Firmware for an ESP8266 based keypad that can be used with the Mind Flayer VTT module & server
See hardware/board/ for more information.
See hardware/case/ for more information.
You have to have set up the following software in order to compile an flash the controller:
- Python
- Use the following command to setup a python virtual environment:
python -m venv .venv
- Activate the python virtual environment
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install platformio
pip install platformio
- Create a
file and add the WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS and WSS_URL variables#define WIFI_SSID "<your ssid>" #define WIFI_PASS "<your wifi password>" #define WSS_URL "<your websocketserver url>"
- Connect the wemos d1 mini to the PC with USB
- Run the following command to flash the controller
platformio run -e controller_1 -t upload