For Educational Purposes Only
Within this repository, the reader will find R code to accompany the article "Interactive plotting" by Zhen Hui Trinh, Ben Johnson, and Eileen Burns in the January 2019 issue of the SOA Predictive Analytics and Futurism section newsletter.
The code produces a dashboard version of Shiny web app that lets the user experience the differences between two interactive graphics tools in R, plotly and billboarder.
Running the app requires the following packages: shiny, shinydashboard, dplyr, reshape2, plotly, billboarder. There is code in global.R that ensures each packages is installed.
Versions of these packages are as follows:
shiny 1.1.0
dplyr 0.7.6
plotly 4.8.0
reshape2 1.4.3
billboarder 0.2.4
shinydashboard 0.7.0