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Merge pull request #1953 from andres-erbsen/weier2
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Update Curves/Weierstrass
andres-erbsen authored Sep 5, 2024


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2 parents 9158342 + 6f13372 commit d3af796
Showing 4 changed files with 469 additions and 215 deletions.
66 changes: 59 additions & 7 deletions src/Curves/Weierstrass/Affine.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,72 @@
Require Import Crypto.Spec.WeierstrassCurve.
Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Field.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SetoidSubst.
Import RelationClasses Morphisms.

Module W.
Section W.
Context {F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv} {a b:F}
{field:@Algebra.Hierarchy.field F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv}
{Feq_dec:DecidableRel Feq}.
Local Infix "+" := Fadd. Local Infix "-" := Fsub.
Local Infix "*" := Fmul. Local Infix "/" := Fdiv.
Local Notation "x ^ 2" := (x*x) (at level 30).
Local Notation point := (@W.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b).

Program Definition opp (P:@W.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b) : @W.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b
:= match W.coordinates P return F*F+_ with
| inl (x1, y1) => inl (x1, Fopp y1)
| inr tt => inr tt
Next Obligation.
cbv [W.coordinates]; break_match; trivial; fsatz.
Definition opp (P : point) : point. refine (exist _ (
match W.coordinates P with
| inl (x1, y1) => inl (x1, Fopp y1)
| inr tt => inr tt
end) _).
Proof. abstract (cbv [W.coordinates]; break_match; trivial; fsatz). Defined.

Global Instance Equivalence_eq : Equivalence (@W.eq _ Feq Fadd Fmul a b).
cbv [W.eq W.coordinates]; split; repeat intros [ [ []|[] ] ?]; intuition try solve
[contradiction | apply reflexivity | apply symmetry; trivial | eapply transitivity; eauto 1].

Global Instance Proper_opp : Proper (W.eq ==> W.eq) opp.
repeat (intros [ [[]|[] ]?] || intro); cbv [W.coordinates opp W.eq] in *;
repeat (try destruct_head' @and; try case dec as []; try contradiction; try split); trivial.
setoid_subst_rel Feq; reflexivity.

(* Weierstraß Elliptic Curves and Side-Channel Attacks
by Eric Brier and Marc Joye, 2002 *)
Definition add' (P1 P2 : point) : point. refine (exist _
match W.coordinates P1, W.coordinates P2 with
| inl (x1, y1), inl (x2, y2) =>
if dec (Feq y1 (Fopp y2)) then
if dec (Feq x1 x2) then inr tt
else let k := (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) in
let x3 := k^2-x1-x2 in
let y3 := k*(x1-x3)-y1 in
inl (x3, y3)
else let k := ((x1^2 + x1*x2 + x2^2 + a)/(y1+y2)) in
let x3 := k^2-x1-x2 in
let y3 := k*(x1-x3)-y1 in
inl (x3, y3)
| inr tt, inr tt => inr tt
| inr tt, _ => W.coordinates P2
| _, inr tt => W.coordinates P1
end _).
Proof. abstract (cbv [W.coordinates]; break_match; trivial; fsatz). Defined.

Lemma add'_correct char_ge_3 : forall P Q : point, W.eq (W.add' P Q) (W.add(char_ge_3:=char_ge_3) P Q).
Proof. intros [ [[]|]?] [ [[]|]?]; cbv [W.coordinates W.add W.add' W.eq]; break_match; try split; try fsatz. Qed.

Global Instance Proper_add' : Proper (W.eq ==> W.eq ==> W.eq) add'.
repeat (intros [ [[]|[] ]?] || intro); cbv [W.coordinates W.add' W.eq] in *;
repeat (try destruct_head' @and; try case dec as []; try contradiction; try split); trivial.
Time par : fsatz. (* setoid_subst_rel is slower *)

Global Instance Proper_add {char_ge_3} :
Proper (W.eq ==> W.eq ==> W.eq) (@W.add _ Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul Finv Fdiv _ _ char_ge_3 a b).
Proof. repeat intro. rewrite <-2add'_correct. apply Proper_add'; trivial. Qed.
End W.
End W.
87 changes: 54 additions & 33 deletions src/Curves/Weierstrass/Jacobian/CoZ.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Module Jacobian.
Local Infix "+" := Fadd. Local Infix "-" := Fsub.
Local Infix "*" := Fmul. Local Infix "/" := Fdiv.
Local Notation "x ^ 2" := (x*x). Local Notation "x ^ 3" := (x^2*x).
Local Notation "2" := (1+1). Local Notation "4" := (2+2).
Local Notation "2" := (1+1). Local Notation "4" := (1+1+1+1).
Local Notation "8" := (4+4). Local Notation "27" := (4*4 + 4+4 +1+1+1).
Local Notation Wpoint := (@W.point F Feq Fadd Fmul a b).
Context {char_ge_12:@Ring.char_ge F Feq Fzero Fone Fopp Fadd Fsub Fmul 12%positive}
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ Module Jacobian.
| _ => progress destruct_head'_sum
| _ => progress destruct_head'_bool
| _ => progress destruct_head'_or
| H: context[@dec ?P ?pf] |- _ => destruct (@dec P pf)
| |- context[@dec ?P ?pf] => destruct (@dec P pf)
| H: context[@dec ?P ?pf] |- _ => destruct (@dec P pf) || destruct (@dec P pf) at 1
| |- context[@dec ?P ?pf] => destruct (@dec P pf) || destruct (@dec P pf) at 1
| |- ?P => lazymatch type of P with Prop => split end
Ltac prept := repeat prept_step.
@@ -405,36 +405,57 @@ Module Jacobian.
fsatz ].

Hint Unfold Jacobian.double negb andb : points_as_coordinates.
Hint Unfold W.eq W.add Jacobian.to_affine Jacobian.of_affine Jacobian.add Jacobian.add_impl Jacobian.opp : points_as_coordinates.

(* These could go into Jacobian.v *)
Global Instance Proper_opp : Proper (eq ==> eq) opp. Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Local Hint Unfold W.add W.add' W.opp : points_as_coordinates.
Local Hint Unfold Jacobian.double Jacobian.double_impl negb andb : points_as_coordinates.
Local Hint Unfold Jacobian.to_affine Jacobian.to_affine_impl Jacobian.of_affine Jacobian.of_affine_impl Jacobian.add Jacobian.add_impl Jacobian.opp : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma of_affine_add P Q
: eq (of_affine (W.add P Q)) (add (of_affine P) (of_affine Q)).
Proof. t. Qed.

Lemma add_opp (P : point) :
z_of (add P (opp P)) = 0.
Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Proof. rewrite Jacobian.eq_iff, Jacobian.to_affine_add, 3Jacobian.to_affine_of_affine; reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma add_comm (P Q : point) :
eq (add P Q) (add Q P).
Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
pose proof W.commutative_group(discriminant_nonzero:=discriminant_nonzero) _.
rewrite Jacobian.eq_iff, 2Jacobian.to_affine_add.
rewrite Hierarchy.commutative. reflexivity.

Lemma add_zero_l (P Q : point) (H : z_of P = 0) :
eq (add P Q) Q.
Proof. faster_t. Qed.
pose proof W.commutative_group(discriminant_nonzero:=discriminant_nonzero) _.
rewrite Jacobian.eq_iff, Jacobian.to_affine_add.
rewrite (proj1 (Jacobian.iszero_iff P)), Hierarchy.left_identity; [reflexivity|].
case P as [ [ []?] ?]; cbv [Jacobian.iszero z_of proj1_sig snd] in *; trivial.

Lemma add_zero_r (P Q : point) (H : z_of Q = 0) :
eq (add P Q) P.
Proof. faster_t. Qed.
Proof. rewrite add_comm, add_zero_l; trivial; reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma add_double (P Q : point) :
eq P Q ->
eq (add P Q) (double P).
Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
rewrite 2Jacobian.eq_iff, Jacobian.to_affine_add, Jacobian.to_affine_double.
intros ->; reflexivity.

Lemma add_opp_same_r (P : point) :
eq (add P (opp P)) (of_affine
pose proof W.commutative_group(discriminant_nonzero:=discriminant_nonzero) _.
rewrite Jacobian.eq_iff, Jacobian.to_affine_add, Jacobian.to_affine_of_affine, Jacobian.to_affine_opp.
rewrite Hierarchy.right_inverse. reflexivity.

Lemma z_of_eq_zero (P : point) : eq P (of_affine -> z_of P = 0.
Proof. prept. match goal with H : 0 <> 0 |- _ => case (H ltac:(reflexivity)) end. Qed.

Lemma z_of_add_opp_same_r (P : point) :
z_of (add P (opp P)) = 0.
Proof. apply z_of_eq_zero, add_opp_same_r. Qed.

(* This uses assumptions not present in Jacobian.v,
namely char_ge_12 and discriminant_nonzero. *)
@@ -465,7 +486,7 @@ Module Jacobian.

Lemma opp_co_z (P : point) :
co_z P (opp P).
Proof. unfold co_z; faster_t. Qed.
Proof. unfold co_z. prept. Qed.

Program Definition make_co_z (P Q : point) (HQaff : z_of Q = 1) : point*point :=
match proj1_sig P, proj1_sig Q return (F*F*F)*(F*F*F) with
@@ -479,8 +500,8 @@ Module Jacobian.
let t2 := t3 * t2 in
(P, (t1, t2, t3))
Next Obligation. Proof. faster_t. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. faster_t. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. prept. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. prept. par: faster_t. Qed.

Hint Unfold is_point co_z make_co_z : points_as_coordinates.

@@ -520,17 +541,17 @@ Module Jacobian.
let t5 := t5 - t2 in
((t4, t5, t3), (t1, t2, t3))
Next Obligation. Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. faster_t. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. prept. all : faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. prept. all : faster_t. Qed.

Hint Unfold zaddu : points_as_coordinates.
Hint Unfold zaddu Jacobian.add_nz_nz : points_as_coordinates.

(* ZADDU(P, Q) = (P + Q, P) if P <> Q, Q <> -P *)
Lemma zaddu_correct (P Q : point) (H : co_z P Q)
(Hneq : x_of P <> x_of Q):
let '(R1, R2) := zaddu P Q H in
eq (add P Q) R1 /\ eq P R2 /\ co_z R1 R2.
Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Proof. prept. par : faster_t_noclear. Qed.

Lemma zaddu_correct_alt (P Q : point) (H : co_z P Q) :
let '(R1, R2) := zaddu P Q H in
@@ -546,7 +567,7 @@ Module Jacobian.
Lemma zaddu_correct0 (P : point) :
let '(R1, R2) := zaddu P (opp P) (opp_co_z P) in
z_of R1 = 0 /\ co_z R1 R2.
Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Proof. prept. all : faster_t_noclear. Qed.

(* Scalar Multiplication on Weierstraß Elliptic Curves from Co-Z Arithmetic *)
(* Goundar, Joye, Miyaji, Rivain, Vanelli *)
@@ -587,16 +608,16 @@ Module Jacobian.
let t2 := t2 + t6 in
((t1, t2, t3), (t4, t5, t3))
Next Obligation. Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. prept. all : faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. prept. all : faster_t_noclear. Qed.

Hint Unfold zaddc : points_as_coordinates.
(* ZADDC(P, Q) = (P + Q, P - Q) if P <> Q, Q <> -P *)
Lemma zaddc_correct (P Q : point) (H : co_z P Q)
(Hneq : x_of P <> x_of Q):
let '(R1, R2) := zaddc P Q H in
eq (add P Q) R1 /\ eq (add P (opp Q)) R2 /\ co_z R1 R2.
Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Proof. prept. par : faster_t_noclear. Qed.

Lemma zaddc_correct_alt (P Q : point) (H : co_z P Q) :
let '(R1, R2) := zaddc P Q H in
@@ -735,7 +756,7 @@ Module Jacobian.
rewrite add_assoc, add_comm. reflexivity.
- rewrite <- A2, <- B1, <- B2.
rewrite (add_comm P Q).
rewrite add_assoc. rewrite add_zero_r; [reflexivity|apply add_opp].
rewrite add_assoc. rewrite add_zero_r; [reflexivity|apply z_of_add_opp_same_r].

Lemma zdau_naive_correct_alt (P Q : point) (H : co_z P Q)
@@ -756,7 +777,7 @@ Module Jacobian.
rewrite add_assoc, add_comm. reflexivity.
- rewrite <- A2, <- B1, <- B2.
rewrite (add_comm P Q).
rewrite add_assoc. rewrite add_zero_r; [reflexivity|apply add_opp].
rewrite add_assoc. rewrite add_zero_r; [reflexivity|apply z_of_add_opp_same_r].

(* Scalar Multiplication on Weierstraß Elliptic Curves from Co-Z Arithmetic *)
@@ -816,16 +837,16 @@ Module Jacobian.
let t5 := t7 - t5 in
((t1, t2, t3), (t4, t5, t3))
Next Obligation. Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. prept. par:setoid_subst_rel Feq; faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Next Obligation. Proof. prept. par:faster_t_noclear. Qed.

Hint Unfold zdau : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma zdau_naive_eq_zdau (P Q : point) (H : co_z P Q) :
let '(R1, R2) := zdau_naive P Q H in
let '(S1, S2) := zdau P Q H in
eq R1 S1 /\ eq R2 S2.
Proof. faster_t. all: try fsatz. Qed.
Proof. prept. par : faster_t; try fsatz. Qed.

(* Direct proof is intensive, which is why we need the naive implementation *)
Lemma zdau_correct (P Q : point) (H : co_z P Q)
525 changes: 352 additions & 173 deletions src/Curves/Weierstrass/Jacobian/Jacobian.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.

Require Import Crypto.Spec.WeierstrassCurve.
Require Import Curves.Weierstrass.Affine.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable Crypto.Algebra.Field.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SetoidSubst.
Require Import Util.Tactics.Beta1.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations Crypto.Util.LetIn.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Sum Crypto.Util.Prod Crypto.Util.Sigma.
Require Import Crypto.Util.FsatzAutoLemmas.
@@ -29,9 +31,7 @@ Module Jacobian.
match proj1_sig P, proj1_sig Q with
| (X1, Y1, Z1), (X2, Y2, Z2) =>
if dec (Z1 = 0) then Z2 = 0
else Z2 <> 0 /\
X1*Z2^2 = X2*Z1^2
/\ Y1*Z2^3 = Y2*Z1^3
else Z2 <> 0 /\ X1*Z2^2 = X2*Z1^2 /\ Y1*Z2^3 = Y2*Z1^3

(* These cases are not needed to solve the goal, but handling them early speeds things up considerably *)
@@ -42,13 +42,53 @@ Module Jacobian.
| [ H : ?T, H' : ~?T |- _ ] => solve [ exfalso; apply H', H ]

Ltac lift_let :=
match goal with
| H : context G [let x := ?v in @?c x] |- _ =>
first [is_var v | is_constructor v];
let cx := beta1 constr:(c v) in
let G' := context G [cx] in
change G' in (type of H)
| H : context G [let x := ?v in @?c x] |- _ =>
let y := fresh x in
pose v as y;
let cx := beta1 constr:(c y) in
let G' := context G [cx] in
change G' in (type of H)
| H := context G [let x := ?v in @?c x] |- _ =>
first [is_var v | is_constructor v];
let cx := beta1 constr:(c v) in
let G' := context G [cx] in
change G' in (value of H)
| H := context G [let x := ?v in @?c x] |- _ =>
let y := fresh x in
pose v as y;
let cx := beta1 constr:(c y) in
let G' := context G [cx] in
change G' in (value of H)
| |- context G [let x := ?v in @?c x] =>
first [is_var v | is_constructor v];
let cx := beta1 constr:(c v) in
let G' := context G [cx] in
change G'
| |- context G [let x := ?v in @?c x] =>
let y := fresh x in
pose v as y;
let cx := beta1 constr:(c y) in
let G' := context G [cx] in
change G'

Ltac subst_lets := repeat match goal with x := _ |- _ => subst x end.

Ltac prept_step :=
match goal with
| _ => progress prept_step_opt
| _ => progress intros
| _ => lift_let
(*| _ => progress specialize_by_assumption*)
(*| _ => progress specialize_by trivial*)
| _ => progress cbv [proj1_sig fst snd] in *
| _ => progress cbv beta match delta [proj1_sig fst snd] in *
| _ => progress autounfold with points_as_coordinates in *
| _ => progress destruct_head'_True
| _ => progress destruct_head'_unit
@@ -63,92 +103,111 @@ Module Jacobian.
| |- ?P => lazymatch type of P with Prop => split end
Ltac prept := repeat prept_step.
Ltac t := prept; trivial; try contradiction; fsatz.
Ltac t := prept; trivial; try contradiction; subst_lets; fsatz.

Create HintDb points_as_coordinates discriminated.
Hint Unfold Proper respectful Reflexive Symmetric Transitive : points_as_coordinates.
Hint Unfold point eq W.eq W.point W.coordinates proj1_sig fst snd : points_as_coordinates.
Hint Unfold point eq W.eq W.point W.coordinates W.eq W.add proj1_sig fst snd : points_as_coordinates.

Global Instance Equivalence_eq : Equivalence eq.
Proof. t. Qed.

Program Definition of_affine (P:Wpoint) : point :=
match W.coordinates P return F*F*F with
Definition of_affine_impl (P : F*F + unit) : F*F*F :=
match P with
| inl (x, y) => (x, y, 1)
| inr _ => (0, 0, 0)
Next Obligation. Proof. t. Qed.

Program Definition to_affine (P:point) : Wpoint :=
match proj1_sig P return F*F+_ with
Definition of_affine (P : Wpoint) : point. refine (
exist _ (of_affine_impl (proj1_sig P)) _).
Proof. abstract (cbv [of_affine_impl]; t). Defined.

Definition to_affine_impl (P : F*F*F) : F*F+unit :=
match P return F*F+_ with
| (X, Y, Z) =>
if dec (Z = 0) then inr tt
else inl (X/Z^2, Y/Z^3)
Next Obligation. Proof. t. Qed.

Hint Unfold to_affine of_affine : points_as_coordinates.
Definition to_affine (P:point) : Wpoint. refine (exist _ (
to_affine_impl (proj1_sig P)) _).
Proof. abstract (cbv [to_affine_impl]; t). Defined.

Hint Unfold to_affine_impl to_affine of_affine_impl of_affine : points_as_coordinates.

Global Instance Proper_of_affine : Proper (W.eq ==> eq) of_affine. Proof. t. Qed.
Global Instance Proper_to_affine : Proper (eq ==> W.eq) to_affine. Proof. t. Qed.
Lemma to_affine_of_affine P : W.eq (to_affine (of_affine P)) P. Proof. t. Qed.
Lemma of_affine_to_affine P : eq (of_affine (to_affine P)) P. Proof. t. Qed.

Program Definition opp (P:point) : point :=
Lemma to_affine_of_affine P : W.eq (to_affine (of_affine P)) P.
Proof. t. Qed.

Lemma eq_iff P Q : eq P Q <-> W.eq (to_affine P) (to_affine Q). Proof. t. Qed.

Global Instance Proper_to_affine : Proper (eq ==> W.eq) to_affine.
Proof. cbv [respectful Proper]; intros. apply eq_iff; trivial. Qed.

Lemma of_affine_to_affine P : eq (of_affine (to_affine P)) P.
Proof. apply eq_iff, to_affine_of_affine. Qed.

Definition iszero (P : point) := snd (proj1_sig P) = 0.

Hint Unfold iszero : points_as_coordiantes.

Lemma iszero_iff P : iszero P <-> W.eq (to_affine P)
Proof. cbv [iszero]; t. Qed.

Definition opp (P:point) : point. refine (exist _ (
match proj1_sig P return F*F*F with
| (X, Y, Z) => (X, Fopp Y, Z)
Next Obligation. Proof. t. Qed.
end) _).
Proof. abstract t. Defined.

(** See *)
Program Definition double (P : point) : point :=
match proj1_sig P return F*F*F with
| (x_in, y_in, z_in) =>
let xx := x_in^2 in
let yy := y_in^2 in
let yyyy := yy^2 in
let zz := z_in^2 in
(** [s = 2*((x_in + yy)^2 - xx - yyyy)] *)
let s := x_in + yy in
let s := s^2 in
let s := s - xx in
let s := s - yyyy in
let s := s + s in
(** [m = 3*xx + a*zz^2] *)
let m := zz^2 in
let m := a * m in
let m := m + xx in
let m := m + xx in
let m := m + xx in
(** [x_out = m^2 - 2*s] *)
let x_out := m^2 in
let x_out := x_out - s in
let x_out := x_out - s in
(** [z_out = (y_in + z_in)^2 - yy - zz] *)
let z_out := y_in + z_in in
let z_out := z_out^2 in
let z_out := z_out - yy in
let z_out := z_out - zz in
(** [y_out = m*(s-x_out) - 8*yyyy] *)
let yyyy := yyyy + yyyy in
let yyyy := yyyy + yyyy in
let yyyy := yyyy + yyyy in
let y_out := s - x_out in
let y_out := y_out * m in
let y_out := y_out - yyyy in
(x_out, y_out, z_out)
Next Obligation. Proof. t. Qed.
Hint Unfold opp W.opp : points_as_coordinates.

Definition z_is_zero_or_one (Q : point) : Prop :=
match proj1_sig Q with
| (_, _, z) => z = 0 \/ z = 1
Global Instance Proper_opp : Proper (eq ==> eq) opp. Proof. t. Qed.

Definition add_precondition (Q : point) (mixed : bool) : Prop :=
match mixed with
| false => True
| true => z_is_zero_or_one Q
Lemma to_affine_opp P : W.eq (to_affine (opp P)) (W.opp (to_affine P)).
Proof. t. Qed.

(** From *)
Definition double_impl (P : F*F*F) : F*F*F :=
let z := snd P in let x := fst (fst P) in let y := snd (fst P) in
let xx := x^2 in
let yy := y^2 in
let yyyy := yy^2 in
let zz := z^2 in
(** [s = 2*((x + yy)^2 - xx - yyyy)] *)
let s := x + yy in
let s := s^2 in
let s := s - xx in
let s := s - yyyy in
let s := s + s in
(** [m = 3*xx + a*zz^2] *)
let m := zz^2 in
let m := a * m in
let m := m + xx in
let m := m + xx in
let m := m + xx in
(** [x_out = m^2 - 2*s] *)
let x_out := m^2 in
let x_out := x_out - s in
let x_out := x_out - s in
(** [z_out = (y + z)^2 - yy - zz] *)
let z_out := y + z in
let z_out := z_out^2 in
let z_out := z_out - yy in
let z_out := z_out - zz in
(** [y_out = m*(s-x_out) - 8*yyyy] *)
let yyyy := yyyy + yyyy in
let yyyy := yyyy + yyyy in
let yyyy := yyyy + yyyy in
let y_out := s - x_out in
let y_out := y_out * m in
let y_out := y_out - yyyy in
(x_out, y_out, z_out).

Definition double (P : point) : point. refine (exist _ (
double_impl (proj1_sig P)) _).
Proof. abstract (cbv [double_impl]; t). Defined.

Local Ltac clear_neq :=
repeat match goal with
@@ -454,7 +513,7 @@ Module Jacobian.
Local Ltac pre_faster_t :=
pre_pre_faster_t; speed_up_fsatz_check; clean_up_speed_up_fsatz.
Local Ltac faster_t_noclear :=
pre_faster_t; fsatz.
pre_faster_t; subst_lets; fsatz.
Local Ltac faster_t :=
try solve [ lazymatch goal with
@@ -463,130 +522,250 @@ Module Jacobian.
fsatz ].

Hint Unfold double negb andb add_precondition z_is_zero_or_one : points_as_coordinates.
Program Definition add_impl (mixed : bool) (P Q : point)
(H : add_precondition Q mixed) : point :=
match proj1_sig P, proj1_sig Q return F*F*F with
| (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) =>
let z1nz := if dec (z1 = 0) then false else true in
let z2nz := if dec (z2 = 0) then false else true in
let z1z1 := z1^2 in
let '(u1, s1, two_z1z2) := if negb mixed
let z2z2 := z2^2 in
let u1 := x1 * z2z2 in
let two_z1z2 := z1 + z2 in
let two_z1z2 := two_z1z2^2 in
let two_z1z2 := two_z1z2 - z1z1 in
let two_z1z2 := two_z1z2 - z2z2 in
let s1 := z2 * z2z2 in
let s1 := s1 * y1 in
(u1, s1, two_z1z2)
let u1 := x1 in
let two_z1z2 := z1 + z1 in
let s1 := y1 in
(u1, s1, two_z1z2)
let u2 := x2 * z1z1 in
let h := u2 - u1 in
let xneq := if dec (h = 0) then false else true in
let z_out := h * two_z1z2 in
let z1z1z1 := z1 * z1z1 in
let s2 := y2 * z1z1z1 in
let r := s2 - s1 in
let r := r + r in
let yneq := if dec (r = 0) then false else true in
if (negb xneq && negb yneq && z1nz && z2nz)%bool
then proj1_sig (double P)
let i := h + h in
let i := i^2 in
let j := h * i in
let v := u1 * i in
let x_out := r^2 in
let x_out := x_out - j in
let x_out := x_out - v in
let x_out := x_out - v in
let y_out := v - x_out in
let y_out := y_out * r in
let s1j := s1 * j in
let y_out := y_out - s1j in
let y_out := y_out - s1j in
let x_out := if z1nz then x_out else x2 in
let x3 := if z2nz then x_out else x1 in
let y_out := if z1nz then y_out else y2 in
let y3 := if z2nz then y_out else y1 in
let z_out := if z1nz then z_out else z2 in
let z3 := if z2nz then z_out else z1 in
(x3, y3, z3)
Next Obligation. Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Hint Unfold double double_impl to_affine : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma to_affine_double P : W.eq (to_affine (double P)) (W.add (to_affine P) (to_affine P)).
Proof. Time faster_t_noclear. Qed.

Lemma Proper_double : Proper (eq ==> eq) double.
Proof. intros ???H. apply eq_iff. rewrite 2 to_affine_double, H; reflexivity. Qed.

Definition add_impl (P Q : F*F*F) (affine_Q : bool) : F*F*F :=
let z1 := snd P in let z2 := snd Q in let y1 := snd (fst P) in let y2 := snd (fst Q) in let x1 := fst (fst P) in let x2 := fst (fst Q) in
let u1 := x1*z2^2 in
let u2 := x2*z1^2 in
let s1 := y1*z2^3 in
let s2 := y2*z1^3 in
let z := z1*z2 in
let t := u1+u2 in
let m := if dec (s1+s2 = 0) then u2-u1 else s1+s2 in
let q := Fopp t*m^2 in
let r := if dec (s1+s2 = 0) then s2-s1 else t^2-u1*u2 + a*(z^2)^2 in
let x3 := r^2+q in
let y3 := Fopp (r*((1+1)*x3+q)+m*(s1+s2)^3)/(1+1) in
let z3 := m * z in
if dec (s1+s2 = 0)
then if dec (u1 = u2) then (0, 0, 0) else (x3, y3, z3)
else (x3, y3, z3).
Hint Unfold add_impl : points_as_coordinates.

Definition add_nz_nz (P Q : point) : point. refine (
exist _ (add_impl (proj1_sig P) (proj1_sig Q) false) _).
Proof. abstract faster_t_noclear. Defined.
Hint Unfold add_nz_nz : points_as_coordinates.

Hint Unfold W.add' : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma to_affine_add_nz_nz (P Q : point) (HP : ~ iszero P) (HQ : ~ iszero Q) :
W.eq (to_affine (add_nz_nz P Q)) (W.add (to_affine P) (to_affine Q)).
rewrite <-W.add'_correct.
case P as [((x1&y1)&z1)?], Q as [((x2&y2)&z2)?].
cbv [iszero] in *; prept.
par: faster_t_noclear.

Definition add (P Q : point) : point :=
add_impl false P Q I.
Definition add_mixed (P : point) (Q : point) (H : z_is_zero_or_one Q) :=
add_impl true P Q H.
if dec (snd (proj1_sig P) = 0) then Q
else if dec (snd (proj1_sig Q) = 0) then P
else add_nz_nz P Q.
Hint Unfold add : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma to_affine_add (P Q : point) :
W.eq (to_affine (add P Q)) (W.add (to_affine P) (to_affine Q)).
cbv [add].
case dec as [HP|HP]; try (setoid_rewrite iszero_iff in HP; rewrite HP; faster_t).
case dec as [HQ|HQ]; try (setoid_rewrite iszero_iff in HQ; rewrite HQ; faster_t).
rewrite to_affine_add_nz_nz by trivial; reflexivity.

Hint Unfold W.eq W.add to_affine add add_mixed add_impl : points_as_coordinates.
Global Instance Proper_add : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) add.
Proof. repeat intros ???H. apply eq_iff. rewrite ? to_affine_add; f_equiv; f_equiv; trivial. Qed.

Definition add_inequal_impl (P Q : F*F*F) (affine_Q : bool) : (F*F*F)*bool :=
let z1 := snd P in let z2 := snd Q in let y1 := snd (fst P) in let y2 := snd (fst Q) in let x1 := fst (fst P) in let x2 := fst (fst Q) in
let z1z1 := z1^2 in
let u2 := x2*z1z1 in
let z2z2 := if affine_Q then Fone else z2^2 in
let u1 := if affine_Q then x1 else x1 * z2z2 in
let h := u2 - u1 in
let s2 := z1*z1z1 in
let out_z := h * z1 in
let out_z := if affine_Q then out_z else out_z * z2 in
let s2 := s2*y2 in
let s1 := if affine_Q then y1 else z2*z2z2*y1 in
let r := s2 - s1 in
let doubling := if dec (h = 0) then if dec(r = 0) then true else false else false in
let Hsqr := h^2 in
let out_x := r^2 in
let Hcub := Hsqr*h in
let u2 := u1 * Hsqr in
let out_x := out_x - Hcub in
let out_x := out_x - u2 in
let out_x := out_x - u2 in
let h := u2 - out_x in
let s2 := Hcub * s1 in
let h := h * r in
let out_y := h - s2 in
((out_x, out_y, out_z), doubling).

Hint Unfold add_inequal_impl : points_as_coordinates.

Definition add_inequal_nz_nz (P Q : point) (_ : ~ eq P Q) : point. refine (exist _ (
fst (add_inequal_impl (proj1_sig P) (proj1_sig Q) false)) _).
Proof. abstract faster_t_noclear. Defined.

Definition add_affine_inequal_nz_nz (P : point) (Q : Wpoint) (_ : ~ eq P (of_affine Q)) : point. refine (exist _ (
fst (add_inequal_impl (proj1_sig P) (proj1_sig (of_affine Q)) false)) _).
Proof. abstract faster_t_noclear. Defined.

Hint Unfold add_inequal_impl add_inequal_nz_nz add_affine_inequal_nz_nz : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma snd_add_inequal_impl (P Q : point) (HP : ~ iszero P) (HQ : ~ iszero Q) :
snd (add_inequal_impl (proj1_sig P) (proj1_sig Q) false) = true :> bool <-> eq P Q.
case P as [((x1&y1)&z1)?], Q as [((x2&y2)&z2)?].
split; [|clear HP; clear HQ; t]; cbv [iszero] in *.
prept; try congruence; try t.

Lemma Proper_double : Proper (eq ==> eq) double. Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Lemma to_affine_double P :
W.eq (to_affine (double P)) (W.add (to_affine P) (to_affine P)).
Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Lemma to_affine_add_inequal_nz_nz P Q (H : ~ eq P Q)(HP : ~ iszero P) (HQ : ~ iszero Q) :
W.eq (to_affine (add_inequal_nz_nz P Q H)) (W.add (to_affine P) (to_affine Q)).
case P as [((x1&y1)&z1)?], Q as [((x2&y2)&z2)?].
cbv [iszero] in *; prept; try apply H; prept.
par : faster_t_noclear.

Lemma add_mixed_eq_add (P : point) (Q : point) (H : z_is_zero_or_one Q) :
eq (add P Q) (add_mixed P Q H).
Definition add_inequal (P Q : point) (H : ~ eq P Q) : point :=
if dec (snd (proj1_sig P) = 0) then Q
else if dec (snd (proj1_sig Q) = 0) then P
else add_inequal_nz_nz P Q H.
Hint Unfold add_inequal : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma to_affine_add_inequal (P Q : point) H :
W.eq (to_affine (add_inequal P Q H)) (W.add (to_affine P) (to_affine Q)).
cbv [add_inequal].
case dec as [HP|HP]; try (setoid_rewrite iszero_iff in HP; rewrite HP; t).
case dec as [HQ|HQ]; try (setoid_rewrite iszero_iff in HQ; rewrite HQ; t).
rewrite to_affine_add_inequal_nz_nz by trivial; reflexivity.

Lemma add_affine_inequal_nz_nz_correct P Q H H':
eq (add_affine_inequal_nz_nz P Q H) (add_inequal_nz_nz P (of_affine Q) H').
Proof. faster_t. Qed.

Global Instance Proper_add : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> eq) add. Proof. faster_t_noclear. Qed.
Import BinPos.
Lemma to_affine_add P Q
: W.eq (to_affine (add P Q)) (W.add (to_affine P) (to_affine Q)).
Lemma to_affine_add_affine_inequal_nz_nz P Q H (_ : ~ iszero P) (_ : ~ W.eq Q :
W.eq (to_affine (add_affine_inequal_nz_nz P Q H)) (W.add (to_affine P) Q).
Time prept; try contradiction; speed_up_fsatz; clean_up_speed_up_fsatz. (* 15.009 secs (14.871u,0.048s) *)
Time all: fsatz. (* 6.335 secs (6.172u,0.163s) *)
Time Qed. (* 1.924 secs (1.928u,0.s) *)
unshelve rewrite @add_affine_inequal_nz_nz_correct, @to_affine_add_inequal_nz_nz, @to_affine_of_affine;
trivial; try reflexivity.
rewrite iszero_iff, to_affine_of_affine; trivial.

Definition add_affine_inequal (P : point) (Q : Wpoint) (H : ~ eq P _) : point :=
if dec (snd (proj1_sig P) = 0) then of_affine Q
else match W.coordinates Q with inr _ => P | _ =>
add_affine_inequal_nz_nz P Q H end.
Hint Unfold add_affine_inequal : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma to_affine_add_affine_inequal P Q H :
W.eq (to_affine (add_affine_inequal P Q H)) (W.add (to_affine P) Q).
cbv [add_affine_inequal].
case dec as [HP|HP]; try (setoid_rewrite iszero_iff in HP; rewrite HP; t).
case W.coordinates as [|[] ] eqn:E.
{ rewrite to_affine_add_affine_inequal_nz_nz; trivial; try reflexivity.
cbv [W.eq]; rewrite E; cbv [W.coordinates]; case p; intuition idtac. }
eassert (W.eq Q as ->. { cbv [W.eq]. rewrite E. exact I. }

(** If [a] is -3, one can substitute a faster implementation of [double]. *)
Section AEqMinus3.
Context (a_eq_minus3 : a = Fopp (1+1+1)).
Definition Fsquare x := x^2.
Definition Ftriple x := x+x+x.
Definition Fhalve x := x/(1+1).

(* Based on "Guide to Elliptic Curve Cryptography" HMV'04 page 90 *)
Definition double_minus3_impl P :=
let x := fst (fst P) in let y := snd (fst P) in let z := snd P in
let D := Fadd y y in
let tmp := Fsquare z in
let D := Fsquare D in
let out_z := Fmul z y in
let out_z := Fadd out_z out_z in
let A := Fadd x tmp in
let tmp := Fsub x tmp in
let tmp := Ftriple tmp in
let out_y := Fsquare D in
let A := Fmul A tmp in
let D := Fmul D x in
let out_x := Fsquare A in
let tmp := Fadd D D in
let out_x := Fsub out_x tmp in
let D := Fsub D out_x in
let D := Fmul D A in
let out_y := Fhalve out_y in
let out_y := Fsub D out_y in
(out_x, out_y, out_z).

Program Definition double_minus_3 (P : point) : point :=
match proj1_sig P return F*F*F with
| (x_in, y_in, z_in) =>
let delta := z_in^2 in
let gamma := y_in^2 in
let beta := x_in * gamma in
let ftmp := x_in - delta in
let ftmp2 := x_in + delta in
let tmptmp := ftmp2 + ftmp2 in
let ftmp2 := ftmp2 + tmptmp in
let alpha := ftmp * ftmp2 in
let x_out := alpha^2 in
let fourbeta := beta + beta in
let fourbeta := fourbeta + fourbeta in
let tmptmp := fourbeta + fourbeta in
let x_out := x_out - tmptmp in
let delta := gamma + delta in
let ftmp := y_in + z_in in
let z_out := ftmp^2 in
let z_out := z_out - delta in
let y_out := fourbeta - x_out in
let gamma := gamma + gamma in
let gamma := gamma^2 in
let y_out := alpha * y_out in
let gamma := gamma + gamma in
let y_out := y_out - gamma in
(x_out, y_out, z_out)
Next Obligation. Proof. t. Qed.
Hint Unfold Fsquare Ftriple Fhalve double_minus3_impl : points_as_coordinates.

Definition double_minus_3 (P : point) : point. refine (exist _
(double_minus3_impl (proj1_sig P))
Proof. abstract faster_t. Defined.

Hint Unfold double_minus_3 : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma double_minus_3_eq_double (P : point) :
eq (double P) (double_minus_3 P).
Proof. faster_t. Qed.

Definition double_minus3_without_halving_impl P :=
let x := fst (fst P) in let y := snd (fst P) in let z := snd P in
let delta := z^2 in
let gamma := y^2 in
let beta := x * gamma in
let ftmp := x - delta in
let ftmp2 := x + delta in
let tmptmp := ftmp2 + ftmp2 in
let ftmp2 := ftmp2 + tmptmp in
let alpha := ftmp * ftmp2 in
let x_out := alpha^2 in
let fourbeta := beta + beta in
let fourbeta := fourbeta + fourbeta in
let tmptmp := fourbeta + fourbeta in
let x_out := x_out - tmptmp in
let delta := gamma + delta in
let ftmp := y + z in
let z_out := ftmp^2 in
let z_out := z_out - delta in
let y_out := fourbeta - x_out in
let gamma := gamma + gamma in
let gamma := gamma^2 in
let y_out := alpha * y_out in
let gamma := gamma + gamma in
let y_out := y_out - gamma in
(x_out, y_out, z_out).

Hint Unfold double_minus3_without_halving_impl : points_as_coordinates.

Definition double_minus3_without_halving (P : point) : point. refine (exist _
(double_minus3_without_halving_impl (proj1_sig P))
Proof. abstract faster_t. Defined.

Hint Unfold double_minus3_without_halving : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma double_minus3_without_halving_eq_double (P : point) :
eq (double_minus3_without_halving P) (double_minus_3 P).
Proof. abstract faster_t. Qed.
End AEqMinus3.
End Jacobian.
End Jacobian.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/Curves/Weierstrass/Jacobian/ScalarMult.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -402,9 +402,9 @@ Module ScalarMult.
Lemma add_opp_zero (A : point) :
eq (add A (opp A)) zero.
generalize (Jacobian.add_opp A).
generalize (Jacobian.add_opp_same_r(discriminant_nonzero:=discriminant_nonzero) A).
destruct (add A (opp A)) as (((X & Y) & Z) & H).
cbn. intros HP; destruct (dec (Z = 0)); fsatz.
cbn. intros HP; destruct (dec (Z = 0)); t.

Lemma scalarmult_difference (A : point) (n1 n2 : Z):
@@ -504,6 +504,8 @@ Module ScalarMult.
end; auto.

Hint Unfold Jacobian.of_affine_impl : points_as_coordinates.

Lemma SS_TT_xne (i : Z) (R0 R1 : point) (HCOZ : co_z R0 R1)
(Hi : (2 <= i < scalarbitsz)%Z)
(HR0 : eq R0 (scalarmult' (SS n (Z.to_nat i)) P))

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