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Library for computation and visualisation of spanning trees.

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Spanning trees search

This library supports computation and visualisation of spanning trees.

  • SpanningTrees()
    • Class supporting any NetworkX graph input with custom positioning
    • Fast matrix computation of the number of spanning trees via Kirchoff's theorem
    • Custom recursive spanning tree search algorithm: outputs spanning trees as NetworkX objects (more info in Algorithm description below)
    • Export and visualisation (as images, adjacency matrix files or gif animation)
  • GraphMatrix()
    • Class for flexible handling between multiple matrix representations of graphs: in particular, conversion between indidence matrices, adjacency matrices, degree and laplacian matrices.

In the mathematical field of graph theory, a spanning tree T of an undirected graph G is a subgraph that is a tree which includes all of the vertices of G. In general, a graph may have several spanning trees, but a graph that is not connected will not contain a spanning tree (see spanning forests below). Wikipedia – Spanning tree

Example: Spanning trees of Petersen Graph

  • Petersen graph is an undirected graph with 10 vertices and 15 edges.
  • It has 2000 spanning trees.
  • See gif animation (visualised using code in this repository) below.
  • More info in demo_petesen_graph.ipynb



  • (Optional): Create virtual environment
  • Install requirements via pip

pip install -r requirements.txt

CLI --graph-adjacency tests/saving/k4_adjacency.csv --count

1) Adjacency matrix loaded.
2) Remaining matrices computed.
Number of spanning trees:  16 --graph-incidence tests/saving/k4_incidence.csv --trees --gif --output tests/k4_run_cli

1) Incidence matrix loaded.
2) Remaining matrices computed.
Number of spanning trees:  16
Everyting is saved in  tests/k4_run_cli

usage: [-h] (--graph-adjacency GRAPH_ADJACENCY | --graph-incidence GRAPH_INCIDENCE) [--output OUTPUT] [--gif] [--count] [--trees]

Spanning Trees Search 
    A library for spanning tree computation 
    - one of the arguments --graph-adjacency --graph-incidence is required 
    - argument --graph-incidence: not allowed with argument --graph-adjacency 
    Example usage:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --graph-adjacency GRAPH_ADJACENCY
                        Graph to be loaded in adjacency matrix format in .csv
  --graph-incidence GRAPH_INCIDENCE
                        Graph to be loaded in incidence matrix format in .csv
  --output OUTPUT       Directory where all files will be saved
  --gif                 Gif export
  --count               Count the number of spanning trees
  --trees               Find spanning trees


Creating adjacency matrix via numpy:

k4_adjacency = np.ones((4, 4)) - np.diag(np.ones(4))
k4_adjacency = k4_adjacency.astype(np.int32)
print("Adjacency matrix of K4 fully connected graph")


Adjacency matrix of K4 fully connected graph
[[0 1 1 1]
 [1 0 1 1]
 [1 1 0 1]
 [1 1 1 0]]

Computing remaining matrices:

k4_graphmatrix = GraphMatrix()
k4_graphmatrix.adjacency_matrix = k4_adjacency 

Getting the number of spanning trees via Kirchoff`s theorem:

print("Number of spanning trees")


Number of spanning trees

Computing spanning trees:

trees = SpanningTrees(k4_graphmatrix.graph)
# outputs visualisation of each spanning tree

Exporting spanning trees:


Outputs folder structure like this:

  • graph.png: image of original graph
  • graph_adjacency.csv: adjacency matrix csv of original graph
  • spanning_tree.gif: gif animation of spanning trees
  • csv_output: folder with adjacency matrices of spanning trees
  • images: folder with images matrices of spanning trees
├── run
    │── graph.png
    │── graph_adjacency.csv
    │── spanning_tree.gif
    │── csv_output
    │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_001.csv
    │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_002.csv
    │   └── spanning_tree_adjacency_003.csv
    └── images
        ├── spanning_tree_001.png
        ├── spanning_tree_002.png
        └── spanning_tree_003.png

Algorithm description

Compute number of trees via Kirchoff's theorem

  • source: GraphMatrix.compute_remaining_matrices()
  1. Adjacency and degree matrix is obtained:
  • GraphMatrix.incidence2adjacency(): If there is and incidence matrix in the input, convert incedence matrix to adjacency
  • GraphMatrix.degree_matrix(): Obtain degree matrix
  1. GraphMatrix.laplacian_matrix(): Compute laplacian matrix as a difference of matrices above degree_matrix - adjacency_matrix
  2. GraphMatrix.laplacian_adjugate_matrix(): Compute laplacian adjugate matrix
  3. GraphMatrix.adjugate_subdeterminant stores number of spanning trees

Recursively searching and visualising spanning trees

  • source: SpanningTrees.process()

Spanning tree is induced subgraph of the given graph, that is connected and has no cycles, therefore being a tree.


  • Function works as binary tree, where each node is an induced subgraph and in each level we are selecting and removing one edge.
  • Leaves of the tree are possible spanning trees (where every possible edge was removed)
  • We are using recursion and passing fixed edges and number of iteration
  1. In every iteration we are choosing edge for removal and fixation with following conditions:
    1. edge should be new (not previously chosen)
    2. its removal should not affect connectedness
    3. its fixation should not create cycle of fixed edges
  2. Then we are fixing the edge (creating left children) and removing it from the graph (creating right children)
  3. In next iteration we repeat the same procedure for left and right children, until we reach the leaves of the tree.

Complexity Algorithm has time and memory complexity O(2^n) which is maximum number of spanning trees in fully connected graphs.

Showcase Showcase and explanation is in attached jupyter notebooks. Algorithm was tested on fully-connected graph K4, erdös-renyi random graphs and petersen_graph (ranging from 16 to 2000 spanning trees).

Structure of this repository

├── assets
│   ├── example_gif.gif
│   ├── example_graph.png
│   ├── petersen.gif
│   └── petersen.png
├── demo_petersen_graph.ipynb
├── demo_read_export.ipynb
├── demo_visualisation.ipynb
├── requirements.txt
├── spanning_trees_search
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
└── tests
    ├── k4_run
    │   ├── csv_output
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_000.csv
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_001.csv
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_002.csv
    │   ├── graph.png
    │   ├── graph_adjacency.csv
    │   ├── images
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_000.png
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_001.png
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_002.png
    │   └── spanning_tree.gif
    ├── k4_run_cli
    │   ├── csv_output
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_000.csv
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_001.csv
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_002.csv
    │   ├── graph.png
    │   ├── graph_adjacency.csv
    │   ├── images
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_000.png
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_001.png
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_002.png
    │   └── spanning_tree.gif
    ├── petersen_run
    │   ├── csv_output
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_000.csv
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_001.csv
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_adjacency_002.csv
    │   ├── graph.png
    │   ├── graph_adjacency.csv
    │   ├── images
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_000.png
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_001.png
    │   │   ├── spanning_tree_002.png
    │   └── spanning_tree.gif
    └── saving
        ├── k4_adjacency.csv
        ├── k4_adjacency_graphmatrix.csv
        ├── k4_adjacency_graphmatrix.png
        └── k4_incidence.csv

Future updates

  • Algorithm is implemented from scratch and for visualisation purposes, thus could be better optimized.
  • Comparison with Kruskal's, Borůvka's and other algorithms could be made.
  • Interesting would be to visualise how what are intermediate determinant computations in Kirchoff's theorem doing as they reach the real number of spanning trees.


This repository came into being as a school homework ("zápočtový program" at Charles university Programming I course) and implements the main algorithm and matrix computations from scratch: it not intended nor optimized enough for industrial applications.


Library for computation and visualisation of spanning trees.







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