Study case project using various technology stack for building Resource Management System
The application is using maven multimodule where each module will provides the same functionalities with different technology stack.
rms (parent project)
|-- src
| |-- main
| |-- docker (docker related configuration e.g. database server)
| |-- sql (database scripts, sample data)
|-- rms-servlet-web (Servlet, JSP, JDBC technology stack)
| |-- src
| | |-- main
| | |-- java (java source file)
| | |-- resources (configuration, properties)
| | |-- webapp (web specific files, css, js, jsp, html)
| |-- pom.xml
|-- rms-spring-mvc (planned)
|-- rms-jsf-ejb (planned)
|-- pom.xml
It is implementing MVC pattern using only Servlet and JSP, combine with plain JDBC to handle databae operation.
It uses tomcat7-maven-plugin to spin up embedded tomcat 7, therefore no need to install tomcat 7 on your local machine.
To run the application, execute maven command mvn tomcat7:run
and browse http://localhost:8080/rms-servlet-web/index.jsp