Hi there, I'm Mike - aka TracedContent 👋
- 🌱 I’m currently learning everything 🤣
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other content creators
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love to teach and animate home movies
- Top VS Code Updates | v1.56 Released!! | Tips & Tricks 2021 (Visual Studio Code)
- CSS Nesting Is Coming Soon! 🤯 How To Nest Selector Styles TODAY!! (2021)
- Vite 2.0 Crash Course | Super Fast Build Tool for JavaScript, React, Vue, Svelte, & Lit (2021)
- Edit Images in VS Code!?! | Luna Paint Extension
- Web Development Tutorial (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) Rock Paper Scissors Game
⚡ Recent GitHub Activity
- ❌ Closed PR #1 in miketierce/spotify-now-playing
- 🗣 Commented on #1 in miketierce/spotify-now-playing
- ❗️ Closed issue #8 in miketierce/free-developer-resources
- 🗣 Commented on #8 in miketierce/free-developer-resources
- 🗣 Commented on #7 in miketierce/free-developer-resources