Usage • How it works • Honroable Mentions
Render HTML in the Terminal.
Supports some fancy stuff and has TypeScript support.
npm i @mistweaverco/cli-html
import cliHtml from "@mistweaverco/cli-html";
const html = `
<h1>Hello World</h1>
cli-html uses chalk to style the output.
We're purposely stuck on v4.0.1,
because this version supports chalk
to be bundled with the package.
This way you can completly bundle the package and use it in your CLI applications.
This package was based-off cli-html
but we wanted TypeScript support and also it being able to be fully bundled.
The orginal one relied on some packages that did not make this possible.
Also the original package says that it's not supported/maintained anymore.
We couldn't have done this without chalk
Does all the heavy lifting for parsing the HTML.