- An interactive mockup of a mobile web store
- Page structure: HTML5/CSS3/JS
- Framework: Vue 2.0
- Stage management pattern: Vuex
- Data processing framework: Axios
- Router: Vue-Router
- Image rendering: Vue-LazyLoad
- Back-end development: Node.js
- Service settings/routing/processing: Express.js
- Database communications: MySQL
- Front-end receiver: Body-Parser
- Cookie & session processing: Cookie-Parser & Cookie-Session
- Home page
- Categories
- Shopping cart
- User profile
- Sign-up
- Login-in
- Product details
- Product search
With MySQL database installed, open migou.sql
Use npm
to install local server third-party framework (Requires Node.js)
cd vue-jd
npm install or cnpm install
npm run dev
Next, open the back-end server
node server.js
. ├── README.md ├── libs // packages of common back-end tools' framework (formatting/MD5 encryption etc.) ├── route // back-end connection menu ├── server.js // back-end server settings file ├── webpack.config.js // webpack settings file ├── index.html // project entrance file ├── package.json // project settings file ├── src // production menu │ ├── assets // css js and image source │ ├── components // vue components │ ├── store // vuex state manager │ ├── App.vue // project panorama/Vue │ ├── main.js // webpack editing entrance │ └── router.config.js // vue router settings file