- Minuet AI
- Features
- Requirements
- Installation
- Configuration
- API Keys
- System Prompt
- Providers
- Commands
- Contributing
- Acknowledgement
Minuet AI: Dance with Intelligence in Your Code π.
brings the grace and harmony of a minuet to your coding process.
Just as dancers move during a minuet.
- AI-powered code completion
- Support for multiple AI providers (OpenAI, Claude, Gemini, Codestral, Huggingface, and OpenAI-compatible services)
- Customizable configuration options
- Streaming support to enable completion delivery even with slower LLMs
- Support
,virtual text
With nvim-cmp / blink-cmp frontend:
With virtual text frontend:
- Neovim 0.10+.
- plenary.nvim
- optional: nvim-cmp
- optional: blink.cmp
- An API key for at least one of the supported AI providers
specs = {
config = function()
require('minuet').setup {
-- Your configuration options here
{ 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
-- optional, if you are using virtual-text frontend, nvim-cmp is not
-- required.
{ 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp' },
-- optional, if you are using virtual-text frontend, blink is not required.
{ 'Saghen/blink.cmp' },
Given the response speed and rate limits of LLM services, we recommend you
either invoke minuet
completion manually or use a cost-effective model for
auto-completion. The author recommends gemini-1.5-flash
for auto-completion.
Setting up with nvim-cmp:
require('cmp').setup {
sources = {
-- Include minuet as a source to enable autocompletion
{ name = 'minuet' },
-- and your other sources
performance = {
-- It is recommended to increase the timeout duration due to
-- the typically slower response speed of LLMs compared to
-- other completion sources. This is not needed when you only
-- need manual completion.
fetching_timeout = 2000,
-- If you wish to invoke completion manually,
-- The following configuration binds `A-y` key
-- to invoke the configuration manually.
require('cmp').setup {
mapping = {
["<A-y>"] = require('minuet').make_cmp_map()
-- and your other keymappings
Setting up with virtual text:
require('minuet').setup {
virtualtext = {
auto_trigger_ft = {},
keymap = {
accept = '<A-A>',
accept_line = '<A-a>',
-- Cycle to prev completion item, or manually invoke completion
prev = '<A-[>',
-- Cycle to next completion item, or manually invoke completion
next = '<A-]>',
dismiss = '<A-e>',
Setting up with blink-cmp:
require('blink-cmp').setup {
keymap = {
-- Manually invoke minuet completion.
['<A-y>'] = {
cmp.show { providers = { 'minuet' } }
sources = {
-- Enable minuet for autocomplete
default = { 'lsp', 'path', 'buffer', 'snippets', 'minuet' },
-- For manual completion only, remove 'minuet' from default
providers = {
minuet = {
name = 'minuet',
module = 'minuet.blink',
score_offset = 8, -- Gives minuet higher priority among suggestions
If you are using a distribution like lazyvim
, see the FAQ section to see how
to configure minuet
with lazyvim
, note that the author does not use
, the FAQ section does not guarantee to work. PRs are welcome to fix
the problem if it exists.
Minuet AI comes with the following defaults:
default_config = {
-- Enable or disable auto-completion. Note that you still need to add
-- Minuet to your cmp/blink sources. This option controls whether cmp/blink
-- will attempt to invoke minuet when minuet is included in cmp/blink
-- sources. This setting has no effect on manual completion; Minuet will
-- always be enabled when invoked manually. You can use the command
-- `MinuetToggle` to toggle this option.
cmp = {
enable_auto_complete = true,
blink = {
enable_auto_complete = true,
virtualtext = {
-- Specify the filetypes to enable automatic virtual text completion,
-- e.g., { 'python', 'lua' }. Note that you can still invoke manual
-- completion even if the filetype is not on your auto_trigger_ft list.
auto_trigger_ft = {},
keymap = {
accept = nil,
accept_line = nil,
-- Cycle to next completion item, or manually invoke completion
next = nil,
-- Cycle to prev completion item, or manually invoke completion
prev = nil,
dismiss = nil,
provider = 'codestral',
-- the maximum total characters of the context before and after the cursor
-- 12,800 characters typically equate to approximately 4,000 tokens for
-- LLMs.
context_window = 12800,
-- when the total characters exceed the context window, the ratio of
-- context before cursor and after cursor, the larger the ratio the more
-- context before cursor will be used. This option should be between 0 and
-- 1, context_ratio = 0.75 means the ratio will be 3:1.
context_ratio = 0.75,
throttle = 1000, -- only send the request every x milliseconds, use 0 to disable throttle.
-- debounce the request in x milliseconds, set to 0 to disable debounce
debounce = 400,
-- show notification when request is sent or request fails. options:
-- false to disable notification. Note that you should use false, not "false".
-- "verbose" for all notifications.
-- "warn" for warnings and above.
-- "error" just errors.
notify = 'verbose',
-- The request timeout, measured in seconds. When streaming is enabled
-- (stream = true), setting a shorter request_timeout allows for faster
-- retrieval of completion items, albeit potentially incomplete.
-- Conversely, with streaming disabled (stream = false), a timeout
-- occurring before the LLM returns results will yield no completion items.
request_timeout = 3,
-- if completion item has multiple lines, create another completion item only containing its first line.
add_single_line_entry = true,
-- The number of completion items (encoded as part of the prompt for the
-- chat LLM) requested from the language model. It's important to note that
-- when 'add_single_line_entry' is set to true, the actual number of
-- returned items may exceed this value. Additionally, the LLM cannot
-- guarantee the exact number of completion items specified, as this
-- parameter serves only as a prompt guideline.
n_completions = 3,
-- Defines the length of non-whitespace context after the cursor used to
-- filter completion text. Set to 0 to disable filtering.
-- Example: With after_cursor_filter_length = 3 and context:
-- "def fib(n):\n|\n\nfib(5)" (where | represents cursor position),
-- if the completion text contains "fib", then "fib" and subsequent text
-- will be removed. This setting filters repeated text generated by the
-- LLM. A large value (e.g., 15) is recommended to avoid false positives.
after_cursor_filter_length = 15,
-- proxy port to use
proxy = nil,
provider_options = {
-- see the documentation in each provider in the following part.
-- see the documentation in the `System Prompt` section
default_template = {
template = '...',
prompt = '...',
guidelines = '...',
n_completion_template = '...',
default_few_shots = { '...' },
Minuet AI requires API keys to function. Set the following environment variables:
for CodestralHF_API_KEY
for Huggingface- Custom environment variable for OpenAI-compatible services (as specified in your configuration)
Note: Provide the name of the environment variable to Minuet, not the
actual value. For instance, pass OPENAI_API_KEY
to Minuet, not the value
itself (e.g., sk-xxxx
If using Ollama, you need to assign an arbitrary, non-null environment variable as a placeholder for it to function.
See prompt for the default system prompt used by minuet
You can customize the template
by encoding placeholders within triple braces.
These placeholders will be interpolated using the corresponding key-value pairs
from the table. The value can be either a string or a function that takes no
arguments and returns a string.
Here's a simplified example for illustrative purposes (not intended for actual configuration):
system = {
template = '{{{assistant}}}\n{{{role}}}'
assistant = function() return 'you are a helpful assistant' end,
role = "you are also a code expert.",
Note that n_completion_template
is a special placeholder as it contains one
which will be encoded with config.n_completions
, if you want to
customize this template, make sure your prompt also contains only one %d
Similarly, few_shots
can be a table in the following form or a function that
takes no argument and returns a table in the following form:
{ role = "user", content = "something" },
{ role = "assistant", content = "something" }
-- ...
-- You can pass as many turns as you want
Below is an example to configure the prompt based on filetype:
require('minuet').setup {
provider_options = {
openai = {
system = {
prompt = function()
if vim.bo.ft == 'tex' then
return [[your prompt for completing prose.]]
return require('minuet.config').default_system.prompt
few_shots = function()
if vim.bo.ft == 'tex' then
return {
-- your few shots examples for prose
return require('minuet.config').default_few_shots
There's no need to replicate unchanged fields. The system will automatically
merge modified fields with default values using the tbl_deep_extend
the following is the default configuration for OpenAI:
provider_options = {
openai = {
model = 'gpt-4o-mini',
system = "see [System Prompt] section for the default value",
few_shots = "see [System Prompt] section for the default value",
stream = true,
optional = {
-- pass any additional parameters you want to send to OpenAI request,
-- e.g.
-- stop = { 'end' },
-- max_tokens = 256,
-- top_p = 0.9,
The following configuration is not the default, but recommended to prevent request timeout from outputing too many tokens.
provider_options = {
openai = {
optional = {
max_tokens = 256,
the following is the default configuration for Claude:
provider_options = {
claude = {
max_tokens = 512,
model = 'claude-3-5-haiku-20241022',
system = "see [System Prompt] section for the default value",
few_shots = "see [System Prompt] section for the default value",
stream = true,
optional = {
-- pass any additional parameters you want to send to claude request,
-- e.g.
-- stop_sequences = nil,
Codestral is a text completion model, not a chat model, so the system prompt
and few shot examples does not apply. Note that you should use the
, as they are using different
endpoint. To use the Mistral endpoint, simply modify the end_point
parameters in the configuration.
the following is the default configuration for Codestral:
provider_options = {
codestral = {
model = 'codestral-latest',
end_point = 'https://codestral.mistral.ai/v1/fim/completions',
api_key = 'CODESTRAL_API_KEY',
stream = true,
optional = {
stop = nil, -- the identifier to stop the completion generation
max_tokens = nil,
The following configuration is not the default, but recommended to prevent request timeout from outputing too many tokens.
provider_options = {
codestral = {
optional = {
max_tokens = 256,
stop = { '\n\n' },
The following config is the default.
provider_options = {
gemini = {
model = 'gemini-1.5-flash-latest',
system = "see [System Prompt] section for the default value",
few_shots = "see [System Prompt] section for the default value",
stream = true,
optional = {},
The following configuration is not the default, but recommended to prevent request timeout from outputing too many tokens. You can also adjust the safety settings following the example:
provider_options = {
gemini = {
optional = {
generationConfig = {
maxOutputTokens = 256,
safetySettings = {
threshold = 'BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH',
Use any providers compatible with OpenAI's chat completion API.
For example, you can set the end_point
to use ollama
Note that not all openAI compatible services has streaming support, you should
change stream=false
to disable streaming in case your services do not support
The following config is the default.
provider_options = {
openai_compatible = {
model = 'llama-3.3-70b-versatile',
system = "see [System Prompt] section for the default value",
few_shots = "see [System Prompt] section for the default value",
end_point = 'https://api.groq.com/openai/v1/chat/completions',
api_key = 'GROQ_API_KEY',
name = 'Groq',
stream = true,
optional = {
stop = nil,
max_tokens = nil,
Use any provider compatible with OpenAI's completion API. This request uses the text completion API, not chat completion, so system prompts and few-shot examples are not applicable.
For example, you can set the end_point
to use ollama
Refer to the Completions Legacy section of the OpenAI documentation for details.
Note that not all openAI compatible services has streaming support, you should
change stream=false
to disable streaming in case your services do not support
provider_options = {
openai_fim_compatible = {
model = 'deepseek-coder',
end_point = 'https://api.deepseek.com/beta/completions',
api_key = 'DEEPSEEK_API_KEY',
name = 'Deepseek',
stream = true,
optional = {
stop = nil,
max_tokens = nil,
The following configuration is not the default, but recommended to prevent request timeout from outputing too many tokens.
provider_options = {
openai_fim_compatible = {
optional = {
max_tokens = 256,
stop = { '\n\n' },
Currently only text completion model in huggingface is supported, so the system prompt and few shot examples does not apply.
provider_options = {
huggingface = {
end_point = 'https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/bigcode/starcoder2-3b',
type = 'completion',
strategies = {
completion = {
markers = {
prefix = '<fim_prefix>',
suffix = '<fim_suffix>',
middle = '<fim_middle>',
strategy = 'PSM', -- PSM, SPM or PM
optional = {
parameters = {
-- The parameter specifications for different LLMs may vary.
-- Ensure you specify the parameters after reading the API
-- documentation.
stop = nil,
max_tokens = nil,
do_sample = nil,
This command allows you to change the provider after Minuet
has been setup.
Enable or disable auto-completion for nvim-cmp
or blink.cmp
. Note that you
still need to add Minuet to your sources. This command controls whether
cmp/blink will attempt to invoke minuet when minuet is included in sources.
This command has no effect on manual completion; Minuet will always be enabled
when invoked manually.
Toggle the automatic display of virtual-text
completion in the current buffer
on or off.
offers the following functions to customize your key mappings:
-- accept whole completion
-- accept by line
-- whether the virtual text is visible in current buffer
You can configure the icons of minuet
by using the following snippet
(referenced from cmp's
local cmp = require('cmp')
cmp.setup {
formatting = {
format = function(entry, vim_item)
-- Kind icons
vim_item.kind = string.format('%s %s', kind_icons[vim_item.kind], vim_item.kind) -- This concatenates the icons with the name of the item kind
-- Source
vim_item.menu = ({
minuet = "σ±»"
return vim_item
When using Minuet with auto-complete enabled, you may occasionally experience a
noticeable delay when pressing <CR>
to move to the next line. This occurs
because Minuet triggers autocompletion at the start of a new line, while cmp
blocks the <CR>
key, awaiting Minuet's response.
To address this issue, consider the following solutions:
- Unbind the
key from your cmp keymap. - Utilize cmp's internal API to avoid blocking calls, though be aware that this API may change without prior notice.
Here's an example of the second approach using Lua:
local cmp = require 'cmp'
opts.mapping = {
['<CR>'] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
-- use the internal non-blocking call to check if cmp is visible
if cmp.core.view:visible() then
cmp.confirm { select = true }
With nvim-cmp:
config = function()
require('minuet').setup {
-- Your configuration options here
optional = true,
opts = function(_, opts)
-- if you wish to use autocomplete
table.insert(opts.sources, 1, {
name = 'minuet',
group_index = 1,
priority = 100,
opts.performance = {
-- It is recommended to increase the timeout duration due to
-- the typically slower response speed of LLMs compared to
-- other completion sources. This is not needed when you only
-- need manual completion.
fetching_timeout = 2000,
opts.mapping = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', opts.mapping or {}, {
-- if you wish to use manual complete
['<A-y>'] = require('minuet').make_cmp_map(),
With blink-cmp:
-- set the following line in your config/options.lua
vim.g.lazyvim_blink_main = true
config = function()
require('minuet').setup {
-- Your configuration options here
optional = true,
opts = {
keymap = {
['<A-y>'] = {
cmp.show { providers = { 'minuet' } }
sources = {
-- if you want to use auto-complete
default = { 'minuet' },
providers = {
minuet = {
name = 'minuet',
module = 'minuet.blink',
score_offset = 100,
- Implement
on the codebase and encode the codebase information into the request to LLM. - DONE Virtual text UI support.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
- cmp-ai: Reference for the integration with
. - continue.dev: not a neovim plugin, but I find a lot LLM models from here.
- copilot.lua: Reference for the virtual text frontend.