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PI-1481 (#2305)

PI-1481 (#2305) #1725

This check has been archived and is scheduled for deletion. Learn more about checks retention
GitHub Actions / End-to-end test results failed Sep 22, 2023 in 0s

24 tests run, 18 passed, 2 skipped, 4 failed.


Check failure on line 44 in ts

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / End-to-end test results

ts.Create an approved premises application

submit-application.spec.ts:24:1 Create an approved premises application
Raw output
[default] › approved-premises-and-delius/submit-application.spec.ts:24:1 › Create an approved premises application 

    Test timeout of 540000ms exceeded.

    Pending operations:
      - at steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21:83

    Error: Page closed
    =========================== logs ===========================
    waiting for locator('.govuk-link').filter({ hasText: 'Manage an Approved Premises' })

       at ../steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21

      19 |     await'#submit')
      20 |     await expect(page).toHaveTitle(approvedPremisesTitle)
    > 21 |     await page.locator('.govuk-link', { hasText: 'Manage an Approved Premises' }).click()
         |                                                                                   ^
      22 | }
      23 |
      24 | export const navigateToApplications = async (page: Page) => {

        at login (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21:83)
        at /_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/approved-premises-and-delius/submit-application.spec.ts:47:5

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Test timeout of 540000ms exceeded.

    Pending operations:
      - at steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21:83

    Error: Page closed
    =========================== logs ===========================
    waiting for locator('.govuk-link').filter({ hasText: 'Manage an Approved Premises' })

       at ../steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21

      19 |     await'#submit')
      20 |     await expect(page).toHaveTitle(approvedPremisesTitle)
    > 21 |     await page.locator('.govuk-link', { hasText: 'Manage an Approved Premises' }).click()
         |                                                                                   ^
      22 | }
      23 |
      24 | export const navigateToApplications = async (page: Page) => {

        at login (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21:83)
        at /_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/approved-premises-and-delius/submit-application.spec.ts:47:5

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Retry #2 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(received).toHaveText(expected)

    Expected string: "Case ID - Offender Information (Layer 3)"
    Received string: "Case Management System Interface Warning"
    Call log:
      - expect.toHaveText with timeout 5000ms
      - waiting for locator('#contextleft > h3')
      -   locator resolved to <h3>Case Management System Interface Warning</h3>
      -   unexpected value "Case Management System Interface Warning"
      -   locator resolved to <h3>Case Management System Interface Warning</h3>
      -   unexpected value "Case Management System Interface Warning"
      -   locator resolved to <h3>Case Management System Interface Warning</h3>
      -   unexpected value "Case Management System Interface Warning"
      -   locator resolved to <h3>Case Management System Interface Warning</h3>
      -   unexpected value "Case Management System Interface Warning"
      -   locator resolved to <h3>Case Management System Interface Warning</h3>
      -   unexpected value "Case Management System Interface Warning"
      -   locator resolved to <h3>Case Management System Interface Warning</h3>
      -   unexpected value "Case Management System Interface Warning"
      -   locator resolved to <h3>Case Management System Interface Warning</h3>
      -   unexpected value "Case Management System Interface Warning"
      -   locator resolved to <h3>Case Management System Interface Warning</h3>
      -   unexpected value "Case Management System Interface Warning"
      -   locator resolved to <h3>Case Management System Interface Warning</h3>
      -   unexpected value "Case Management System Interface Warning"

       at ../steps/oasys/layer3-assessment/create-assessment.ts:7

       5 |     await expect(page.locator('#P10_ASSESSMENT_TYPE_ELM')).toContainText('Full (Layer 3)')
       6 |     await'#B3730320750239994')
    >  7 |     await expect(page.locator('#contextleft > h3')).toHaveText('Case ID - Offender Information (Layer 3)')
         |                                                     ^
       8 | }
       9 |
      10 | export const clickRoSHScreeningSection1 = async (page: Page) => {

        at createLayer3Assessment (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/oasys/layer3-assessment/create-assessment.ts:7:53)
        at createLayer3AssessmentWithoutNeeds (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/oasys/layer3-assessment/create-layer3-assessment/create-layer3-without-needs.ts:43:5)
        at /_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/approved-premises-and-delius/submit-application.spec.ts:44:5

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Check failure on line 29 in ts

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / End-to-end test results

ts.View OASys assessments in Approved Premises service

assessment-timeline.spec.ts:27:1 View OASys assessments in Approved Premises service
Raw output
[default] › approved-premises-and-oasys/assessment-timeline.spec.ts:27:1 › View OASys assessments in Approved Premises service 

    Test timeout of 540000ms exceeded.

    Pending operations:
      - at steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21:83

    Error: Page closed
    =========================== logs ===========================
    waiting for locator('.govuk-link').filter({ hasText: 'Manage an Approved Premises' })

       at ../steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21

      19 |     await'#submit')
      20 |     await expect(page).toHaveTitle(approvedPremisesTitle)
    > 21 |     await page.locator('.govuk-link', { hasText: 'Manage an Approved Premises' }).click()
         |                                                                                   ^
      22 | }
      23 |
      24 | export const navigateToApplications = async (page: Page) => {

        at login (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21:83)
        at navigateToTaskListPage (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/approved-premises/applications/task-list.ts:81:5)
        at /_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/approved-premises-and-oasys/assessment-timeline.spec.ts:47:5

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Test timeout of 540000ms exceeded.

    Pending operations:
      - at steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21:83

    Error: Page closed
    =========================== logs ===========================
    waiting for locator('.govuk-link').filter({ hasText: 'Manage an Approved Premises' })

       at ../steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21

      19 |     await'#submit')
      20 |     await expect(page).toHaveTitle(approvedPremisesTitle)
    > 21 |     await page.locator('.govuk-link', { hasText: 'Manage an Approved Premises' }).click()
         |                                                                                   ^
      22 | }
      23 |
      24 | export const navigateToApplications = async (page: Page) => {

        at login (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/approved-premises/login.ts:21:83)
        at navigateToTaskListPage (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/approved-premises/applications/task-list.ts:81:5)
        at /_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/approved-premises-and-oasys/assessment-timeline.spec.ts:47:5

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Retry #2 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Test timeout of 540000ms exceeded.

    Pending operations:
      - page.selectOption at steps/delius/utils/inputs.ts:29:16

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Check failure on line 81 in ts

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / End-to-end test results

ts.Create and search for contacts

search-for-person.spec.ts:31:1 Create and search for contacts
Raw output
[default] › person-search-index-from-delius/search-for-person.spec.ts:31:1 › Create and search for contacts 

    Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(received).toHaveCount(expected) // deep equality

    Expected: 5
    Received: 0
    Call log:
      - expect.toHaveCount with timeout 5000ms
      - waiting for locator('tbody > tr')
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"

    Call Log:
    - Timeout 60000ms exceeded while waiting on the predicate

       at ../steps/delius/utils/refresh.ts:15

      13 |         await action()
      14 |         return await expectation()
    > 15 |     }).toPass(options)
         |        ^
      16 | }
      17 |
      18 | export const waitForJS = (page: Page, timeout = 0) => {

        at doUntil (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/delius/utils/refresh.ts:15:8)
        at /_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/person-search-index-from-delius/search-for-person.spec.ts:81:11

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(received).toHaveCount(expected) // deep equality

    Expected: 5
    Received: 0
    Call log:
      - expect.toHaveCount with timeout 5000ms
      - waiting for locator('tbody > tr')
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"

    Call Log:
    - Timeout 60000ms exceeded while waiting on the predicate

       at ../steps/delius/utils/refresh.ts:15

      13 |         await action()
      14 |         return await expectation()
    > 15 |     }).toPass(options)
         |        ^
      16 | }
      17 |
      18 | export const waitForJS = (page: Page, timeout = 0) => {

        at doUntil (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/delius/utils/refresh.ts:15:8)
        at /_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/person-search-index-from-delius/search-for-person.spec.ts:81:11

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Retry #2 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(received).toHaveCount(expected) // deep equality

    Expected: 5
    Received: 0
    Call log:
      - expect.toHaveCount with timeout 5000ms
      - waiting for locator('tbody > tr')
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"
      -   locator resolved to 0 elements
      -   unexpected value "0"

    Call Log:
    - Timeout 60000ms exceeded while waiting on the predicate

       at ../steps/delius/utils/refresh.ts:15

      13 |         await action()
      14 |         return await expectation()
    > 15 |     }).toPass(options)
         |        ^
      16 | }
      17 |
      18 | export const waitForJS = (page: Page, timeout = 0) => {

        at doUntil (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/delius/utils/refresh.ts:15:8)
        at /_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/person-search-index-from-delius/search-for-person.spec.ts:81:11

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Check failure on line 19 in ts

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / End-to-end test results

ts.Create a referral and nsi is created in delius

create-referral.spec.ts:15:1 Create a referral and nsi is created in delius
Raw output
[default] › refer-and-monitor-and-delius/create-referral.spec.ts:15:1 › Create a referral and nsi is created in delius 

    Test timeout of 180000ms exceeded.

    Pending operations:
      - at steps/delius/offender/find-offender.ts:11:16

    Retry #1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(received).toHaveURL(expected)

    Expected pattern: /\/referrals\/.*\/form/
    Received string:  ""
    Call log:
      - expect.toHaveURL with timeout 5000ms
      - waiting for locator(':root')
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""

       at ../steps/referandmonitor/referral.ts:35

      33 |     await page.locator('input[name="service-user-crn"]').fill(crn)
      34 |     await page.locator('text=Continue').click()
    > 35 |     await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/referrals\/.*\/form/)
         |                        ^
      36 |
      37 |     // Navigate to personal details page
      38 |     await page.locator('text=Confirm their personal details').click()

        at makeReferral (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/referandmonitor/referral.ts:35:24)
        at createAndAssignReferral (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/refer-and-monitor-and-delius/common.ts:18:33)
        at /_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/refer-and-monitor-and-delius/create-referral.spec.ts:19:5

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Retry #2 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

    Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(received).toHaveURL(expected)

    Expected pattern: /\/referrals\/.*\/form/
    Received string:  ""
    Call log:
      - expect.toHaveURL with timeout 5000ms
      - waiting for locator(':root')
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""
      -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" class="govuk-template ">…</html>
      -   unexpected value ""

       at ../steps/referandmonitor/referral.ts:35

      33 |     await page.locator('input[name="service-user-crn"]').fill(crn)
      34 |     await page.locator('text=Continue').click()
    > 35 |     await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/referrals\/.*\/form/)
         |                        ^
      36 |
      37 |     // Navigate to personal details page
      38 |     await page.locator('text=Confirm their personal details').click()

        at makeReferral (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/steps/referandmonitor/referral.ts:35:24)
        at createAndAssignReferral (/_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/refer-and-monitor-and-delius/common.ts:18:33)
        at /_work/hmpps-probation-integration-services/hmpps-probation-integration-services/tests/refer-and-monitor-and-delius/create-referral.spec.ts:19:5

    attachment #1: screenshot (image/png) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────