1.99.0-rc.1 (2023-10-04)
Bug Fixes
- _baseUrl (7ccd950)
- "mailing" replaced by "to_etablissement_emails" (#573) (c5de257)
- /api/etablissement/cfa/:siret (9fa1624)
- /api/etablissement/entreprise/:siret/opco (2dd74d9)
- /espace-pro/proposition/formulaire/[formId]/offre/[offreId]/siret/[siret]/unsubscribe (ee5d4cc)
- /recap fixed (1c61ca9)
- access db to mongo (b256211)
- activateOptOutEtablissementFormations (9a5920d)
- adaptation de l'ui pour le retrait de /api (5e6bd04)
- add lean to queries (e13848e)
- add more details (972328f)
- add projection to reduce payload (f309157)
- addEnseigne (bd0ccb4)
- after main merge (4372cd2)
- ajout du prefix /api dans les routes du server (4d53dc0)
- akto error (4223e27)
- alias 301 redirect (ad621f9)
- alias renew cert (67f0e31)
- anonymizeOldApp (1accb35)
- another (74388ee)
- any (3afc1d7)
- api call lbar (0bfe5a3)
- api healthcheck (6a98a7d)
- apiEndpoint (4a86fa9)
- apiError type sur zV1JobsEtFormationsRoutes (234144d)
- auth layout redirect (620a36b)
- bad typing (22baac6)
- better ensuring (3c5b108)
- better ensuring (7570fd6)
- better ensuring (e85aed2)
- better types (5ecc6ba)
- better types (e5155f6)
- better types (0828cbe)
- body limit (6da801d)
- boolean and not string (d47415b)
- bouton close aligné à droite (7757a63)
- breadcrumb link (b3315f9)
- brevo script (96258b7)
- cfa backoffice: edition d'offre (7c6933a)
- cfa backoffice: update infos personnelles (b612bbd)
- cfa: creation d offre pour une entreprise (44f6c2e)
- checkbox dans la mise en relation (acdc27e)
- cleaning (964ac95)
- cleaning (77f1043)
- cleanup (c166b17)
- cli args definitions (8d8d1fe)
- comment resend mail link (c92f912)
- connexion button navigation (43cd027)
- correctif erreur /formulaire/offre/:jobId/provided (6ec6d3f)
- cors and others (8de66e2)
- cosmetics (e902626)
- creation d entreprise et de CFA (58cc5fa)
- date format in mail (6e31768)
- dead import (2049db2)
- dedupe dependencies (a674c48)
- delegated default false (7be6fe4)
- deplacement /formulaire => /etablissement/cfa/:userRecruteurId/entreprises (889bdce)
- depot offre rapide: fix creation userRecruteur (8f9e4cb)
- description (9ba1ec7)
- description (0c6f312)
- discriminate ILbaItems (15c8932)
- display button only for validated user (5c5dfee)
- double display upon user email validation (abddc2e)
- double mongo connection (cafaa31)
- downshift version (42ee4a9)
- duplicate key (124f58e)
- edit job (627398e)
- email controler (b15c506)
- empty space loading state (b1d8b5a)
- empty spacing (69872d6)
- encryptString (eb820c0)
- end step depot offre (a3391cc)
- endpoint fixed + lint:fix (96f529e)
- endpoint only return needed informations (15dca49)
- endpoitn (4f3b8e4)
- ensure object exists (2aed773)
- env template (98a8101)
- env vars (7ea0642)
- es index (c26085a)
- es index (3f4d850)
- espace pro (d5a745c)
- espace pro login (0545457)
- espace_pro (52a437e)
- espace-pro: query load (cceda30)
- espace-pro: some flows (4d9799f)
- etablissement (b9e480a)
- etablissement recruteur (49cf7a4)
- etablissement route & definition (7363580)
- export from shared to be fixed (42b92e6)
- fallback API SIRET (ee06b82)
- few cfa (05e80f8)
- few recruteur fixes (abd0836)
- fix (2b71792)
- formation.service (c49ef6a)
- formation.service et eligibleTrainingsForAppointment.service.ts (e90db0c)
- formulaire controller (b09ed1b)
- formulaire service (84e2d64)
- formulaire.service (393e314)
- frame src (fd17613)
- frame-src (70405ea)
- fromDashboard dans pages/espace-pro/creation/fin.tsx (e5b688a)
- fromdashboard flow (192d643)
- gestion propre de la valeur null sur update de l'history userRecruiter (781d570)
- getAllEtab (187dd1b)
- home admin page (0825564)
- id definition (25beff5)
- ignore tests folder on eslint (d1ee266)
- import locale/fr.js (4b7092d)
- import module (eb28270)
- inviteEtablissementToOptOut (bd7d576)
- job edition (f019d31)
- job updateSiretInfosInError.ts (679e3ed)
- job_type typing (7921b17)
- jobs controller (7761a61)
- kevin 💩 (e3a598f)
- layout choicecolumn (39a5e2d)
- lbar (4326791)
- lbar back (ab0a5be)
- lbar cfa user awaiting (41ee5b2)
- limitation de la taille de l'inference du compilateur (49cc7c4)
- lint (5871b45)
- lint error (p1) (be78331)
- lint error (p2) (6c95dc8)
- linter (3f2129b)
- linter (5374af2)
- local navigation (75b4c95)
- log error (c15fbe0)
- mailer service (6023432)
- mieux avec affectation du résultat (41f9c7f)
- missing (0a5b8a4)
- missing driver for elasticsearch (671d2d6)
- missing import (977ca5c)
- missing next env (4823ac3)
- missing port on es (ca69456)
- missing return declaration (0b98fe2)
- modele adresse et userRecruteur (8e70bc9)
- modification des infos personnelles de userRecruteur (122b2bd)
- mongastic types (18430ca)
- mongodb connection (5a1fdd3)
- mongodb peerDeps (80a179b)
- mongoose imports (42f318e)
- navigation menu (e0e45ef)
- next bugs (24af748)
- next config (70f2fe0)
- next step (83c4b3e)
- next step (052a6b3)
- next step (93a2ffc)
- next step (e31cd5a)
- next step (0786f3b)
- next step (53839da)
- next step (1f1385d)
- no fix (6491810)
- nom index lbacompanies (2682c43)
- not configured sentry (a8cf950)
- nullish (3bad20b)
- objectId type (35cc2ab)
- only fetch data when id is given (d18469b)
- opco admin (5311e87)
- opco user (wip) (1ecb8fc)
- openapi doc (89be408)
- openapi security (42122ce)
- optionals (5652c50)
- page detail entreprise: affichage du SIRET lorsque la raison sociale n'est pas disponible (191701f)
- page fixed (e50854c)
- param useless (2286396)
- partners (afdcc10)
- pass to any (7639757)
- passthrough sur headers (9567ed9)
- peservice (3a381ee)
- phone on zUpdateLbaCompanyRoutes (6f26020)
- premiumActivatedReminder (e18d36e)
- proposition offre (b498744)
- query invalidation (3ed2b35)
- queryValidator (0f182f8)
- rdva (45450cb)
- rdva (9d233e0)
- rdva and other (847c5b8)
- rdva flow (47fd984)
- rdva: pages admin (5ec72e5)
- really removing removed stuff (0d5b1d7)
- rebuild (a393390)
- redirect link (2e6e61e)
- redirection (90e7135)
- redirection (c9902ed)
- redirection (cebc14b)
- refactor et securisation de la création d'offre depuis un CFA (7d242f8)
- referentiel rome seed (0c9d06d)
- relanceFormulaire (1751784)
- relanceOpco (f69d59d)
- remove /api from endpoints (ad11ba5)
- remove dead route (1dab63f)
- remove is_delegated from offre object (0111ec3)
- remove log (ff8c29e)
- remove migration script (8502ea7)
- remove query param (dc6dcc1)
- remove rome routes from metiers.routes.ts (8f582ae)
- remove script (8099a1c)
- remove script (4a03544)
- remove script (99a6374)
- remove script (051517c)
- remove unused file (66e4b67)
- remplacement des retours undefined par {} (e49da64)
- rename bin name (458a2d4)
- renaming (#594) (1ebd2f8)
- renommage modeles job (2a3c329)
- renommage route /etablissement/cfa/rome en /etablissement/cfas-proches + fix paramètres (89940ae)
- repair redirect fin creation (4fe98a5)
- replace next environment (bfa62bd)
- restore metiersdavenir route (66346ba)
- retour recette + bugs (44463a9)
- rollback route deletion (e9074a4)
- route dup (1b46d17)
- routes formations (#610) (205f4b1)
- routing (7f37d48)
- schema (eabe726)
- script (d482ada)
- script (4898345)
- server env-vars (f548464)
- server env-vars (c58d2e0)
- server pkg name & update ts pkg & locks (ccc0c96)
- shared index (dd0ff25)
- shared routes (077683e)
- simplification de rome.controller (ff33dce)
- skip test (wip) (d53d2a2)
- small (651c0b8)
- small (fce041d)
- small fix in /api/v1/formationsParRegion (f20f7a2)
- small fixes (4713f90)
- small routing issue (ff58bad)
- some job typing (6212f1b)
- sort sur formation.service (543e9f0)
- standard error return (12af9d3)
- sticky et scrolltop on map item selection (3f45a27)
- stoopid me (b4c9c04)
- strip on headers in jobs.route (eb01e3e)
- support alias dns (17f2b78)
- support next env (1f97e58)
- suppression de cast dans sendApplicationAPI.controller.ts (92d398e)
- suppression de ts-expect-error + fix typing getUserStatus (7702612)
- suppression des types ISuggestionMetiersDavenir et IMetierDavenir (73ac6dc)
- suppression du champ __v dans les modeles retournés par mongoose (32d912b)
- suppression inutile (8588840)
- swagger GET formations (1c75163)
- swagger json file (bfbcb36)
- sync affelnet (a3711d5)
- template var (f9b4931)
- tests (e1f6175)
- traily return (b20608e)
- ts (61623cc)
- ts error jobs (7815291)
- ts pass 7 (5c58ade)
- ts pass 8 (ef98673)
- ts pass 9 (f8bc30d)
- ts pass 9 (7bc5770)
- ts pass6 (feb58ce)
- tsoa (1218d19)
- typage /api/etablissement/creation (f483758)
- typage api/rome/detail/:rome (3de95f6)
- typage Date ou string (0ae22e4)
- typage Job et Recruiter (3c1c1e3)
- type keyword used with class import provokes runtime error (#595) (79c5734)
- type router uery params (07f890f)
- typecheck (2bd0548)
- typecheck (c98b9d7)
- typescript error (p2) (3772e95)
- typescript error (p3) (cf295cf)
- typing /api/v1/jobs/establishment (b07c260)
- typing appointment (1d27f61)
- typo (04ceb3f)
- ui bug (a41c453)
- ui build (cd94a5b)
- ui build (7bab1bf)
- ui build (1eb845f)
- ui fixes (b9dbba7)
- ui start (91ed8e7)
- ui svg (88258fb)
- ui: route push (7ce88e3)
- ui: ts pass1 (5f2a416)
- ui: ts pass2 (71dcba1)
- ui: ts pass3 (d76844f)
- ui: ts pass4 (53e991c)
- un peu de style (f4a6139)
- union lbacerror et results: lbaitem[] (294d08b)
- update date (b26a338)
- update offre (877bb67)
- updateDiplomesMetiers (fb44c3f)
- updateDomainesMetiers (3b7bbaf)
- updateMissingDelegationCount (ee5c6af)
- updateOpcoCompanies (d53ec38)
- updateReferentielRcnpRome (65814c8)
- updateSAVECompanies (bccbf17)
- upgrade react-scripts (a79bec1)
- use publicConfig.apiEndpoint (910f0d4)
- user end steps definition (013d359)
- utilisation du type phone (9adade2)
- vérif cas isCfa (ef79309)
- view proposition from etp (4f3572b)
- watch mode shared (70478b4)
- weird (4934a71)
- wip (5280319)
- wip (6d0dc85)
- wording: encart à droite du champ de recherche SIRET (4436513)
- /api/admin/formations fixed (35f0767)
- /etablissement-formateur-siret/:siret zodified (007780a)
- accept string or objectid (3874a1e)
- add .vscode files (b130145)
- add api utils (4268fc1)
- add bin folder & script (0c05186)
- add creation route (4ad0566)
- add cypress eslint plugin (578eda3)
- add editor config and update dotfiles (08b10d2)
- add jest env in eslint config (a15e374)
- add lean (fdc513e)
- add optout routes (82cf800)
- add projection field to optimize output (297affb)
- add script to remove is_delegated from jobs (7305ff0)
- add script to remove v from recruiters (5f69940)
- add seed es (e037f87)
- add yarn plugin (621e1e3)
- address parfois null (16264ba)
- ajout contact.iv (fb7a224)
- ajout de /api/updateLBB/updateContactInfo (1b5908b)
- ajout de la route /api/user/:userId (7085464)
- ajout de la route /api/v1/formationsParRegion (6fc2d83)
- ajout de la route /api/v1/jobsEtFormations (12eb5d9)
- ajout de training links routes (6b2379c)
- ajout distance es dans le modèle (f8fcc6e)
- all search goes (08e906d)
- amaigrissement (b2a7284)
- better naming (a506cdb)
- breadcrumblink (b225370)
- caller nullish (e273266)
- cleaning (30f84b5)
- conservation type pour retrocompatibilité (cc71c50)
- dates (0671eba)
- disconnect if user modify email (fc66a9c)
- eligible trainings for appointment body validation updated (cfe27ed)
- email not really email (870912f)
- error_messages (9309b9c)
- espace_pro: for k (c455941)
- espace-pro: add context and layouts (c5d9206)
- espace-pro: add HOC (89f4302)
- espace-pro: update layout (5a6e768)
- finalise openapi specs (023f7da)
- fix ts error (wip) (5cc942e)
- fix typing etablissement.controller (3c92e51)
- font updated (31c8aaf)
- formations france entière OK (b5c4d27)
- formations ui OK (9042512)
- import formation propre (fee164b)
- import routes manquants (1ba7cad)
- imports manquants et rename fichier (#609) (74dd50a)
- init lbaitem for lbacompany without class (454dde7)
- init pejob sans class (baed254)
- job extend and cancel flow update (2b160be)
- jobs pe et lbaCompany OK (7f2b582)
- latitude longitude as numbers (0a98635)
- lisibilité (f23245e)
- merge dockerfile & compose (24340c9)
- metiers openapi (e3b83b3)
- might be missing (1871599)
- moins de rouge (1f6856a)
- nafs for pejob (52cd38f)
- not optional (e6064ee)
- nouveau seed (4c5a522)
- omit rome_detail from query (ae6f002)
- one more (10e4aa3)
- openapi applications (3a16bc7)
- optional values (f066bf4)
- orthographe lba (2408b3e)
- passe rome.controller (dda0231)
- passe sur appointmentRequest.controller (c3d132e)
- passe sur formations.controller et jobsEtFormations.controller (b02ffd5)
- passe sur metiersDAvenir.controller (6dba740)
- passthrough main lbac api routes (ea53386)
- petit à petit (396f0fa)
- plus zoli (461665d)
- premium affelnet controllers fixed (c2cf0c4)
- progress (e82eaf6)
- progress (2714dc8)
- progress (78c3873)
- random attributes (c413af4)
- refonte metiers controller (b55c20d)
- remove __v from all collections (85a8415)
- remove ILbaItem (412e67b)
- remove is_delegated from recruiters.jobs (276e3e2)
- remove optional (#607) (4233edf)
- remove query from front (6ad4a2e)
- removed unused routes (#598) (cf8f34f)
- removing rncp and rncps (46b6830)
- removing two (8556fae)
- répercussion date format email confirmation (26bc235)
- répercussion typing (48cbf54)
- retrieving number only (50c606b)
- revert mistake (840126e)
- revert useless (766e04e)
- rome detail nullish (07ffc9b)
- route /api/v1/formations/formationDescription/:id ok (b955304)
- route etablissement & formulaire (#601) (e8ecd9d)
- route metiersdavenir (#600) (ef1a21d)
- routes metiers et domaines (#604) (61702f9)
- routes v1 formation (#605) (128e903)
- some cleaning (9607bac)
- some pejob places don't have geoloc (5e8ea89)
- strip ok (19396c2)
- suppression des tests front ui candidat (20bfe48)
- suppression formType de la payload (8d12f31)
- test config csp pour les frame-src (13a655f)
- tiny fixes (2220629)
- typage (#612) (348ba6b)
- typing (0e8533f)
- ui: passage en ts (9ab4078)
- un peu de facto en passant (f70bc68)
- une seule route sendapplication qui fonctionne (#613) (4d3bc1a)
- unsubscriberoute ok (#602) (1d10880)
- update (e48905a)
- update 400 (7a5c03c)
- update app version in env ini (b2d1540)
- update espace-pro localhost port (14f4103)
- update job interface import (c28da4b)
- update loading component (cfc4603)
- update package.json (8436fe2)
- update seed (4d77ee0)
- update seed (24ce832)
- upgrade cell text for CFA (10dac7d)
- validation removed (f1d1ce6)
- version sur home (cf53402)
- wip (a1c6aa8)
- wip: add admin login page (156c8bd)
- wip: add base merge ui_pro in ui (c0bc790)
- wip: add rdva admin pages (64b382e)
- wip: add some rdva pages (1a7da27)
- wip: first page account (86a0304)
- wip: lint lbar (fd6d565)
- wip: pass1 lbar (13d1ddc)
- wip: pass2 lbar (392733e)
- wip: pass3 lbar (8250056)
- wip: pass4 lbar (e93500e)
- wip: pass5 lbar (c7d5fb7)
- wip: pass6 lbar (b18cf3f)
- wip: pass7 lbar (0aad915)
- zod routes candidatures (#599) (f9c6040)