cd api
npm install
This is our web application Learning Journey Planning System that allows employees to track their learning progress from their in-house LMS system
Languages used: HTML, CSS, Javascript,
Libraries/Frameworks used:
│ ├───config
│ ├───controllers
│ ├───models
│ ├───routes
│ ├───test
│ ├───node_modules
│ ├───ui
Ensure that you have the following installed on your machine. You can follow this installation guide.
Visual Studio Code
Google Chrome
Run these commands on your VSC terminal first
cd api
npm install
npm start
Please ensure that your WAMP/MAMP Server and the folder in under your WAMP/MAMP webroot www/htdocs. The default port of MYSQL is 3306. If your port is not 3306, change the port number by right clicking the WAMP Icon -> tools -> Under ports use by MySQL and change the port number.
Our database is running on the AWS RDS service.
git clone
Ensure that you are using a Windows device. Run your wamp and type 'localhost' in your browser. Look for the Add Vitual Host link. Create a new virtual host called 'g9t3'. Add the webroot of ur file under the path input. Create the virtualhost. Once done, it will prompt you to restart. Please restart your wamp and ensure that the logo is green in colour.
Open a new brower and type g9t3
For the project's report and documentation, please see [here] Documentation : (
Estimation Records : (
Final Product Backlog : (
Defination Of Done : (
C4 Diagraam : (