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A lightweight and efficient Node.js library for real-time system monitoring. Track CPU, memory, disk usage, network I/O, and more with ease.


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System Monitor Package

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A lightweight and efficient Node.js library for real-time system monitoring. Track CPU, memory, disk usage, network I/O, and more with ease.

A Node.js package for monitoring system metrics like CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, network interfaces, uptime, process information, and temperature. This package provides middleware for Express to gather and expose these system metrics in your web applications.

Table of Contents


You can install this package using npm:

npm install system-monitoring
## Or yarn add system-monitoring


Basic Usage

To use the system-monitoring functions in your project:

import { getCpuInfo, getMemoryUsage, getDiskUsage } from 'system-monitoring';

// Get CPU information
getCpuInfo().then(cpuInfo => {
  console.log('CPU Information:', cpuInfo);

// Get memory usage
getMemoryUsage().then(memoryUsage => {
  console.log('Memory Usage:', memoryUsage);

// Get disk usage
const diskUsage = getDiskUsage();
console.log('Disk Usage:', diskUsage);

Available Metrics

You can retrieve the following system metrics using the provided functions:

  1. CPU Information: Get detailed CPU usage information for each core, including user/system/idle times and percentages.
  2. Memory Usage: Get total, free, and used memory statistics.
  3. Disk Usage: Get total, used, and available disk space.
  4. Network Interfaces: Get details about the system’s network interfaces.
  5. Uptime: Get the system’s uptime in seconds.
  6. Process Info: Get the CPU and memory usage of the current Node.js process.
  7. System Temperature: Get the current temperature of the system (if supported).
  8. Logs: Fetch system logs from a specific file with optional keyword filtering.

Express Middlewares

This package provides an Express middleware to gather and expose system metrics.

import express from 'express';
import { systemMonitor, trackRequestResponseTime, createErrorTrackingMiddleware } from 'system-monitoring';

const errorTrackingMiddleware: ReturnType<typeof createErrorTrackingMiddleware> = createErrorTrackingMiddleware();

const app = express();

// Middleware to track response time
app.use(trackRequestResponseTime()); // the time will append on the response header X-Response-Time

// track error rate
app.use(errorTrackingMiddleware) // access information by  req.errorResponse

// System monitor middleware
app.use(systemMonitor({ cpu: true, memory: true, disk: true })); // access information by req.systemMetrics

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('System monitoring active.');

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server is running on port 3000');


Error Tracking Middleware

This middleware tracks error statistics for your Express application by intercepting responses and recording error occurrences. It provides detailed insights into the total number of requests, error count, error rate, and the specific routes that are causing errors.


  • CustomRequest Interface: Extends the default Express Request object to include an optional errorResponse property for error statistics.
  • createErrorTrackingMiddleware Function: Creates an error tracking middleware with isolated state for tracking errors in your Express application.
Option Type Default Description
totalRequests number 0 The total number of requests processed.
errorCount number 0 The total number of error responses (status code 400 and above).
errorRate string 0.00% The percentage of error responses relative to total requests.
errorRoutes { [key: string]: number } {} An object mapping routes to the number of errors encountered at each route.

CustomRequest Interface

The CustomRequest interface extends the standard Express Request object to include an errorResponse property. This property is used to store error tracking information:

export interface CustomRequest extends Request {
  errorResponse?: {
    totalRequests: number;
    errorCount: number;
    errorRate: string;
    errorRoutes: { [key: string]: number };

createErrorTrackingMiddleware Function

This factory function creates an Express middleware function that tracks error statistics. It maintains an in-memory state to count total requests, errors, and error rates. The middleware also tracks errors by route.

  • Usage
  1. Import the Middleware: Import the createErrorTrackingMiddleware function into your Express application.
import { createErrorTrackingMiddleware } from 'system-monitoring';
  1. Add Middleware to Your Application: Use the middleware in your Express application.
const app = express();
  1. Access Error Statistics: You can access error statistics via the errorResponse property on the req object within your route handlers or other middleware.
app.get('/some-route', (req: CustomRequest, res: Response) => {
  // Access error statistics
  const errorStats = req.errorResponse;
  console.log('Error Statistics:', errorStats);
  res.send('Response body');
  • Note: Future adding, will add appility to adding on file or db like trackTime


trackTime is a middleware function for Express.js that tracks the response time for each request and provides the ability to log the data either to a file or to a database via a callback function.

  1. Import the middleware into your Express app.
  2. You can configure trackTime to log the response times to a file, send them to a database, or both.

Example Code

import express from 'express';
import { trackTime } from './middlewares/trackTime';

const app = express();

// Example database storage function (optional)
function storeOnDb(logData: { method: string; url: string; responseTime: string; timestamp: string }) {
  // Simulate storing in a database (replace this with your actual DB logic)
  console.log('Storing log in the database:', logData);

// Use the middleware to track request/response time
  filePath: './logs/request_logs.txt', // Optional: Logs to a file
  storeOnDb: storeOnDb                 // Optional: Callback to store logs in a database

// Example route
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Hello, World!');

// Start the server
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server is running on port 3000');

Track Time Middleware Options You can configure the behavior of the trackTime middleware by passing an options object with the following properties:

Option Type Description
filePath string (optional) The path where logs will be written. If provided, the middleware will log each request to this file in JSON format.
storeOnDb (logData: LogData) => void (optional) A callback function that receives the log data for storing in a database. This function will be called every time a request finishes.

Log Data Structure The log data passed to the file or the storeOnDb function will have the following structure:

interface LogData {
  method: string;       // HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST)
  url: string;          // The URL requested
  responseTime: string; // Time taken to process the request in milliseconds
  timestamp: string;    // ISO timestamp when the request was made

Logging Options

  1. Logging to a File: If you provide the filePath option, the logs will be written to the specified file in JSON format. Each log entry will be appended to the file on a new line. Example log entry:
  1. Storing in a Database: If you pass a storeOnDb callback function, it will be called with the log data. You can implement your own logic to store this data in a database (e.g., MongoDB, MySQL).

Example of Custom Database Storage Function

// Example function to store log data in a MongoDB database
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';

async function storeLogInDb(logData: LogData) {
  const client = await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017');
  const db = client.db('logsDatabase');
  await db.collection('requestLogs').insertOne(logData);
  await client.close();

// Pass this function to the `trackTime` middleware
app.use(trackTime({ storeOnDb: storeLogInDb }));


  • File Path: Ensure that the file path exists or is writable by your application. If the path does not exist, the middleware will automatically create the directory.
  • Performance Considerations: If you log data to a file or database on every request, ensure your storage mechanism can handle the load without affecting performance.


// will write docs here


System Monitoring Functions

  • getCpuInfo(): Returns CPU usage details for all cores and the system as a whole.
  • getMemoryUsage(): Retrieves total, free, and used memory information.
  • getDiskUsage(): Fetches disk usage statistics including total, used, and available space.
  • getNetworkInfo(): Returns details about all network interfaces.
  • getSystemUptime(): Returns the system uptime in seconds.
  • getProcessInfo(): Provides the CPU and memory usage of the current process.
  • getOSInfo: Retrieves detailed information about the operating system.
  • getLoadAverage: Retrieves the system load averages over 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
  • getUserInfo: Retrieves extended user information and system details.
  • getTemperature(): Returns the system temperature (if supported).
  • getFileSystemInfo: Retrieves information about the file system, including disk space usage.
  • getActiveConnections: Retrieves the active network connections on the system.
  • getScheduledTasks: Retrieves a list of scheduled tasks from the system and parses them into an object.
  • getServiceStatus: Retrieves the status of a given service.
  • getLogs(path, keyword): Fetches logs from the specified file, optionally filtering by a keyword.


  • systemMonitor: System monitor middleware for gathering system metrics.
  • trackTime: Middleware to track request/response time. Logs can either be stored in a file or sent to a database via a callback.
  • createErrorTrackingMiddleware: Factory function to create error tracking middleware with isolated state
  • trackRequestResponseTime: Middleware to track request and response time. and adding the response time to response header in ms

Some Response Examples

  1. CPU Information
  "totalUserTime": 123456,
  "totalSystemTime": 654321,
  "totalIdleTime": 789012,
  "totalTime": 1567890,
  "usedTime": 777777,
  "idleTime": 789012,
  "usagePercentage": 49.5,
  "coreDetails": [
      "coreId": 0,
      "userTime": 12345,
      "systemTime": 6543,
      "idleTime": 7890,
      "totalTime": 15678,
      "usagePercentage": 51.4
    // more cores...
  1. Memory Usage
    "totalMemory": 16777216,
    "freeMemory": 8388608,
    "usedMemory": 8388608
  1. Disk Usage
  "total": 104857600,
  "used": 52428800,
  "available": 52428800


The systemMonitor middleware accepts an object with the following options:

Option Type Default Description
cpu boolean true Enable CPU usage monitoring.
memory boolean true Enable memory usage monitoring.
disk boolean true Enable disk usage monitoring.
network boolean true Enable network interface information monitoring.
uptime boolean true Enable system uptime monitoring.
processInfo boolean true Enable process CPU and memory usage monitoring.
temperature boolean false Enable system temperature monitoring (only on Linux/Windows).
osInfo boolean false Enable operating system information monitoring.
loadAverage boolean false Enable load average monitoring.
userInfo boolean false Enable user information monitoring.
fileSystemInfo boolean false Enable file system information monitoring.
activeConnections boolean false Enable active network connections monitoring.
scheduledTasks boolean false Enable scheduled tasks monitoring.
logs { path: string, keyword?: string } null Fetch logs from a specified file, optionally filtered by keyword.
responseTime boolean false Track response time for each request.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any bug reports, suggestions, or feature requests, please open an issue on GitHub.

To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new feature branch (git checkout -b feature/new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

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A lightweight and efficient Node.js library for real-time system monitoring. Track CPU, memory, disk usage, network I/O, and more with ease.




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