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Welcome to Your First GitHub Project!

This README will walk you through the steps of pushing your code to GitHub and creating pull requests (PRs) for review.


A GitHub account (free to create) - create github account Git installed on your local machine Download A code editor of your choice (e.g., Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text)

Pushing Your Code to GitHub

Clone the Repository:

Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to your desired local directory. Run the following command, replacing with the HTTPS clone URL provided by GitHub when you created the repository:

git clone <URL>

This creates a local copy of your repository on your machine.

Make Changes:

Open the cloned folder in your code editor and make your desired changes to the files.

Stage Your Changes:

Use Git to tell it which changes you want to include in your next commit. In your terminal, navigate to your project directory and run:

git add .

The . tells Git to add all modified files. You can also add specific files using git add .

Commit Your Changes:

Create a snapshot of your staged changes with a descriptive message using:

git commit -m "Your informative commit message"

Replace "Your informative commit message" with a brief explanation of what you changed. Good commit messages help others understand your code's evolution.

Push Your Changes:

Finally, push your local commits to the remote repository on GitHub:

git push origin main

Replace main with the branch name you want to push to (usually main for the main branch).

Creating a Pull Request (PR)

  • Navigate to Your Repository on GitHub: Go to your repository's page on GitHub in your web browser.

  • Click "Pull Requests": Look for the "Pull requests" tab or button and click it.

  • Create New Pull Request: Click the button to create a new pull request.

  • Compare Branches: GitHub will automatically detect your local branch and suggest the main branch for comparison. Confirm these.

  • Write a Clear Title and Description: Provide a concise title that summarizes your changes and a detailed description explaining what you did and why.

  • Submit Pull Request: Once satisfied, click the button to submit your pull request.


You've successfully pushed your code to GitHub and created a pull request for review. Others can now review and discuss your changes before merging them into the main branch.


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