the Open CR to the port of the computer, the Open has a guide where in case of the Open CR is not flashed the new user can configured as well in the following link:
First the ports are configured:
USB Port Settings
$ wget
$ sudo cp ./99-opencr-cdc.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
$ sudo udevadm trigger
Compiler Settings
$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev:i386
Now once Arduino is downloaded extract the file and install it.
$ cd ~/downloads/arduino-1.8.19
$ ./
Set the file path of installed Arduino IDE as an absolute path named PATH in the bashrc file.
$ gedit ~/.bashrc
$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/tools/arduino-1.8.19
$ source ~/.bashrc
Porting to Arduino IDE(Linux) Install the OpenCR package via Boards Manager Click Tools → Board → Boards Manager.
However, if is not clear enough there is the link for the Open CR in the links given aboveOnce all the previous steps are done the implementation can be done.
For initialized the Open is command is necessary to give torque to the motors by the following comand:
$ roslaunch open_manipulator_controller open_manipulator_controller.launch usb_port:=/dev/ttyACM0 baud_rate:=1000000
To run the project you need to write the following command
$ roslaunch open_manipulator_teleop open_manipulator_teleop_Pick_and_Place.launch
Finally, depending of the choice the robot wil start moving, in the video is shown the Palletizing and the Depalletizing:
All the codes were created in c++ taking as a base the Original file of OpenManipulator_Teleop, if you want to use this example of pick and place you can add all the files to the original documents in the part of OpenManipulator_Teleop, as the Header, the Lunch and the C++ in the src file where is located the program, also is important to modify the CMakeLists.txt, the exact part that needs to be added is the following part:
add_executable(open_manipulator_teleop_Pick_and_Place src/open_manipulator_teleop_Pick_and_Place.cpp)
add_dependencies(open_manipulator_teleop_Pick_and_Place ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})
target_link_libraries(open_manipulator_teleop_Pick_and_Place ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
Where this code is responsible for compiling and building an executable named "open_manipulator_teleop_Pick_and_Place", specifying its dependencies, and linking necessary libraries to it in a ROS project.
You can add this files in VS code or in a text note just save the files with the same name and termination, and for the Cmake just modify it.
If you want to contribute to this project, please follow these steps:
- Set the positions of the things that where the Open will do the pick and place.
- With the matlab codes calculate the inverse kinematics to obtain the positions of the ariticulations.
- That values can be simulated with the GUI Program. (Do not forget to connect to the Open before, just instead of lunch the new program lunch the following one)
roslaunch open_manipulator_control_gui open_manipulator_control_gui.launch
- Verify the positions and save it in the new cpp code .
- Is recomended to simulate first in Gazebo to avoid problems with the real Open.
Launch Gazebo:
$ roslaunch open_manipulator_gazebo open_manipulator_gazebo.launch
Connect the Open to Gazebo
$ roslaunch open_manipulator_controller open_manipulator_controller.launch use_platform:=false
Launch your program
$ roslaunch open_manipulator_teleop open_manipulator_teleop_Pick_and_Place.launch
if the simulation is correct now you can do it with the OpenManipulatorX
This proyect is based on the Keyboard cpp program, however new functions are called and created, if you want to see the main differences with the original project this link can be check:
For the OpenManipulator e-Manual you can Check this link:
For the Open CR:
Also, other source where more information can be found is the the following book:
José Miguel Zúñiga Juárez - [email protected] - Github: mike130201
Diego de Jesús Gutiérrez Reyes - [email protected] - Github: DiegoJGutierrezReyes
André Federico López Hernández - [email protected] - Github: andre261220
Project Link: