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Add the miou implementation (#503)
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* Add the Miou implementation of TLS
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dinosaure authored Aug 21, 2024
1 parent def137a commit f2ce295
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Showing 6 changed files with 807 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions miou/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(name tls_miou_unix)
(public_name tls-miou-unix)
(libraries miou.unix tls))
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions miou/tests/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
(name fuzz)
(package tls-miou-unix)
(backend bisect_ppx)))
338 changes: 338 additions & 0 deletions miou/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
let rec random_path ?(tries = 10) fmt =
if tries <= 0 then failwith "Impossible to generate an available random path";
let res = Bytes.create 6 in
for i = 0 to Bytes.length res - 1 do
let chr =
match (10 + 26 + 26) with
| n when n < 10 -> Char.chr (Char.code '0' + n)
| n when n < 10 + 26 -> Char.chr (Char.code 'a' + n - 10)
| n -> Char.chr (Char.code 'A' + n - 10 - 26)
Bytes.set res i chr
let path = Fmt.str fmt (Bytes.unsafe_to_string res) in
if Sys.file_exists path then random_path ~tries:(pred tries) fmt else path

let unlink_if_exists path =
try Unix.unlink path with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) -> ()

let bind_and_listen ?(backlog = 16) () =
let tmp = random_path "socket-%s.socket" in
unlink_if_exists tmp;
let socket = Unix.socket ~cloexec:true Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let addr = Unix.ADDR_UNIX tmp in
Unix.bind socket addr;
Unix.listen socket backlog;
(Miou_unix.of_file_descr ~non_blocking:true socket, addr, tmp)

module Ca = struct
open Rresult

let prefix =
[ Relative_distinguished_name.singleton (CN "Fuzzer") ]

let cacert_dn =
@ [ Relative_distinguished_name.singleton (CN "Ephemeral CA for fuzzer") ])

let cacert_lifetime = Ptime.Span.v (365, 0L)

let make domain_name seed =
Domain_name.of_string domain_name >>=
>>= fun domain_name ->
let private_key =
let seed = Base64.decode_exn ~pad:false seed in
let g = Mirage_crypto_rng.(create ~seed (module Fortuna)) in
Mirage_crypto_pk.Rsa.generate ~g ~bits:2048 ()
let valid_from = Ptime.v (Ptime_clock.now_d_ps ()) in
Ptime.add_span valid_from cacert_lifetime
|> Option.to_result ~none:(R.msgf "End time out of range")
>>= fun valid_until ->
X509.Signing_request.create cacert_dn (`RSA private_key) >>= fun ca_csr ->
let extensions =
let open X509.Extension in
let key_id = X509.Signing_request.((info ca_csr).public_key)
|> add Subject_alt_name
( true,
singleton DNS [ Domain_name.to_string domain_name ]) )
|> add Basic_constraints (true, (false, None))
|> add Key_usage
(true, [ `Digital_signature; `Content_commitment; `Key_encipherment ])
|> add Subject_key_id (false, key_id)
X509.Signing_request.sign ~valid_from ~valid_until ~extensions
ca_csr (`RSA private_key) cacert_dn
|> R.reword_error (R.msgf "%a" X509.Validation.pp_signature_error)
>>= fun certificate ->
let fingerprint = X509.Certificate.fingerprint `SHA256 certificate in
let time () = Some ( ()) in
let authenticator =
X509.Authenticator.cert_fingerprint ~time ~hash:`SHA256
Ok (certificate, `RSA private_key, authenticator)

let fuzz_coop = ""
let mutex = Miou.Mutex.create ()
let epr fmt = Miou.Mutex.protect mutex @@ fun () -> Fmt.epr fmt

type operation =
| Send of string
| Recv of int
| Shutdown of [ `read | `write ]
| Close
| Noop

module Stop = struct
type t = {
mutex : Miou.Mutex.t;
condition : Miou.Condition.t;
mutable stop : bool;

let create () =
let mutex = Miou.Mutex.create () in
let condition = Miou.Condition.create () in
{ mutex; condition; stop = false }

let stop t =
Miou.Mutex.protect t.mutex @@ fun () ->
t.stop <- true;
Miou.Condition.broadcast t.condition

let wait t =
Miou.Mutex.protect t.mutex @@ fun () ->
while t.stop = false do
Miou.Condition.wait t.condition t.mutex

let inhibit fn = try fn () with _exn -> ()

let run ~role:_ actions tls =
let rec go buf tls = function
| [] -> Buffer.contents buf
| Noop :: actions ->
Miou.yield ();
go buf tls actions
| Send str :: actions ->
Tls_miou_unix.write tls str;
go buf tls actions
| Close :: actions ->
Tls_miou_unix.close tls;
go buf tls actions
| Shutdown cmd :: actions ->
Tls_miou_unix.shutdown tls (cmd :> [ `read | `write | `read_write ]);
go buf tls actions
| Recv len :: actions ->
let tmp = Bytes.make len '\000' in
Tls_miou_unix.really_read tls tmp;
Buffer.add_subbytes buf tmp 0 len;
go buf tls actions
let buf = Buffer.create 0x100 in
try go buf tls actions with
| End_of_file | Tls_miou_unix.Closed_by_peer | Tls_miou_unix.Tls_alert _
| Tls_miou_unix.Tls_failure _ ->
inhibit (fun () -> Miou_unix.close (Tls_miou_unix.file_descr tls));
Buffer.contents buf
| exn ->
inhibit (fun () -> Miou_unix.close (Tls_miou_unix.file_descr tls));
raise exn

let run_client ~to_client:actions cfg addr =
let domain = Unix.domain_of_sockaddr addr in
let socket = Unix.socket ~cloexec:true domain Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
Unix.connect socket addr;
let fd = Miou_unix.of_file_descr ~non_blocking:true socket in
let tls = Tls_miou_unix.client_of_fd cfg fd in
let finally () =
inhibit (fun () -> Unix.close socket)
Fun.protect ~finally @@ fun () -> run ~role:"client" actions tls

let rec cleanup orphans clients =
match orphans with
| None | Some None -> clients
| Some (Some prm) ->
let clients = Miou.await prm :: clients in
cleanup orphans clients

let rec terminate orphans clients =
match orphans with
| None -> List.rev clients
| Some None ->
Miou.yield ();
terminate orphans clients
| Some (Some prm) ->
let clients = Miou.await prm :: clients in
terminate orphans clients

exception Stop

let run_server ~to_server:actions ~stop fd cfg =
let rec go orphans clients =
let clients = cleanup orphans clients in
let accept = Miou.async @@ fun () -> Miou_unix.accept ~cloexec:true fd in
let stop =
Miou.async @@ fun () ->
Stop.wait stop;
raise Stop
match Miou.await_first [ accept; stop ] with
| Error _ ->
inhibit (fun () -> Miou_unix.close fd);
terminate orphans clients
| Ok (fd, _) ->
( Miou.async ~orphans @@ fun () ->
match Tls_miou_unix.server_of_fd cfg fd with
| tls ->
let str = run ~role:"server" actions tls in
inhibit (fun () -> Miou_unix.close fd); str
| exception _ ->
Miou_unix.close fd;
String.empty );
go orphans clients
go (Miou.orphans ()) []

let compile to_client to_server =
let close_client close = function
| Close -> close lor 0b1100
| Shutdown `read -> close lor 0b1000
| Shutdown `write -> close lor 0b0100
| _ -> close
let close_server close = function
| Close -> close lor 0b0011
| Shutdown `read -> close lor 0b0010
| Shutdown `write -> close lor 0b0001
| _ -> close
let client = Buffer.create 0x100 in
let server = Buffer.create 0x100 in
let rec go close to_client to_server =
match (close, to_client, to_server) with
| _, [], _ | _, _, [] -> ()
| close, ((Shutdown _ | Close) as operation) :: to_client, _ ->
go (close_client close operation) to_client to_server
| close, _, ((Shutdown _ | Close) as operation) :: to_server ->
go (close_server close operation) to_client to_server
| close, Noop :: to_client, to_server | close, to_client, Noop :: to_server
go close to_client to_server
| close, Send str :: to_client, Recv n :: to_server ->
assert (String.length str = n);
if close land 0b0100 = 0 && close land 0b0010 = 0 then
Buffer.add_string server str;
if close land 0b0100 = 0 && close land 0b0010 = 0 then
go close to_client to_server
| close, Recv n :: to_client, Send str :: to_server ->
assert (String.length str = n);
if close land 0b1000 = 0 && close land 0b0001 = 0 then
Buffer.add_string client str;
if close land 0b1000 = 0 && close land 0b0001 = 0 then
go close to_client to_server
| _, Send _ :: _, Send _ :: _ | _, Recv _ :: _, Recv _ :: _ ->
assert false (* GADT? *)
go 0x0 to_client to_server;
(Buffer.contents client, Buffer.contents server)

let pp_exn ppf exn = Fmt.string ppf (Printexc.to_string exn)
let pp_str ppf str = Hxd_string.pp Hxd.default ppf str

let run seed operations = ~domains:1 @@ fun () ->
let rng = Mirage_crypto_rng_miou_unix.(initialize (module Pfortuna)) in
let fd, addr, path = bind_and_listen () in
let finally () = Unix.unlink path in
Fun.protect ~finally @@ fun () ->
let cert, pk, authenticator =
Rresult.R.failwith_error_msg (Ca.make fuzz_coop seed)
let cfg_server =
Result.get_ok (Tls.Config.server ~certificates:(`Single ([ cert ], pk)) ())
let cfg_client = Result.get_ok (Tls.Config.client ~authenticator ()) in
let to_client, to_server = List.split operations in
let stop = Stop.create () in
let prm0 = Miou.async @@ fun () -> run_server ~to_server ~stop fd cfg_server in
let prm1 =
Miou.async @@ fun () ->
let finally () = Stop.stop stop in
Fun.protect ~finally @@ fun () -> run_client ~to_client cfg_client addr
let send_to_client, send_to_server = compile to_client to_server in
match (Miou.await prm0, Miou.await prm1) with
| Ok [ Ok send_to_server' ], Ok send_to_client' ->
Crowbar.check (String.equal send_to_client send_to_client');
Crowbar.check (String.equal send_to_server send_to_server');
let n = String.length send_to_client in
let m = String.length send_to_server in
Mirage_crypto_rng_miou_unix.kill rng;
epr "[%a] %db %db transmitted\n%!" Fmt.(styled `Green string) "OK" n m
| a, b ->
Mirage_crypto_rng_miou_unix.kill rng;
Crowbar.failf "[%a] Unexpected result: %a & %a\n%!"
Fmt.(styled `Red string) "ERROR"
Fmt.(Dump.result ~error:pp_exn ~ok:Fmt.(Dump.list (Dump.result ~error:pp_exn ~ok:pp_str))) a
Fmt.(Dump.result ~error:pp_exn ~ok:pp_str) b

let label name gen = Crowbar.with_printer Fmt.(const string name) gen

let direction =
let open Crowbar in
label "server-to-client" (const `To_client);
label "client-to-server" (const `To_server);

let shutdown =
let open Crowbar in
label "close" (const Close);
label "shutdown-recv" (const (Shutdown `read));
label "shutdown-send" (const (Shutdown `write));
label "noop" (const Noop);

let operation =
let open Crowbar in
map [ direction; bytes ] @@ fun direction str ->
match (direction, str) with
| _, "" -> (Noop, Noop)
| `To_server, str -> (Send str, Recv (String.length str))
| `To_client, str -> (Recv (String.length str), Send str)

let counter = Atomic.make 0

let operations =
let open Crowbar in
fix @@ fun m ->
let continue (to_client, to_server) =
if Atomic.fetch_and_add counter 1 >= 4 then const [ (Close, Close) ]
else map [ m ] @@ fun ops -> (to_client, to_server) :: ops
[ list1 operation; dynamic_bind (pair shutdown shutdown) continue ]

let seed = Crowbar.(map [ bytes ] Base64.encode_exn)

let () =
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigpipe Sys.Signal_ignore;
Crowbar.add_test ~name:"run" Crowbar.[ seed; operations ] @@ fun seed operations ->
run seed operations;
Atomic.set counter 0

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