mkdir MongoData
cd MongoData
mongod --dbpath=/Users/Priya/MongoData
1. heroku create app_name
2. git remote -v
3. git push heroku master
1. Create a new database in MongoDB Atlas Account
2. Create a user for the database
3. Copy the connection string that MongoDB Atlas gives you, go to your application's Settings tab through the Heroku dashboard, and paste the connection string as an environment variable under the name (or key) of MONGODB_URI
mongodb+srv://shopshopuser:P@[email protected]/shop_shop_db?retryWrites=true&w=majority
AS a senior engineer working on an e-commerce platform
I WANT my platform to use Redux to manage global state instead of the Context API
SO THAT my website's state management is taken out of the React ecosystem
GIVEN an e-commerce platform that uses Redux to manage global state
WHEN I review the app’s store
THEN I find that the app uses a Redux store instead of the Context API
WHEN I review the way the React front end accesses the store
THEN I find that the app uses a Redux provider
WHEN I review the way the app determines changes to its global state
THEN I find that the app passes reducers to a Redux store instead of using the Context API
WHEN I review the way the app extracts state data from the store
THEN I find that the app uses Redux instead of the Context API
WHEN I review the way the app dispatches actions
THEN I find that the app uses Redux instead of the Context API
cd MongoData/ from root directory
mongod --dbpath=/Users/Priya/MongoData
npm run start