composer require ngocnm/elastic-query
- Register Service Provider
- Define env
ELASTIC_HOST = localhost,localhost_2 #default: localhost
ELASTIC_PORT = 9200 #default: 9200
ELASTIC_INDEX_PREFIX = project_1 #default: null
ELASTIC_USERNAME= root #default: null
ELASTIC_PASSWORD= admin #default: null
ELASTIC_SCHEME = https #default: http
ELASTIC_PATH= /data/elastic #default: null
ELASTICSEARCH_SSN_LOG_DEBUGBAR = true # add log query to debugbar on core sosanhnha
ELASTIC_CACHE_ENABLED=true #default: true
- Config without laravel lumen
- Create singleton with key (elastic_query):
define('ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_PREFIX',env('ELASTIC_INDEX_PREFIX','')); define('ELASTICSEARCH_SSN_LOG_DEBUGBAR',env('ELASTICSEARCH_SSN_LOG_DEBUGBAR',false)); $app->singleton("elastic_query",function(){ $hosts = env('ELASTIC_HOST','localhost'); $hosts_config = [ 'port'=>env('ELASTIC_PORT',9200), 'scheme'=>env('ELASTIC_SCHEME','http'), 'host'=>$hosts ]; if(!empty(env('ELASTIC_PASSWORD',null))) $hosts_config['pass'] = env('ELASTIC_PASSWORD'); if(!empty(env('ELASTIC_USERNAME',null))) $hosts_config['user'] = env('ELASTIC_USERNAME'); if(!empty(env('ELASTIC_PATH',null))) $hosts_config['path'] = env('ELASTIC_PATH'); if(!empty(env('ELASTIC_SCHEME',null))) $hosts_config['scheme'] = env('ELASTIC_SCHEME'); if(strpos($hosts,',')!==false){ $hosts = explode(',',$hosts); } if(is_array($hosts)){ $hosts = array_map(function ($host)use($hosts_config){ $hosts_config['host'] = $host; return $hosts_config; },$hosts); }else{ $hosts = [$hosts_config]; } return ClientBuilder::create()->setHosts($hosts)->build(); });
- Create singleton with key (elastic_query):
$query_log =\Ngocnm\ElasticQuery\ElasticsearchQueryLog::getLog();
- Create Object
$client = new Ngocnm\ElasticQuery\ElasticsearchQuery('index_name');
- Select query
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->get();
- Limit query
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->limit(3)->get();
- Offset query
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->offset($offset)->limit(3)->get();
- Where query
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->where('field_name',$value)->limit(3)->get();
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->where('field_name','>',$value)->limit(3)->get();
- OrderBy query(ASC,DESC)
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->orderBy('field_name','asc')->get();
- Where between query
$value = ['value_1','value_2'];
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->whereBetween('field_name',$value)->get();
- Where GeoDistance query
//$distance = '1km' default
//column name map: location
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->whereGeoDistance($lat,$lng,$distance,'asc')->get();
- Delete row by id
$response = $client->delete($id);
- Delete Multi rows
$response = $client->where('field_name',$value)->deleteMulti();
- QueryString - Fulltext search
$response = $client->queryString('field_name',$keyword)->get();
- Full Text Search Trigrams query
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->fullTextSearchTrigrams('field_name',$keyword)->get();
- Full Text Search moreLikeThis query: Document moreLikeThis
$column = 'field';
$column = ['field_1','field_2'];
$keyword = 'keyword_search';
$config = [
"min_term_freq" => 1,
"max_query_terms" => 12
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->moreLikeThis($column,$keyword,$config)->get();
- WhereIn query
$value = [23,4,5,...];
$response = $client->whereIn('field_name',$value)->get();
- WhereNot query
$response = $client->WhereNot('field_name',$value)->get();
$response = $client->WhereNot('field_name','>',$value)->get();
- WhereNotIn query
$value = [23,4,5,...];
$response = $client->whereNotIn('field_name',$value)->get();
- WhereNotBetween query
$value = ['value_1','value_2'];
$response = $client->select('field_1,field_2')->whereNotBetween('field_name',$value)->get();
- Insert a document or multi documents
- Insert or update a document
$data = [ 'field_id_unique'=>1, 'field_1'=>$value_1, 'field_2'=>$value_2 ];
- Insert or update multi documents
$data = [ [ 'field_id_unique'=>1, 'field_1'=>$value_1, 'field_2'=>$value_2 ], [ 'field_id_unique'=>2, 'field_1'=>$value_1, 'field_2'=>$value_2 ] ];
- Insert or update a document
$reponse = $client->insertOrUpdate($data,'name_field_id_unique');
- Customize functionScore
$keyword = "key search";
$matchs = ['filed' =>'field_name_match', 'value'=>'value_match', 'wieght' => 24];
$matchs = [
['filed' =>'field_name_match', 'value'=>'value_match', 'wieght' => 24],
['filed' =>'field_name_match_1', 'value'=>'value_match_1', 'wieght' => 42]
$boost = 5;// default: 5;
$max_boost = 42; // default: 42;
$min_score = 23;// default: 23;
$boost_mode = 'multiply'; // default: multiply;
// multiply :scores are multiplied (default)
// sum : scores are summed
// avg : scores are averaged
// first : the first function that has a matching filter is applied
$score_mode = 'max'; // default: max;
// max : maximum score is used
// min : minimum score is used
$response = $client->queryString('field_name',$keyword)->functionScore($matchs, $boost, $max_boost,$min_score, $boost_mode, $score_mode)->get();
- Span near query
$field = 'field_name';
$spans_term = ['value_1','value_2'];
$slop = 1;//default: 1
$in_order = false;// default: false;
$response = $client->spanNearQuery($field, $spans_term, $slop, $in_order);
- Update multi documents with condition (Update by query)
$data_update = ['field'=>'new_value','field_2'=>'new_value_2'];
$response = $client->where('field_condition','value_condition')->update($data_update);
- Delete index
- CreateIndex index by query
$query_create = [
'index' => $index_name,
'body' => [
'settings' => [
'number_of_shards' => 15,
'number_of_replicas' => 1
- CreateIndex index by options
$index_name = 'index_demo';
$number_of_shards = 15; // default:15
$number_of_replicas = 1; // default:15
$mappings = [
'_source' => [
'enabled' => true
'properties' => [
'location' => [
'type' => 'geo_point'
]; // default:[]
- Check index exist
- Cache query - Only has on laravel framework(Manage cache's laravel):
//Cache forever
$response = $client->WhereNot('field_name',$value)->cache()->get();
//With timeout cache
$timeout = 60;//60 second
$response = $client->WhereNot('field_name',$value)->cache($timeout)->get();