a level editor for the Eloquent JavaScript platformer project
You can try it out at: https://misha-codes.github.io/eloquent-javascript--level-editor/
Should work fine in Firefox and Chrome
I started reading the platformer chapter of EJS but got immediately sidetracked
into writing this tool because making your own levels is fun, but working with
level strings in a regular text editor is absolutely not.
This editor provides some very basic text-based grid editing functionality
and allows you to save your work or open an existing level through copy/pasting.
Could easily be configured to work with the electronic life project from
the 2nd edition of EJS or with any other simple char grid project by altering
constant and some customization of the color/char-scheme-related
Eloquent JavaScript was written by Marijn Haverbeke, you can read the latest
edition at http://eloquentjavascript.net/
Icons used in this project are the open source material icons by Google, they can
be found at https://material.io/icons/