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Merge pull request #352 from dinosaure/miou
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Provide a Miou implementation of dns-client
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dinosaure authored Aug 26, 2024
2 parents 5876a18 + 8d97f0d commit ccf3c0a
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Showing 4 changed files with 229 additions and 0 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions dns-client-miou-unix.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
opam-version: "2.0"
maintainer: "team AT robur dot coop"
authors: ["Robur <[email protected]>"]
homepage: ""
bug-reports: ""
dev-repo: "git+"
license: "BSD-2-Clause"

build: [
[ "dune" "subst"] {dev}
[ "dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs ]
[ "dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs ] {with-test}

depends: [
"dune" {>="2.0.0"}
"ocaml" {>= "5.0.0"}
"dns-client" {= version}
"domain-name" {>= "0.4.0"}
"ipaddr" {>= "5.3.0"}
"miou" {>= "0.1.0"}
"happy-eyeballs" {>= "0.6.0"}
synopsis: "DNS client API for Miou"
description: """
A client implementation using uDNS using Miou.
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions miou/client/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
let error_msgf fmt = Fmt.kstr (fun msg -> Error (`Msg msg)) fmt

let src = Logs.Src.create "dns-client-miou-unix"

module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)

module Transport = struct
open Happy_eyeballs_miou_unix

type +'a io = 'a

type io_addr =
[ `Plaintext of Ipaddr.t * int | `Tls of Tls.Config.client * Ipaddr.t * int ]

type t = {
nameservers: io_addr list
; proto: Dns.proto
; timeout: float
; happy: stack
and stack = Happy_eyeballs_miou_unix.t

type context =
{ fd : [ `Udp of Miou_unix.file_descr
| `Tcp of Miou_unix.file_descr
| `Tls of Tls_miou_unix.t ]
; timeout : float }

let clock = Mtime_clock.elapsed_ns

let same_address ipaddr' port' = function
| `Plaintext (ipaddr, port) -> ipaddr ipaddr' = 0 && port = port'
| `Tls (_, ipaddr, port) -> ipaddr ipaddr' = 0 && port = port'

exception Timeout

let with_timeout ~timeout:ts fn =
let timeout () = Miou_unix.sleep ts; raise Timeout in
let prm1 = Miou.async timeout in
let prm0 = Miou.async fn in
Miou.await_first [ prm0; prm1 ]

let connect_to_nameservers t =
let ( let* ) = Result.bind in
match t.proto with
| `Tcp ->
let ip_of_nameserver = function
| `Plaintext (ipaddr, port) -> (ipaddr, port)
| `Tls (_, ipaddr, port) -> (ipaddr, port) in
let ips = ip_of_nameserver t.nameservers in
let* ((ipaddr, port) as addr), fd = connect_ip t.happy ips in
begin match List.find (same_address ipaddr port) t.nameservers with
| `Plaintext _ -> Ok (addr, `Tcp fd)
| `Tls (config, _, _) ->
try let fd = Tls_miou_unix.client_of_fd config fd in
Ok (addr, `Tls fd)
with End_of_file ->
Miou_unix.close fd;
error_msgf "Connection to nameservers (via TLS) impossible" end
| `Udp ->
let is_plaintext = function `Plaintext v -> Either.Left v | _ -> Either.Right () in
let[@warning "-8"] (ipaddr, port) :: _, _ = List.partition_map is_plaintext t.nameservers in
let proto_number, socket_type = Unix.((getprotobyname "udp").p_proto, SOCK_DGRAM) in
let domain = match ipaddr with
| Ipaddr.V4 _ -> Unix.PF_INET
| Ipaddr.V6 _ -> Unix.PF_INET6 in
let fd = Unix.socket domain socket_type proto_number in
let addr = Unix.ADDR_INET (Ipaddr_unix.to_inet_addr ipaddr, port) in
let connect () =
Unix.connect fd addr;
((ipaddr, port), `Udp (Miou_unix.of_file_descr fd)) in
match with_timeout ~timeout:t.timeout connect with
| Ok value -> Ok value
| Error Timeout ->
Unix.close fd;
error_msgf "Connection to nameservers (via UDP) timeout"
| Error exn ->
Unix.close fd;
error_msgf "Unexpected error: %S" (Printexc.to_string exn)

let nameservers { nameservers; proto; _ } = (proto, nameservers)
let bind x f = f x
let lift =
let rng = Mirage_crypto_rng.generate ?g:None

let connect t =
let ( let* ) = Result.bind in
let* ((addr, port), fd) = connect_to_nameservers t in
Log.debug (fun m -> m "Connected to a nameserver %a:%d" Ipaddr.pp addr port);
match fd with
| `Tcp _ | `Tls _ -> Ok (`Tcp, { fd; timeout= t.timeout })
| `Udp _ -> Ok (`Udp, { fd; timeout= t.timeout })

let send_recv_tls ~timeout ~id fd str =
let send () = Tls_miou_unix.write fd str in
let recv () =
let rec go buf rx_len =
let expected_len =
if rx_len >= 2 then Some (Bytes.get_uint16_be buf 0) else None in
match expected_len with
| None ->
let len = fd buf ~off:rx_len in
if rx_len + len >= 2 && len > 0 then go buf (rx_len + len)
else failwith "TLS connection closed by nameserver"
| Some expected_len when rx_len >= expected_len + 2 ->
let id' = Bytes.get_uint16_be buf 2 in
if id = id'
then Bytes.sub_string buf 0 (expected_len + 2)
let buf' = Bytes.make 2048 '\000' in
let rx_len' = rx_len - (expected_len + 2) in
Bytes.blit buf (expected_len + 2) buf' 0 rx_len';
go buf' rx_len'
| Some expected_len when Bytes.length buf >= expected_len + 2 ->
let len = (expected_len + 2) - rx_len in
Tls_miou_unix.really_read fd buf ~off:rx_len ~len;
go buf (rx_len + len)
| Some expected_len ->
(* NOTE(dinosaure): in this branch, [buf] is not large enough to store
the DNS packet. We allocate a new buffer which can store the actual
DNS packet and use it for the next [go] iteration. *)
let buf' = Bytes.make (expected_len + 2) '\000' in
Bytes.blit buf 0 buf' 0 rx_len;
go buf' rx_len in
go (Bytes.make 2048 '\000') 0 in
let ( >>= ) = Result.bind in
match with_timeout ~timeout send >>= fun () ->
with_timeout ~timeout recv with
| Ok _ as rx -> rx
| Error Timeout -> error_msgf "DNS request timeout"
| Error (Failure msg) -> Error (`Msg msg)
| Error (End_of_file | Tls_miou_unix.Closed_by_peer) ->
error_msgf "End of file reading from nameserver"
| Error exn ->
error_msgf "Got an unexpected exception: %s"
(Printexc.to_string exn)

let send_recv { fd; timeout } str =
if String.length str > 4 then begin
match fd with
| `Tls fd ->
let id = String.get_int16_be str 2 in
send_recv_tls ~timeout ~id fd str
| `Udp fd | `Tcp fd ->
let fd = Miou_unix.to_file_descr fd in
Unix.clear_nonblock fd;
let send () =
Log.debug (fun m -> m "sending a dns packet to resolver");
Unix.setsockopt_float fd Unix.SO_SNDTIMEO timeout;
let len = Unix.send_substring fd str 0 (String.length str) [] in
if len <> String.length str
then failwith "Broken write to upstream nameserver" in
let recv () =
let buffer = Bytes.make 2048 '\000' in
Unix.setsockopt_float fd Unix.SO_RCVTIMEO timeout;
let len = Unix.recv fd buffer 0 (Bytes.length buffer) [] in
(* TODO(dinosaure): should we check rx_len and continue until we got
the full packet (only for tcp/ip)? *)
if len > 0 && len <= Bytes.length buffer
then Bytes.sub_string buffer 0 len
else failwith "Reading from nameserver socket failed" in
let ( >>= ) = Result.bind in
match with_timeout ~timeout send >>= fun () ->
with_timeout ~timeout recv with
| Ok _ as rx -> rx
| Error Timeout -> error_msgf "DNS request timeout"
| Error (Failure msg) -> Error (`Msg msg)
| Error exn ->
error_msgf "Got an unexpected exception: %s"
(Printexc.to_string exn)
else error_msgf "Invalid context (data length <= 4)"

let close { fd; _ } = match fd with
| `Tcp fd | `Udp fd -> Miou_unix.close fd
| `Tls fd -> Tls_miou_unix.close fd

let of_ns ns = Int64.to_float ns /. 1_000_000_000.

let create ?nameservers ~timeout happy =
let proto, nameservers =
match nameservers with
| None -> (`Udp, [ `Plaintext (Ipaddr.of_string_exn "", 53) ])
| Some (a, nss) -> (a, nss)
{ nameservers; proto; timeout= of_ns timeout; happy }

include Dns_client.Make (Transport)
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions miou/client/dns_client_miou_unix.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module Transport : Dns_client.S
with type io_addr = [ `Plaintext of Ipaddr.t * int | `Tls of Tls.Config.client * Ipaddr.t * int ]
and type +'a io = 'a
and type stack = Happy_eyeballs_miou_unix.t

include module type of Dns_client.Make (Transport)
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions miou/client/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
(name dns_client_miou_unix)
(modules dns_client_miou_unix)
(public_name dns-client-miou-unix)
(libraries dns-client tls-miou-unix happy-eyeballs-miou-unix))

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