This is the place where I opensource stuff and break things 🤣
- 🔭 I’m currently working on something cool 😉
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Blockchain,AI And ML
- 💬 Ask me about anything related to Python/Django/DevOps/ or Angular/React/Express/Flask/FastApi
- ⚡ Fun fact: I ❤️ Astronautics / PS Gaming and kurdistan
📕 Latest Blog Posts
- How to prevent GitHub from suspending your cronjob based triggers
- How I built one of the top 20 most used Github Actions
- Show your latest posts automatically on your GitHub profile readme
- God Mode in browsers: document.designMode = "on"
- Skipping the Chrome "Your connection is not private" warning
🔗 Connect with me
📊 This week I spent my time on
I am a Full Stack Developer and Software engenire with 9+ years of experience in developing enterprise applications and open-source software.
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During my free time, I actively contribute to open-source projects on GitHub. Due to my significant contributions to DuckDuckGo, I was appointed as a maintainer and community leader with write access to all of DuckDuckGo's repositories. I have also made contributions to a variety of other open-source projects and organizations, including Mozilla, Angular, Svelte, Node.JS etc
I also maintain and contribute to a lot of community open-source projects and libraries. Some of the communities includes Tinkerhub Foundation, Kites Foundation, Mozilla Foundation, Patternfly etc. I strongly believe that the true value of open-source is not just the code, it's the community around it.
You can read more about me and my open source journey at my website:
I create most of my open-source projects to solve the challenges I encounter in life, with many more still waiting to be addressed. I am embarking on a quest to find solutions for each one, one problem at a time.