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Development Best Practices

This is something of a passion project of mine, but now folks are maybe taking an interest, and we've got a few collaborators. So, with that in mind, feel free to push minor modifications directly to master for now, using your best judgement as to risk. For larger changes or feature additions, I request that you simply put up a PR for a few days just so that folks can see what's going in and get a handle on things.

A good naming convention for PR Branches is:

[Issue Type]-[Issue Number]-[Short Description if you want]



Deploying To Production

  1. Merge master into prod: git checkout master git pull master git checkout prod git pull prod git merge master *** resolve conflicts *** heroku git:remote -a project git push heroku prod:master

Running Locally

you'll need two command windows

in one, run: npm run local-start

in the other, run: heroku local web

One will start the create-react-app fanciness for local development of the client; the other will start nodemon for local development of the server. In production, only the server is run and it serves a statically generated build of the client. Locally, package.json defines a proxy for port 5001 that goes to the server, while all main requests are routed through the create-react-app system.