This repo contains Ansible modules which utilize the SSH protocol to change configuration on Avaya devices. It is currently in the proof of concept stage and is intended to demonstrate how devices without modern APIs can be automated and integrated into a DevOps/NetOps model.
The goal of this project is to provide an automation tool set for Avaya products using Ansible as a framework.
This code is still very fresh and will likely go through many iterations.
These modules requires:
- netmiko
- Avaya VSP devices
pip install netmiko
If you are running Ansible through a Python virtualenv you might need to change the ansible_python_interpreter variable. Check the hosts file in this repo for an example. You can clone this repo and copy the modules to your Ansible library path.
Testing: SSH via Local Auth
boot config flags sshd
username admin leve rwa
Enter the old password : ********
Enter the New password : ********
Re-enter the New password : ********
Production: SSH via Radius
boot config flags sshd
Running the playbook the first time:
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts example-playbooks/how-to/examples-save-config.yml
PLAY [all] ********************************************************************
TASK: [save config] ***********************************************************
changed: []
TASK: [save config] ***********************************************************
changed: []
TASK: [save config] ***********************************************************
changed: []
TASK: [save config] ***********************************************************
changed: []
PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** : ok=0 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0
- Confirm/Add software image, enable specific software image, and reboot to update OS.
- Backup configuration to file server
- Modify VLANs
- Modify ISID to VLAN mapping
- Interface configuration
Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected] or submit an issue on GitHub.