This library supports computation and visualisation of spanning trees.
- Class supporting any NetworkX graph input with custom positioning
- Fast matrix computation of the number of spanning trees via Kirchoff's theorem
- Custom recursive spanning tree search algorithm: outputs spanning trees as NetworkX objects (more info in Algorithm description below)
- Export and visualisation (as images, adjacency matrix files or gif animation)
- Class for flexible handling between multiple matrix representations of graphs: in particular, conversion between indidence matrices, adjacency matrices, degree and laplacian matrices.
In the mathematical field of graph theory, a spanning tree T of an undirected graph G is a subgraph that is a tree which includes all of the vertices of G. In general, a graph may have several spanning trees, but a graph that is not connected will not contain a spanning tree (see spanning forests below). Wikipedia – Spanning tree
- Petersen graph is an undirected graph with 10 vertices and 15 edges.
- It has 2000 spanning trees.
- See gif animation (visualised using code in this repository) below.
- More info in demo_petesen_graph.ipynb
- command-line-interface usage is described below
- for Reading and exporting files see demo_read_export.ipynb
- for more examples see demo_visualisation.ipynb
- (Optional): Create virtual environment
- Install requirements via pip
pip install -r requirements.txt --graph-adjacency tests/saving/k4_adjacency.csv --count
1) Adjacency matrix loaded.
2) Remaining matrices computed.
Number of spanning trees: 16 --graph-incidence tests/saving/k4_incidence.csv --trees --gif --output tests/k4_run_cli
1) Incidence matrix loaded.
2) Remaining matrices computed.
Number of spanning trees: 16
Everyting is saved in tests/k4_run_cli
usage: [-h] (--graph-adjacency GRAPH_ADJACENCY | --graph-incidence GRAPH_INCIDENCE) [--output OUTPUT] [--gif] [--count] [--trees]
Spanning Trees Search
A library for spanning tree computation
- one of the arguments --graph-adjacency --graph-incidence is required
- argument --graph-incidence: not allowed with argument --graph-adjacency
Example usage:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--graph-adjacency GRAPH_ADJACENCY
Graph to be loaded in adjacency matrix format in .csv
--graph-incidence GRAPH_INCIDENCE
Graph to be loaded in incidence matrix format in .csv
--output OUTPUT Directory where all files will be saved
--gif Gif export
--count Count the number of spanning trees
--trees Find spanning trees
Creating adjacency matrix via numpy:
k4_adjacency = np.ones((4, 4)) - np.diag(np.ones(4))
k4_adjacency = k4_adjacency.astype(np.int32)
print("Adjacency matrix of K4 fully connected graph")
Adjacency matrix of K4 fully connected graph
[[0 1 1 1]
[1 0 1 1]
[1 1 0 1]
[1 1 1 0]]
Computing remaining matrices:
k4_graphmatrix = GraphMatrix()
k4_graphmatrix.adjacency_matrix = k4_adjacency
Getting the number of spanning trees via Kirchoff`s theorem:
print("Number of spanning trees")
Number of spanning trees
Computing spanning trees:
trees = SpanningTrees(k4_graphmatrix.graph)
# outputs visualisation of each spanning tree
Exporting spanning trees:
Outputs folder structure like this:
: image of original graphgraph_adjacency.csv
: adjacency matrix csv of original graphspanning_tree.gif
: gif animation of spanning treescsv_output
: folder with adjacency matrices of spanning treesimages
: folder with images matrices of spanning trees
├── run
│── graph.png
│── graph_adjacency.csv
│── spanning_tree.gif
│── csv_output
│ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_001.csv
│ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_002.csv
│ └── spanning_tree_adjacency_003.csv
└── images
├── spanning_tree_001.png
├── spanning_tree_002.png
└── spanning_tree_003.png
- source:
- Adjacency and degree matrix is obtained:
: If there is and incidence matrix in the input, convert incedence matrix to adjacencyGraphMatrix.degree_matrix()
: Obtain degree matrix
: Compute laplacian matrix as a difference of matrices abovedegree_matrix - adjacency_matrix
: Compute laplacian adjugate matrixGraphMatrix.adjugate_subdeterminant
stores number of spanning trees
- source:
Spanning tree is induced subgraph of the given graph, that is connected and has no cycles, therefore being a tree.
- Function works as binary tree, where each node is an induced subgraph and in each level we are selecting and removing one edge.
- Leaves of the tree are possible spanning trees (where every possible edge was removed)
- We are using recursion and passing fixed edges and number of iteration
- In every iteration we are choosing edge for removal and fixation with following conditions:
- edge should be new (not previously chosen)
- its removal should not affect connectedness
- its fixation should not create cycle of fixed edges
- Then we are fixing the edge (creating left children) and removing it from the graph (creating right children)
- In next iteration we repeat the same procedure for left and right children, until we reach the leaves of the tree.
Complexity Algorithm has time and memory complexity O(2^n) which is maximum number of spanning trees in fully connected graphs.
Showcase Showcase and explanation is in attached jupyter notebooks. Algorithm was tested on fully-connected graph K4, erdös-renyi random graphs and petersen_graph (ranging from 16 to 2000 spanning trees).
├── assets
│ ├── example_gif.gif
│ ├── example_graph.png
│ ├── petersen.gif
│ └── petersen.png
├── demo_petersen_graph.ipynb
├── demo_read_export.ipynb
├── demo_visualisation.ipynb
├── requirements.txt
├── spanning_trees_search
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
└── tests
├── k4_run
│ ├── csv_output
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_000.csv
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_001.csv
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_002.csv
│ ├── graph.png
│ ├── graph_adjacency.csv
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_000.png
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_001.png
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_002.png
│ └── spanning_tree.gif
├── k4_run_cli
│ ├── csv_output
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_000.csv
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_001.csv
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_002.csv
│ ├── graph.png
│ ├── graph_adjacency.csv
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_000.png
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_001.png
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_002.png
│ └── spanning_tree.gif
├── petersen_run
│ ├── csv_output
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_000.csv
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_001.csv
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_002.csv
│ ├── graph.png
│ ├── graph_adjacency.csv
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_000.png
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_001.png
│ │ ├── spanning_tree_002.png
│ └── spanning_tree.gif
└── saving
├── k4_adjacency.csv
├── k4_adjacency_graphmatrix.csv
├── k4_adjacency_graphmatrix.png
└── k4_incidence.csv
- Algorithm is implemented from scratch and for visualisation purposes, thus could be better optimized.
- Comparison with Kruskal's, Borůvka's and other algorithms could be made.
- Interesting would be to visualise how what are intermediate determinant computations in Kirchoff's theorem doing as they reach the real number of spanning trees.
This repository came into being as a school homework ("zápočtový program" at Charles university Programming I course) and implements the main algorithm and matrix computations from scratch: it not intended nor optimized enough for industrial applications.