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Replace the Lwt.async into the right context and localize the global …
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…clients map

We currently try to spawn 2 fibers [qubes_updated] and [listener] per clients
and we already finalise them correctly if the client is disconnected. However,
the Lwt.async is localized into add_client instead of where we attach a
finalisers for these tasks. The first objective of this patch is to be sure that
the Lwt.async is near where we registerd cancellation of these tasks.

The second part is to localize the global clients to avoid the ability to
read/write on it somewhere else. Only Dispatcher.watch_clients uses it - so it
corresponds to a free variable of the Dispatcher.watch_clients closure.
dinosaure committed May 22, 2024
1 parent 9af4234 commit 0a0f0ad
Showing 3 changed files with 44 additions and 37 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ let watch_clients fn =
end >>= fun items ->
Xen_os.Xs.make () >>= fun xs ->
Lwt_list.map_p (vifs xs) items >>= fun items ->
fn (List.concat items |> VifMap.of_list);
fn (List.concat items |> VifMap.of_list) >>= fun () ->
(* Wait for further updates *) Xs_protocol.Eagain
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dao.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module VifMap : sig
val find : key -> 'a t -> 'a option

val watch_clients : (Ipaddr.V4.t VifMap.t -> unit) -> 'a Lwt.t
val watch_clients : (Ipaddr.V4.t VifMap.t -> unit Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
(** [watch_clients fn] calls [fn clients] with the list of backend clients
in XenStore, and again each time XenStore updates. *)

77 changes: 42 additions & 35 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ struct
module I = Static_ipv4.Make (R) (Clock) (UplinkEth) (Arp)
module U = Udp.Make (I) (R)

let clients : Cleanup.t Dao.VifMap.t ref = ref Dao.VifMap.empty

class client_iface eth ~domid ~gateway_ip ~client_ip client_mac : client_link
let log_header = Fmt.str "dom%d:%a" domid Ipaddr.V4.pp client_ip in
@@ -344,11 +342,12 @@ struct

(** Connect to a new client's interface and listen for incoming frames and firewall rule changes. *)
let add_vif get_ts { Dao.ClientVif.domid; device_id } dns_client dns_servers
~client_ip ~router ~cleanup_tasks qubesDB =
Netback.make ~domid ~device_id >>= fun backend ->
~client_ip ~router ~cleanup_tasks qubesDB () =
let open Lwt.Syntax in
let* backend = Netback.make ~domid ~device_id in (fun f ->
f "Client %d (IP: %s) ready" domid (Ipaddr.V4.to_string client_ip));
ClientEth.connect backend >>= fun eth ->
let* eth = ClientEth.connect backend in
let client_mac = Netback.frontend_mac backend in
let client_eth = router.clients in
let gateway_ip = Client_eth.client_gw client_eth in
@@ -404,46 +403,54 @@ struct
(function Lwt.Canceled -> Lwt.return_unit | e -> e)
Cleanup.on_cleanup cleanup_tasks (fun () -> Lwt.cancel listener);
Lwt.pick [ qubesdb_updater; listener ]
(* XXX(dinosaure): [qubes_updater] and [listener] can be forgotten, our [cleanup_task]
will cancel them if the client is disconnected. *)
Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt.pick [ qubesdb_updater; listener ]);

(** A new client VM has been found in XenStore. Find its interface and connect to it. *)
let add_client get_ts dns_client dns_servers ~router vif client_ip qubesDB =
let open Lwt.Syntax in
let cleanup_tasks = Cleanup.create () in (fun f ->
f "add client vif %a with IP %a" Dao.ClientVif.pp vif Ipaddr.V4.pp
Lwt.async (fun () ->
(fun () ->
add_vif get_ts vif dns_client dns_servers ~client_ip ~router
~cleanup_tasks qubesDB)
(fun ex ->
Log.warn (fun f ->
f "Error with client %a: %s" Dao.ClientVif.pp vif
(Printexc.to_string ex));
let* () =
Lwt.catch (add_vif get_ts vif dns_client dns_servers ~client_ip ~router
~cleanup_tasks qubesDB)
@@ fun exn ->
Log.warn (fun f ->
f "Error with client %a: %s" Dao.ClientVif.pp vif
(Printexc.to_string exn));
Lwt.return cleanup_tasks

(** Watch XenStore for notifications of new clients. *)
let wait_clients get_ts dns_client dns_servers qubesDB router =
Dao.watch_clients (fun new_set ->
(* Check for removed clients *)
|> Dao.VifMap.iter (fun key cleanup ->
if not (Dao.VifMap.mem key new_set) then (
clients := !clients |> Dao.VifMap.remove key; (fun f -> f "client %a has gone" Dao.ClientVif.pp key);
Cleanup.cleanup cleanup));
(* Check for added clients *)
|> Dao.VifMap.iter (fun key ip_addr ->
if not (Dao.VifMap.mem key !clients) then (
let cleanup =
add_client get_ts dns_client dns_servers ~router key ip_addr
Log.debug (fun f -> f "client %a arrived" Dao.ClientVif.pp key);
clients := !clients |> Dao.VifMap.add key cleanup)))
let open Lwt.Syntax in
let clients : Cleanup.t Dao.VifMap.t ref = ref Dao.VifMap.empty in
Dao.watch_clients @@ fun new_set ->
(* Check for removed clients *)
let clean_up_clients key cleanup =
if not (Dao.VifMap.mem key new_set) then begin
clients := !clients |> Dao.VifMap.remove key; (fun f -> f "client %a has gone" Dao.ClientVif.pp key);
Cleanup.cleanup cleanup
Dao.VifMap.iter clean_up_clients !clients;
(* Check for added clients *)
let rec go seq = match Seq.uncons seq with
| None -> Lwt.return_unit
| Some ((key, ipaddr), seq) when not (Dao.VifMap.mem key !clients) ->
let* cleanup = add_client get_ts dns_client dns_servers ~router key ipaddr qubesDB in
Log.debug (fun f -> f "client %a arrived" Dao.ClientVif.pp key);
clients := Dao.VifMap.add key cleanup !clients;
go seq
| Some (_, seq) -> go seq
go (Dao.VifMap.to_seq new_set)

let send_dns_client_query t ~src_port ~dst ~dst_port buf =
match t.uplink with

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