- Technical stack consists primarily of JavaScript/Typescript (and as an extension React, Next.js, et al), Node.js, Python, AWS/DigitalOcean/Azure, Docker. Have been programming a lot in PowerShell too.
My portoflio website at https://mitchelbaker.com has been in a perpetual state of nginx 502 bad gateway error which I have yet to address. I was configuring subdomains one day and ultimately never finished setting it up because of more pressing responsibilities. One day the portfolio website will be finished...
Outside of my main line of work which centers around building cybersecurity tools, I've been building Aggregate Finance (aggregatefi) which is an automation tool integrating Plaid and Google Sheets APIs together. I track my personal finances in a spreadsheet, but this requires manual data entry. This led to the idea of pulling transaction data automatically from bank/cc statements, performing some analysis/formatting of the data, and inserting into Google Sheets for further use.