Makes DTMF tones and saves them to a wave file. Maybe useful for phone phreaking in the 60s or 70s, now it's pretty much a novelty. You can test that it works by submitting your wave file for testing.
./tone.rb [options] <digits> <outputfile>
-p, --pause PAUSE Sets delay between each tone (in seconds)
-v, --volume VOLUME Sets volume between 0 (silent) and 1 (max)
-h, --help Displays this usage message
<digits> Specifies digit tones to emulate
<outputfile> Specifies name of output wave file
For example, to generate the noise of dialing "1234":
tone.rb 1234 dialing.wav
To do the same with a tenth of a second delay instead of our default half a second, and with twice the default volume of 0.3:
tone.rb -p 0.1 -v 0.6 1234 dialing.wav
We make heavy use of the wavefile ruby gem. Everything is in pure ruby, nothing else is needed.