Package lochness provides primitives for orchestrating Mistify Agents.
Loch Ness is a simple virtual machine manager ("cloud controller"). It is a proof-of-concept, straight forward implementation for testing various ideas. It is targeted at clusters of up to around 100 physical machines.
A Hypervisor is a physical machine
A subnet is an actual IP subnet with a range of usable IP addresses. A hypervisor can have one of more subnets, while a subnet can span multiple hypervisors. This assumes a rather simple network layout.
A Network is a logical collection of subnets. It is generally used by guest creation to decide what logical segment to place a guest on.
A flavor is a virtual resource "Template" for guest creation. A guest has a single flavor.
A FW Group is a collection of firewall rules for incoming IP traffic. A Guest has a single fwgroup.
A guest is a virtual machine. At creation time, a network, fwgroup, and network is required.
const AgentPort int = 8080
AgentPort is the default port on which to attempt contacting an agent
var (
// ConfigPath is the path in the config store.
ConfigPath = "lochness/config/"
var DefaultCandidateFunctions = []CandidateFunction{
DefaultCandidateFunctions is a default list of CandidateFunctions for general use
var (
// FWGroupPath is the path in the config store
FWGroupPath = "lochness/fwgroups/"
var (
// FlavorPath is the path in the config store
FlavorPath = "lochness/flavors/"
var (
// GuestPath is the path in the config store
GuestPath = "lochness/guests/"
var (
// HypervisorPath is the path in the config store
HypervisorPath = "lochness/hypervisors/"
var (
// NetworkPath is the path in the config store.
NetworkPath = "lochness/networks/"
var (
// SubnetPath is the key prefix for subnets
SubnetPath = "lochness/subnets/"
var (
// VLANGroupPath is the path in the config store for VLAN groups
VLANGroupPath = "lochness/vlangroups/"
var (
// VLANPath is the path in the config store for VLANs
VLANPath = "lochness/vlans/"
func GetHypervisorID() string
GetHypervisorID gets the hypervisor id as set with SetHypervisorID. It does not make an attempt to discover the id if not set.
func SetHypervisorID(id string) (string, error)
SetHypervisorID sets the id of the current hypervisor. It should be used by all daemons that are ran on a hypervisor and are expected to interact with the data stores directly. Passing in a blank string will fall back to first checking the environment variable "HYPERVISOR_ID" and then using the hostname. ID must be a valid UUID. ID will be lowercased.
type Agent interface {
GetGuest(string) (*client.Guest, error)
CreateGuest(string) (string, error)
DeleteGuest(string) (string, error)
GuestAction(string, string) (string, error)
CheckJobStatus(string, string) (bool, error)
Agent is an interface that allows for communication with a hypervisor agent
type CandidateFunction func(*Guest, Hypervisors) (Hypervisors, error)
CandidateFunction is used to select hypervisors that can run the given guest.
type Context struct {
Context carries around data/structs needed for operations
func NewContext(kv kv.KV) *Context
NewContext creates a new context
func (c *Context) FWGroup(id string) (*FWGroup, error)
FWGroup fetches a FWGroup from the config store
func (c *Context) FirstHypervisor(f func(*Hypervisor) bool) (*Hypervisor, error)
FirstHypervisor will return the first hypervisor for which the function returns true.
func (c *Context) Flavor(id string) (*Flavor, error)
Flavor fetches a single Flavor from the config store
func (c *Context) ForEachConfig(f func(key, val string) error) error
ForEachConfig will run f on each config. It will stop iteration if f returns an error.
func (c *Context) ForEachGuest(f func(*Guest) error) error
ForEachGuest will run f on each Guest. It will stop iteration if f returns an error.
func (c *Context) ForEachHypervisor(f func(*Hypervisor) error) error
ForEachHypervisor will run f on each Hypervisor. It will stop iteration if f returns an error.
func (c *Context) ForEachSubnet(f func(*Subnet) error) error
ForEachSubnet will run f on each Subnet. It will stop iteration if f returns an error.
func (c *Context) ForEachVLAN(f func(*VLAN) error) error
ForEachVLAN will run f on each VLAN. It will stop iteration if f returns an error.
func (c *Context) ForEachVLANGroup(f func(*VLANGroup) error) error
ForEachVLANGroup will run f on each VLAN. It will stop iteration if f returns an error.
func (c *Context) GetConfig(key string) (string, error)
GetConfig gets a single value from the config store. The key can contain slashes ("/")
func (c *Context) Guest(id string) (*Guest, error)
Guest fetches a Guest from the config store
func (c *Context) Hypervisor(id string) (*Hypervisor, error)
Hypervisor fetches a Hypervisor from the config store.
func (c *Context) IsKeyNotFound(err error) bool
IsKeyNotFound is a helper to determine if the error is a key not found error
func (c *Context) Network(id string) (*Network, error)
Network fetches a Network from the data store.
func (c *Context) NewFWGroup() *FWGroup
NewFWGroup creates a new, blank FWGroup
func (c *Context) NewFlavor() *Flavor
NewFlavor creates a blank Flavor
func (c *Context) NewGuest() *Guest
NewGuest create a new blank Guest
func (c *Context) NewHypervisor() *Hypervisor
NewHypervisor create a new blank Hypervisor.
func (context *Context) NewMistifyAgent(port int) *MistifyAgent
NewMistifyAgent creates a new MistifyAgent instance within the context
func (c *Context) NewNetwork() *Network
NewNetwork creates a new, blank Network.
func (c *Context) NewSubnet() *Subnet
NewSubnet creates a new "blank" subnet. Fill in the needed values and then call Save.
func (c *Context) NewVLAN() *VLAN
NewVLAN creates a new blank VLAN.
func (c *Context) NewVLANGroup() *VLANGroup
NewVLANGroup creates a new blank VLANGroup.
func (c *Context) SetConfig(key, val string) error
SetConfig sets a single value from the config store. The key can contain slashes ("/")
func (c *Context) Subnet(id string) (*Subnet, error)
Subnet fetches a single subnet by ID
func (c *Context) VLAN(tag int) (*VLAN, error)
VLAN fetches a VLAN from the data store.
func (c *Context) VLANGroup(id string) (*VLANGroup, error)
VLANGroup fetches a VLAN from the data store.
type ErrorHTTPCode struct {
Expected int
Code int
ErrorHTTPCode should be used for errors resulting from an http response code not matching the expected code
func (e ErrorHTTPCode) Error() string
Error returns a string error message
type FWGroup struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
Rules FWRules `json:"rules"`
FWGroup represents a group of firewall rules
func (f FWGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a helper for marshalling a FWGroup
func (f *FWGroup) Refresh() error
Refresh reloads from the data store
func (f *FWGroup) Save() error
Save persists a FWGroup. It will call Validate.
func (f *FWGroup) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a helper for unmarshalling a FWGroup
func (f *FWGroup) Validate() error
Validate ensures a FWGroup has reasonable data.
type FWGroups []*FWGroup
FWGroups is an alias to FWGroup slices
type FWRule struct {
Source *net.IPNet `json:"source,omitempty"`
Group string `json:"group"`
PortStart uint `json:"portStart"`
PortEnd uint `json:"portEnd"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Action string `json:"action"`
FWRule represents a single firewall rule
type FWRules []*FWRule
FWRules is an alias to a slice of *FWRule
type Flavor struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Image string `json:"image"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
Flavor defines the virtual resources for a guest
func (f *Flavor) Refresh() error
Refresh reloads from the data store
func (f *Flavor) Save() error
Save persists a Flavor. It will call Validate.
func (f *Flavor) Validate() error
Validate ensures a Flavor has reasonable data. It currently does nothing.
type Flavors []*Flavor
Flavors is an alias to a slice of *Flavor
type Guest struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
Type string `json:"type"` // type of guest. currently just kvm
FlavorID string `json:"flavor"` // resource flavor
HypervisorID string `json:"hypervisor"` // hypervisor. may be blank if not assigned yet
NetworkID string `json:"network"`
SubnetID string `json:"subnet"`
FWGroupID string `json:"fwgroup"`
VLANGroupID string `json:"vlangroup"`
MAC net.HardwareAddr `json:"mac"`
IP net.IP `json:"ip"`
Bridge string `json:"bridge"`
Guest is a virtual machine
func (g *Guest) Candidates(f ...CandidateFunction) (Hypervisors, error)
Candidates returns a list of Hypervisors that may run this Guest.
func (g *Guest) Destroy() error
Destroy removes a guest
func (g *Guest) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a helper for marshalling a Guest
func (g *Guest) Refresh() error
Refresh reloads from the data store
func (g *Guest) Save() error
Save persists the Guest to the data store.
func (g *Guest) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a helper for unmarshalling a Guest
func (g *Guest) Validate() error
Validate ensures a Guest has reasonable data.
type Guests []*Guest
Guests is an alias to a slice of *Guest
type Hypervisor struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
IP net.IP `json:"ip"`
Netmask net.IP `json:"netmask"`
Gateway net.IP `json:"gateway"`
MAC net.HardwareAddr `json:"mac"`
TotalResources Resources `json:"total_resources"`
AvailableResources Resources `json:"available_resources"`
// Config is a set of key/values for driving various config options. writes should
// only be done using SetConfig
Config map[string]string
Hypervisor is a physical box on which guests run
func (h *Hypervisor) AddGuest(g *Guest) error
AddGuest adds a Guest to the Hypervisor. It reserves an IPaddress for the Guest. It also updates the Guest.
func (h *Hypervisor) AddSubnet(s *Subnet, bridge string) error
AddSubnet adds a subnet to a Hypervisor.
func (h *Hypervisor) Destroy() error
Destroy removes a hypervisor. The Hypervisor must not have any guests.
func (h *Hypervisor) ForEachGuest(f func(*Guest) error) error
ForEachGuest will run f on each Guest. It will stop iteration if f returns an error.
func (h *Hypervisor) Guests() []string
Guests returns a slice of GuestIDs assigned to the Hypervisor.
func (h *Hypervisor) Heartbeat(ttl time.Duration) error
Heartbeat announces the availability of a hypervisor. In general, this is useful for service announcement/discovery. Should be ran from the hypervisor, or something monitoring it.
func (h *Hypervisor) IsAlive() bool
IsAlive returns true if the heartbeat is present.
func (h *Hypervisor) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is a helper for marshalling a Hypervisor
func (h *Hypervisor) Refresh() error
Refresh reloads a Hypervisor from the data store.
func (h *Hypervisor) RemoveGuest(g *Guest) error
RemoveGuest removes a guest from the hypervisor. Also releases the IP.
func (h *Hypervisor) RemoveSubnet(s *Subnet) error
RemoveSubnet removes a subnet from a Hypervisor.
func (h *Hypervisor) Save() error
Save persists a FWGroup. It will call Validate.
func (h *Hypervisor) SetConfig(key, value string) error
SetConfig sets a single Hypervisor Config value. Set value to "" to unset.
func (h *Hypervisor) Subnets() map[string]string
Subnets returns the subnet/bridge mappings for a Hypervisor.
func (h *Hypervisor) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is a helper for unmarshalling a Hypervisor
func (h *Hypervisor) UpdateResources() error
UpdateResources syncs Hypervisor resource usage to the data store. It should only be ran on the actual hypervisor.
func (h *Hypervisor) Validate() error
Validate ensures a Hypervisor has reasonable data. It currently does nothing.
func (h *Hypervisor) VerifyOnHV() error
VerifyOnHV verifies that it is being ran on hypervisor with same hostname as id.
type Hypervisors []*Hypervisor
Hypervisors is an alias to a slice of *Hypervisor
func CandidateHasResources(g *Guest, hs Hypervisors) (Hypervisors, error)
CandidateHasResources returns Hypervisors that have available resources based on the request Flavor of the Guest.
func CandidateHasSubnet(g *Guest, hs Hypervisors) (Hypervisors, error)
CandidateHasSubnet returns Hypervisors that have subnets with available addresses in the request Network of the Guest.
func CandidateIsAlive(g *Guest, hs Hypervisors) (Hypervisors, error)
CandidateIsAlive returns Hypervisors that are "alive" based on heartbeat
func CandidateRandomize(g *Guest, hs Hypervisors) (Hypervisors, error)
CandidateRandomize shuffles the list of Hypervisors.
type MistifyAgent struct {
MistifyAgent is an Agent that communicates with a hypervisor agent to perform actions relating to guests
func (agent *MistifyAgent) CheckJobStatus(guestID, jobID string) (bool, error)
CheckJobStatus looks up whether a guest job has been completed or not.
func (agent *MistifyAgent) CreateGuest(guestID string) (string, error)
CreateGuest tries to create a new guest on a hypervisor selected from a list of viable candidates
func (agent *MistifyAgent) DeleteGuest(guestID string) (string, error)
DeleteGuest deletes a guest from a hypervisor
func (agent *MistifyAgent) FetchImage(guestID string) (string, error)
FetchImage fetches a disk image that can be used for guest creation
func (agent *MistifyAgent) GetGuest(guestID string) (*client.Guest, error)
GetGuest retrieves information on a guest from an agent
func (agent *MistifyAgent) GuestAction(guestID, actionName string) (string, error)
GuestAction is used to run various actions on a guest under a hypervisor Actions: "shutdown", "reboot", "restart", "poweroff", "start", "suspend"
type Network struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
Network is a logical collection of subnets.
func (n *Network) AddSubnet(s *Subnet) error
AddSubnet adds a Subnet to the Network.
func (n *Network) Refresh() error
Refresh reloads the Network from the data store.
func (n *Network) RemoveSubnet(s *Subnet) error
RemoveSubnet removes a subnet from the network
func (n *Network) Save() error
Save persists a Network. It will call Validate.
func (n *Network) Subnets() []string
Subnets returns the IDs of the Subnets associated with the network.
func (n *Network) Validate() error
Validate ensures a Network has reasonable data. It currently does nothing.
type Networks []*Network
Networks is an alias to a slice of *Network
type Resources struct {
Memory uint64 `json:"memory"` // memory in MB
Disk uint64 `json:"disk"` // disk in MB
CPU uint32 `json:"cpu"` // virtual cpus
Resources represents compute resources
type Subnet struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
NetworkID string `json:"network"`
Gateway net.IP `json:"gateway"`
CIDR *net.IPNet `json:"cidr"`
StartRange net.IP `json:"start"` // first usable IP in range
EndRange net.IP `json:"end"` // last usable IP in range
Subnet is an actual ip subnet for assigning addresses
func (s *Subnet) Addresses() map[string]string
Addresses returns used IP addresses.
func (s *Subnet) AvailableAddresses() []net.IP
AvailableAddresses returns the available ip addresses. this is probably a horrible idea for ipv6.
func (s *Subnet) Delete() error
Delete removes a subnet. It does not ensure it is unused, so use with extreme caution.
func (s *Subnet) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON is used by the json package
func (s *Subnet) Refresh() error
Refresh reloads the Subnet from the data store.
func (s *Subnet) ReleaseAddress(ip net.IP) error
ReleaseAddress releases an address. This does not change any thing that may also be referring to this address.
func (s *Subnet) ReserveAddress(id string) (net.IP, error)
ReserveAddress reserves an ip address. The id is a guest id.
func (s *Subnet) Save() error
Save persists the subnet to the datastore.
func (s *Subnet) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON is used by the json package
func (s *Subnet) Validate() error
Validate ensures the values are reasonable.
type Subnets []*Subnet
Subnets is an alias to a slice of *Subnet
type VLAN struct {
Tag int `json:"tag"`
Description string `json:"description"`
VLAN devines the virtual lan for a guest interface
func (v *VLAN) Destroy() error
Destroy removes the VLAN
func (v *VLAN) Refresh() error
Refresh reloads the VLAN from the data store.
func (v *VLAN) Save() error
Save persists a VLAN. It will call Validate.
func (v *VLAN) VLANGroups() []string
VLANGroups returns the IDs of the VLANGroups associated with the VLAN
func (v *VLAN) Validate() error
Validate ensures a VLAN has resonable data.
type VLANGroup struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata"`
VLANGroup defines a set of VLANs for a guest interface
func (vg *VLANGroup) AddVLAN(vlan *VLAN) error
AddVLAN adds a VLAN to the VLANGroup
func (vg *VLANGroup) Destroy() error
Destroy removes a VLANGroup
func (vg *VLANGroup) Refresh() error
Refresh reloads the VLAN from the data store.
func (vg *VLANGroup) RemoveVLAN(vlan *VLAN) error
RemoveVLAN removes a VLAN from the VLANGroup
func (vg *VLANGroup) Save() error
Save persists a VLANgroup. It will call Validate.
func (vg *VLANGroup) VLANs() []int
VLANs returns the Tags of the VLANs associated with the VLANGroup
func (vg *VLANGroup) Validate() error
Validate ensures a VLANGroup has resonable data.
type VLANGroups []*VLANGroup
VLANGroups is an alias to a slice of *VLANGroup
type VLANs []*VLAN
VLANs is an alias to a slice of *VLAN
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