Most popular scroll application vulnerability. acces to admin menu + visualy changing balance. possible lfi&rci (2L2C) . changing config.
- Rooted Android device with gapps
- Burpsuite
- Bird Application
- Open Magisk and go to modules
- Search for Riru - LSPosed, Install it.
- Download LSPosed app from google play
- Open LSPosed, go to repository and search for SSLUnpining, Click on it
- Go TO releases, Click on Assets and then on app-release.apk
- Download and install it.
- Go again to LSPosed - modules - SSLUnpining
- Search for bird and enable it
- Open burpsuite and go to proxy
- Click on Options anmd look at Proxy Listeners
- Click Add
- Bind to port: 8383 | Bind to address: All interfaces
- Click ok and done
[!] Note: You must be on the same wifi as pc
- Open terminal on your computer
- Type ip a and look at your ip
- While connecting to wifi press advanced options
- Look for proxy and change from None to Manual
- Enter your ip as Proxy hostname and 8383 as Proxy port
- Click Save
Okay, now we are ready to start.
- Open bird application and start intercepting.
- Click on side menu and go to settings.
- Forward all requests until you see /user
- Right click - do intercept - response to this request
- Forward again until you see response from this request :D
- Change everything from false to true
yuhu now you have access to the admin menu