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Merge pull request #404 from hannesm/x509.0.9.0
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X509.0.9.0: hash_whitelist and expose crl support
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hannesm authored Jan 23, 2020
2 parents 31f4937 + e41f6aa commit a448569
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Showing 11 changed files with 75 additions and 48 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ env:
- PACKAGE="tls"
- OCAML_VERSION=4.05 DEPOPTS="lwt ptime"
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion _tags
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ true : package(cstruct cstruct-sexp nocrypto x509 sexplib domain-name fmt)

<lwt/**/*> : package(lwt lwt.unix ptime.clock.os)
<lwt> : include
<lwt/examples/*> : package(nocrypto.lwt)
<lwt/examples/*> : package(nocrypto.lwt), thread

<mirage/*> : package(mirage-flow mirage-kv mirage-clock lwt ptime)

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15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,13 +170,14 @@ let non_overlapping cs =
let rec check = function
| [] -> ()
| s::ss -> if not (List.for_all
(fun ss' -> Domain_name.Set.is_empty (Domain_name.Set.inter s ss'))
invalid_arg "overlapping names in certificates"
check ss
| s::ss ->
if not (List.for_all (fun ss' ->
X509.Certificate.Host_set.is_empty (X509.Certificate.Host_set.inter s ss'))
invalid_arg "overlapping names in certificates"
check ss
check namessets

Expand Down
13 changes: 3 additions & 10 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,11 +150,7 @@ let validate_keytype_usage certificate ciphersuite =

let answer_certificate_RSA state session cs raw log =
let cfg = state.config in
let peer_name = match host_name_opt cfg.peer_name with
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (`Wildcard, x)
validate_chain cfg.authenticator cs peer_name >>= fun (peer_certificate, received_certificates, peer_certificate_chain, trust_anchor) ->
validate_chain cfg.authenticator cs (host_name_opt cfg.peer_name) >>= fun (peer_certificate, received_certificates, peer_certificate_chain, trust_anchor) ->
validate_keytype_usage peer_certificate session.ciphersuite >>= fun () ->
let session = { session with received_certificates ; peer_certificate ; peer_certificate_chain ; trust_anchor } in
( match session.client_version with
Expand All @@ -174,11 +170,8 @@ let answer_certificate_RSA state session cs raw log =
({ state with machina = Client machina }, [])

let answer_certificate_DHE_RSA state session cs raw log =
let peer_name = match host_name_opt state.config.peer_name with
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (`Wildcard, x)
validate_chain state.config.authenticator cs peer_name >>= fun (peer_certificate, received_certificates, peer_certificate_chain, trust_anchor) ->
let cfg = state.config in
validate_chain cfg.authenticator cs (host_name_opt cfg.peer_name) >>= fun (peer_certificate, received_certificates, peer_certificate_chain, trust_anchor) ->
validate_keytype_usage peer_certificate session.ciphersuite >|= fun () ->
let session = { session with received_certificates ; peer_certificate ; peer_certificate_chain ; trust_anchor } in
let machina = AwaitServerKeyExchange_DHE_RSA (session, log @ [raw]) in
Expand Down
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,13 +139,11 @@ let rec find_matching host certs =

let agreed_cert certs hostname =
let match_host ?default host certs =
match find_matching (`Strict, host) certs with
| Some x -> return x
| None -> match find_matching (`Wildcard, host) certs with
| Some x -> return x
| None -> match default with
| Some c -> return c
| None -> fail (`Error (`NoMatchingCertificateFound (Domain_name.to_string host)))
match find_matching host certs with
| Some x -> return x
| None -> match default with
| Some c -> return c
| None -> fail (`Error (`NoMatchingCertificateFound (Domain_name.to_string host)))
match certs, hostname with
| `None , _ -> fail (`Error `NoCertificateConfigured)
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions lwt/examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
open Lwt
open Ex_common

let http_client ?ca ?fp host port =
let http_client ?ca ?fp hostname port =
let port = int_of_string port in
( match ca, fp with
| None, Some fp -> `Hex_key_fingerprints (`SHA256, [(Domain_name.of_string_exn host, fp)])
| None, Some fp -> `Hex_key_fingerprints (`SHA256, [ Domain_name.(host_exn (of_string_exn hostname)), fp ])
| None, _ -> `Ca_dir ca_cert_dir
| Some "NONE", _ -> `No_authentication_I'M_STUPID
| Some f, _ -> `Ca_file f ) >>= fun authenticator ->
(Tls.Config.client ~authenticator ())
(host, port) >>= fun (ic, oc) ->
(hostname, port) >>= fun (ic, oc) ->
let req = String.concat "\r\n" [
"GET / HTTP/1.1" ; "Host: " ^ host ; "Connection: close" ; "" ; ""
"GET / HTTP/1.1" ; "Host: " ^ hostname ; "Connection: close" ; "" ; ""
] in
Lwt_io.(write oc req >>= fun () -> read ic >>= print >>= fun () -> printf "++ done.\n%!")

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32 changes: 26 additions & 6 deletions lwt/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ type priv = X509.Certificate.t list * Nocrypto.Rsa.priv

type authenticator = X509.Authenticator.t

let failure msg = fail @@ Failure msg

let catch_invalid_arg th h =
Expand All @@ -13,7 +12,6 @@ let catch_invalid_arg th h =
| Invalid_argument msg -> h msg
| exn -> fail exn)

let (</>) a b = a ^ "/" ^ b

let o f g x = f (g x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,21 +73,43 @@ let certs_of_pem_dir path =
>>= Lwt_list.map_p (fun file -> certs_of_pem (path </> file))
>|= List.concat

let authenticator param =
let crl_of_pem path =
(read_file path >|= fun data ->
match X509.CRL.decode_der data with
| Ok cs -> cs
| Error (`Msg m) -> invalid_arg ("failed to parse CRL " ^ m))
(o failure @@ Printf.sprintf "CRL in %s: %s" path)

let crls_of_pem_dir = function
| None -> Lwt.return None
| Some path ->
read_dir path >>= fun files ->
Lwt_list.map_p (fun file -> crl_of_pem (path </> file)) files >|= fun crls ->
Some crls

let authenticator ?hash_whitelist ?crls param =
let now = () in
let of_cas cas =
X509.Authenticator.chain_of_trust ~time:now cas
crls_of_pem_dir crls >|= fun crls ->
X509.Authenticator.chain_of_trust ?hash_whitelist ?crls ~time:now cas
and dotted_hex_to_cs hex =
( (function ':' -> ' ' | x -> x) hex)
and fingerp hash fingerprints =
X509.Authenticator.server_key_fingerprint ~time:now ~hash ~fingerprints
and cert_fingerp hash fingerprints =
X509.Authenticator.server_cert_fingerprint ~time:now ~hash ~fingerprints
match param with
| `Ca_file path -> certs_of_pem path >|= of_cas
| `Ca_dir path -> certs_of_pem_dir path >|= of_cas
| `Ca_file path -> certs_of_pem path >>= of_cas
| `Ca_dir path -> certs_of_pem_dir path >>= of_cas
| `Key_fingerprints (hash, fps) -> return (fingerp hash fps)
| `Hex_key_fingerprints (hash, fps) ->
let fps = (fun (n, v) -> (n, dotted_hex_to_cs v)) fps in
return (fingerp hash fps)
| `Cert_fingerprints (hash, fps) -> return (cert_fingerp hash fps)
| `Hex_cert_fingerprints (hash, fps) ->
let fps = (fun (n, v) -> (n, dotted_hex_to_cs v)) fps in
return (cert_fingerp hash fps)
| `No_authentication_I'M_STUPID -> return X509.Authenticator.null
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions lwt/x509_lwt.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ val certs_of_pem_dir : Lwt_io.file_name -> X509.Certificate.t list Lwt.t

(** [authenticator methods] constructs an [authenticator] using the
specified method and data. *)
val authenticator :
val authenticator : ?hash_whitelist:Nocrypto.Hash.hash list -> ?crls:Lwt_io.file_name ->
[ `Ca_file of Lwt_io.file_name
| `Ca_dir of Lwt_io.file_name
| `Key_fingerprints of Nocrypto.Hash.hash * ('a Domain_name.t * Cstruct.t) list
| `Hex_key_fingerprints of Nocrypto.Hash.hash * ('a Domain_name.t * string) list
| `Key_fingerprints of Nocrypto.Hash.hash * ([`host] Domain_name.t * Cstruct.t) list
| `Hex_key_fingerprints of Nocrypto.Hash.hash * ([`host] Domain_name.t * string) list
| `Cert_fingerprints of Nocrypto.Hash.hash * ([`host] Domain_name.t * Cstruct.t) list
| `Hex_cert_fingerprints of Nocrypto.Hash.hash * ([`host] Domain_name.t * string) list
| `No_authentication_I'M_STUPID ]
-> authenticator Lwt.t
15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions mirage/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,13 +235,22 @@ module X509 (KV : Mirage_kv.RO) (C: Mirage_clock.PCLOCK) = struct
let read kv name =
KV.get kv name >>= err_fail KV.pp_error >|= Cstruct.of_string

let authenticator kv = function
let read_crl kv = function
| None -> Lwt.return None
| Some filename ->
read kv (Mirage_kv.Key.v filename) >>= fun data ->
err_fail pp_msg (X509.CRL.decode_der data) >|= fun crl ->
Some [ crl ]

let authenticator ?hash_whitelist ?crl kv = function
| `Noop -> return X509.Authenticator.null
| `CAs ->
let time = Ptime.v (C.now_d_ps ()) in
read kv ca_roots_file >>=
decode_or_fail X509.Certificate.decode_pem_multiple >|=
X509.Authenticator.chain_of_trust ?crls:None ~time
decode_or_fail X509.Certificate.decode_pem_multiple >>= fun cas ->
let ta = X509.Validation.valid_cas ~time cas in
read_crl kv crl >|= fun crls ->
X509.Authenticator.chain_of_trust ?crls ?hash_whitelist ~time ta

let certificate kv =
let read name =
Expand Down
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions mirage/tls_mirage.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,10 +56,15 @@ end

(** X.509 handling given a key value store and a clock *)
module X509 (KV : Mirage_kv.RO) (C : Mirage_clock.PCLOCK) : sig
(** [authenticator store clock typ] creates an [authenticator], either
using the given certificate authorities in the [store] or
null. *)
val authenticator : KV.t -> [< `Noop | `CAs ] -> X509.Authenticator.t Lwt.t
(** [authenticator ~hash_whitelist ~crl store typ] creates an [authenticator],
either using the given certificate authorities in the [store] as
value for key "ca_roots.crt", or null. If [hash_whitelist] is provided,
only these hash algorithms are allowed for signatures of the certificate chain.
If [crl] is provided, the corresponding file is read and used as
revocation list (DER encoded). Both options only apply if [`CAs] is used.
val authenticator : ?hash_whitelist:Nocrypto.Hash.hash list -> ?crl:string ->
KV.t -> [< `Noop | `CAs ] -> X509.Authenticator.t Lwt.t

(** [certificate store typ] unmarshals a certificate chain and
private key material from the [store]. *)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ build: [

depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.04.2"}
"ocaml" {>= "4.05.0"}
"ocamlfind" {build}
"ocamlbuild" {build}
"topkg" {build}
Expand All @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ depends: [
"nocrypto" {>= "0.5.4"}
"x509" {>= "0.7.0"}
"x509" {>= "0.9.0"}
"domain-name" {>= "0.3.0"}
"cstruct-unix" {with-test & >= "3.0.0"}
Expand Down

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