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A plugin for PostCSS that generates rem units from pixel units.

If you don't need the following new features, you can use the official library: postcss-pxtorem

  • Dynamically override any postcss-pxtorem supported option in style files
  • Dynamically disable transforming rem in style files.
  • Compatible with vite, Solved the problem of px to rem failing after vite build.


npm install postcss @minko-fe/postcss-pxtorem -D


Pixels are the easiest unit to use (opinion). The only issue with them is that they don't let browsers change the default font size of 16. This script converts every px value to a rem from the properties you choose to allow the browser to set the font size.



// postcss.config.js
import pxtorom from '@minko-fe/postcss-pxtorem'

export default {
  plugins: [
      rootValue: 16,
      selectorBlackList: ['some-class'],
      propList: ['*'],
      atRules: ['media'],
      // ...


Name Type Default Description
rootValue number | ((input: Input) => number) 16 Represents the root element font size or returns the root element font size based on the input parameter
unitToConvert string px unit to convert, by default, it is px
unitPrecision number 5 The decimal numbers to allow the REM units to grow to.
propList string[] ['*'] The properties that can change from px to rem. Refer to: propList
selectorBlackList (string | RegExp)[] [] The selectors to ignore and leave as px. Refer to: selectorBlackList
replace boolean true Replaces rules containing rems instead of adding fallbacks.
atRules boolean | string[] false Allow px to be converted in at-rules. Refer to At-rule
minPixelValue number 0 Set the minimum pixel value to replace.
exclude string | RegExp | ((filePath: string) => boolean) | null /node_modules/i The file path to ignore and leave as px. Refer to: exclude
include string | RegExp | ((filePath: string) => boolean) | null null The file path to convert px to rem, in contrast to exclude, priority lower than exclude.
disable boolean false disable plugin, used to disable plugin dynamically
convertUnit ConvertUnit | ConvertUnit[] | false false convert unit when plugin process end


  • Values need to be exact matches.
  • Use wildcard * to enable all properties. Example: ['*']
  • Use * at the start or end of a word. (['*position*'] will match background-position-y)
  • Use ! to not match a property. Example: ['*', '!letter-spacing']
  • Combine the "not" prefix with the other prefixes. Example: ['*', '!font*']


  • If value is string, it checks to see if selector contains the string.
    • ['body'] will match .body-class
  • If value is regexp, it checks to see if the selector matches the regexp.
    • [/^body$/] will match body but not .body


  • If value is string, it checks to see if file path contains the string.
    • 'exclude' will match \project\postcss-pxtorem\exclude\path
  • If value is regexp, it checks to see if file path matches the regexp.
    • /exclude/i will match \project\postcss-pxtorem\exclude\path
  • If value is function, you can use exclude function to return a true and the file will be ignored.
    • the callback will pass the file path as a parameter, it should returns a Boolean result.
    • function (file) { return file.includes('exclude') }

About new features

Dynamically set plugin options in css

disable plugin

/* pxtorem?disable=true */
.rule {
  font-size: 15px; // 15px

set rootValue

/* pxtorem?rootValue=32 */
.rule {
  font-size: 30px; // 0.9375rem

The above is just a simple example, you can set any of the options supported by postcss-pxtorem in the css file

You may have seen that the css comment is very much like the browser url?. That's right. For the specification, just refer to: query-string


/* pxtorem?disable=false&rootValue=32&propList[]=*&replace=false&selectorBlackList[]=/some-class/i */

disable the next line in css file

.rule {
  /* pxtorem-disable-next-line */
  font-size: 15px; // 15px

If you write 15PX (as long as it's not px), the plugin also ignores it, because unitToConvert defaults to px If you want to use PX to ignore and want the final unit to be px, you can:

// postcss.config.js
import pxtorem from '@minko-fe/postcss-pxtorem'

export default {
  plugins: [
      convertUnit: {
        source: /px$/i,
        target: 'px',



import { flexible } from 'modern-flexible'

  rootValue: 16,
  distinctDevice: [
    { isDevice: (w: number) => w < 750, UIWidth: 375, deviceWidthRange: [375, 750] },
    { isDevice: (w: number) => w >= 750, UIWidth: 1920, deviceWidthRange: [1080, 1920] },

❤️ Thanks




A CSS post-processor that converts px to viewport: postcss-pxtoviewport


If this has helped you, please don't hesitate to give a STAR, thanks! 😎
