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flutter build appbundle --release
- The alarm shutdown the app in Samsung. ???
- Fix the 'Ahora' tab: shown programs at midnight
- Include live channels https://www.tvcubana.icrt.cu/seccion-informaciones/4648-television-cubana-en-vivo-por-internet
- Change the screenshots in Google Play
- Improve category Education with sub-sections by grade (9th, 10th, 11th, etc.)
- Improve category Sports:
- Include national serie teams images for baseball games programs.
- Include posibility to make a rate for both teams (people can pick a team and results are visualized).
- [
] The Reload button hides the text behind. Check if can be like the one in ComprandoEnCuba. - Hide 'Series' in the set of categories.
- Add to categories 'Education', historical
- Improve the categories. Education first.
- Fix overflow in channel card (CubaVision Internacional)